The forbidden TRUTH

It wasn't a snake it was satan aka the serpent, and yes GOD knowing who will do what, does not change free will or your decision.
Your blatant inability to understand what I'm saying doesn't make you right. If the outcome of something is already known, it eliminates the chance of another outcome from happening. Fucking fact.

but instead has given his sons Life for full and complete repentance. God has made a way for me and you, knowing we would betray Him, and our parents would betray Him, has given Jesus Christ so when we rebel and go to sin, we learn sin is evil and doesn't help us. We learn that GOD has our best interest and to trust GOD not ourselves, or others.

Let me give you a example of my Life. GOD gave life, I find out about GOD, betray GOD countless times, until I am broke spiritually, physically, and financially. I give up my attempt at what I foolishly thought was important in life. Sex,greed,ego. Then Repentance got healed spiritually, physically, and financially all of these problems gone because of GOD and his son LORD JESUS CHRIST.
You are a delusional lunatic.

So GOD has taught me, and raised me to do what is right because the LORD is my father.
Knowing what is right and wrong is as easy as thinking of a reason why something COULD be wrong. Let me explain it to you; if you want a reason as to why we shouldn't murder, you just need to think of a reason why we shouldn't murder. That is the luxury afforded to us, as humans. We have the cognitive ability to think of reasons not to do things. If you need god to tell you what's right and wrong, you are morally corrupt and I pity you.

I tried the other way and I almost died and almost ended up with a life in prison sentence. Does this help you understand what's going on? We are here to be fruitful and multiply yes, but most important of all is to realize the Glory of GOD and how gentle, loving, blessed GOD's way is.
That's why he willingly, and knowingly sends billions of people to hell, right?

To realize this I had to give up all the pleasures of sin that I was obsessed with. Once you do this all the pain of life is gone, no more problems. seriously man... No fear of death, No fear of going broke, something beautiful and Glorious is waiting for us to give it all up for it, and that Thing is GOD.

I have no fear of death. It's identical to dreamless sleep.

This is exactly what it means. You display a very child-like mind and intellect, as if you've never studied even elementary logic or science. Were you home-schooled? I need to know which State school system has these kind of cracks in it...

LOL You said a txt book has proved there isn't a GOD? Show me considering I have seen his fallen angels and experienced his LOVE, miracles, blessings, and wonders. Tell me what that book says about JESUS CHRIST and look that book you're trusting has a author? But you believe that? Even though no proof is given

I never stated that, please show the post # and please learn to use the reply function so that I can see my quote without having to search for it. When I run across a mind as jumbled and untrained as your own, I like to suggest becoming familiar with logical fallacies -
If you take the time to become familiar with the major fallacies, you will be a much better thinker, communicator and teacher. You use many of these fallacies consistently, and the one you are using here is called the Strawman argument. It basically says that you cannot argue against what I actually stated, so you are inventing what I said so you can argue with that. Without being aware of these fallacies, you will continue to make many errors in your thinking. I promise that they are not from the devil, so don't let that stop you...

You are a Atheist and Darwin founded your religion.

Atheism tells you only one thing about a person, the lack of belief in a deity. Atheism is a religion like off is a TV channel...

Which has NO EVIDENCE!

You couldn't be referring to evolution by natural selection, could you? That would discredit you to the point of a living joke. There is mountains of evidence for evolution from many diverse fields. Do you understand evolution by natural selection?

You can choose not to learn and acknowledge GOD, and all the facts, testimony's, and video evidence and the fact human beings can communicate with GOD if one chooses, THE REASON WHY YOU CAN'T PROVE GOD isn't real is for the simple reason GOD IS REAL.

Wow, your 5th grade education is showing. There are many things we can't disprove: werewolves, smurfs, transformers, gremlins, fairies, gnomes, superman, etc.. Just because we cannot disprove something does not make its existence likely. Perhaps the most important fallacy to learn is The Burden of Proof. It basically states that the one making the positive claim, as in one who says something does exist, has the burden of proving it. There are many whacky claims in this world, it isn't up to each one of us to disprove them all, it's up to the person making said claim to prove it. How did you get this far in life not knowing these basic concepts???

If I took a blind man outside and he felt the wind, and heard the birds, and I told him he was outside. He is, but I can't prove it to him despite these obvious things. That's like you two, you are blind.

In psychology, there is an interesting phenomena called the Dunning-Kruger effect. They basically identified the tendency in above average individuals to doubt themselves and their abilities more than the average person. Conversely, people who are filled with certainty (like the kind you display) are most often possessing below average abilities in skill and intelligence. You are of the latter type.

There is another phrase that's catchy, Not Even Wrong. The concept is that either side of an argument needs to be familiar with both sides of the argument in order to have an effective debate. I was a christian for years and I have read the bible a LOT, cover to cover twice. You do not understand basic logic or science, and your thinking process is juvenile and muddled. To be at the level of Wrong, you need to understand the concepts being discussed. I understand the things you are referring to, but you do not understand the things to which I'm referring. It's an adult speaking to a small child. In this debate, you are Not Even Wrong. You are not able to be wrong, you do not yet know enough...

Mr.Durden Your post is one of the most egotistical, blasphemous statement I have ever read.

Really? I didn't even put in much effort. I'm more effective than I realized. It must be the Dunning-Kruger effect...

"I am like God, and God like me. I am as large as God, He is as small as I. He cannot above me, nor I beneath Him be." - Angelus Silesius--- WOW MAN No wonder your not making sense you are quoting a crazy catholic who worships Satan..

I can't find any evidence of satan worship -
Care to post a link to a credible source?
I got a real question for you two, because you are not willing to try to find GOD and are only intent on going against GOD to try to fool people on the truth. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? WHAT MAKES YOU NOT LOVE GOD? MORE DIRECT WHAT MAKES YOU (as it seems to me) hate GOD? Give me a real answer not "Oh i can't hate what isn't there" you clearly have no interest in doing anything that could bring you closer to GOD and therefore prove GOD'S existence to you. Instead you chose NOT to do these things and to disrupt people

I've been on my quest to find god through christianity, buddhism, and Islam. I'm done with that game, it is for children. It takes courage to grow up and learn about and face reality, but I think it's something that we all must do eventually. Religion is ultimately a very destructive force, one that the world needs to rid itself of. I am hoping to do my small part to make this happen, as I love the Earth and humanity and don't want to see them destroyed. You, on the other hand, need to see the Earth and humanity destroyed to fulfill your perverse armageddon to judgement day prophecies. So, we have opposite goals...

Like Maher says here, we must 'Grow up, or Die'...

With this child like mentality of plugging your ears while screaming saying I don't believe you. Which anyone could do including me, so no you are not taking my thread seriously, but if you want to start, tell me why YOU (what seems to me) hate GOD and why you wont take the time to understand of GOD'S way. What law of his don't you agree with that gets you so frustrated? I struggled with them all maybe I can help, and explain why it's a Law and why it's so hard to stop.

That's exactly what you've been doing, plugging your ears. I am asking and answering point by point, you are clumsily lumping things together and using logical fallacies to fool yourself by attempting to fool others. Take the time to answer our queries point by point, it should help you think more clearly and maybe understand the simple concepts being discussed here. In your own thread. Wow...
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'Please consider this a rough draft and crash course lesson' right away you are implying that you are a teacher...that's one of the problems with your religion...everyone is ready to give a lesson on something that they know nothing about [God]...CRASH !

I'm glad you said that, 5-10 times a day is getting old.No God...Get used to the idea that "Noone here get's out Alive"~Door's
Furthermore Durden, are aware that in the movie Fight Club Brad Pitt's character is actually real? He is a demon, this is made clear when Edward Norton is fighting "Tyler Durden" in the end at the security cam you can see Edward Norton actually get dragged by something but no one is there. Also when Brad Pitt was talking to Edward Norton with the "GOD does not like you skit" its' clearly obviously a demon talking. In fact the more I think about it, the more obvious it is. Every scene is that anti Christ self ego trash, clearly a movie about demonic possession.
When I was younger I use to think he was just "crazy" until I started to experience demonic events. Which happened when I started to search for GOD, because I was breaking away from sin, by the power of GOD's sacrifice of GOD's son LORD JESUS CHRIST. Then I saw later and it was so painfully obvious especially when I saw the security cam view of the fight at the end, in the parking garage.

Dude. You are like a frightened and uneducated child deluding themselves that they live in some graphic novel. You've conditioned your mind so intensely with this fairytale, that all data your mind receives is distorted by this fictitious lens. Fight Club was a fucking movie, an entertaining piece of fiction with some interesting philosophy. Most people don't interpret the Durden character as a demon because that is not how the author intended it (did you read the book?) and they are not brainwashed with your particular brand of looney dogma. I suggest you find the courage to grow up and stand in the light of reality on your own, as a real man, instead of hiding behind ancient stories of invisible boogeymen, zombies and superheroes. It is really rather sad, and you want to spread this shit? No thanks...
LOL You said a txt book has proved there isn't a GOD?
It's not possible to prove a negative. Look at it this way; if I said I was "certain blue unicorns don't exist", unless I could literally search everywhere in the universe simultaneously, it's impossible for me to prove it with 100% certainty. Now, because we've never seen blue unicorns, we have no skeletons for blue unicorns, etc., etc., there is no proof to support the idea that blue unicorns exist, or used to exist.

So, while stating "I'm certain blue unicorns don't exist", would require 'faith' that blue unicorns don't exist elsewhere in the universe, stating "there is no evidence to support the concept of blue unicorns", does not.

Translate this to god as you see fit.

Show me considering I have seen his fallen angels and experienced his LOVE, miracles, blessings, and wonders. Tell me what that book says about JESUS CHRIST and look that book you're trusting has a author? But you believe that? Even though no proof is given. You are a Atheist and Darwin founded your religion.
Religions require faith because they don't have evidence.

Scientific theories are founded on myriad evidence, observations, and facts. Scientific theories are the antithesis of religion.


Which has NO EVIDENCE! You can choose not to learn and acknowledge GOD, and all the facts, testimony's, and video evidence and the fact human beings can communicate with GOD if one chooses, THE REASON WHY YOU CAN'T PROVE GOD isn't real is for the simple reason GOD IS REAL.
No, it's because it's impossible to prove a negative.

There is no 'evidence' for god. The bible was written decades if not centuries after the birth and death of Jesus, nothing was written first hand. Why would you believe that 3rd and 4th hand stories, written by primitive goat-herders were the stories of god? How dumb do you have to be?

Why do you dismiss every other religion, and religious book? How do you know the Quaran isn't the perfect word of god, or the Book of Mormon?

When you can understand why YOU don't believe in ANY OTHER religion, you'll understand why I don't believe in yours.

If I took a blind man outside and he felt the wind, and heard the birds, and I told him he was outside. He is, but I can't prove it to him despite these obvious things.
Sure, there are ways to prove you're outside. A lack of walls, no roof, feeling wind or rain or sunshine. You could get scientific and take samples of things, like grass, and water that would help pinpoint your exact location. You could measure the heat and angle of the sun to find out you how close to the equator you are, giving you an idea of the hemisphere you're in. There are a plethora of way to tell if you're outside without eyes.

That's like you two, you are blind.
On the contrary, both of us are vastly more knowledgeable than you and have taken the time to study both sides of the argument. God has never 'proven' anything, it's always been gullible people simply attributing a coincidence or an unknown, to a magical apparition.

Mr.Durden Your post is one of the most egotistical, blasphemous statement I have ever read.
"I am like God, and God like me. I am as large as God, He is as small as I. He cannot above me, nor I beneath Him be." - Angelus Silesius--- WOW MAN No wonder your not making sense you are quoting a crazy catholic who worships Satan.. I got a real question for you two, because you are not willing to try to find GOD and are only intent on going against GOD to try to fool people on the truth.
I can't 'go against' something that doesn't exist. I'm simply stating a more likely explanation that you are. Do you feel you are 'going against' Xenu, the god of Scientology when you talk about god? I bet not.

I can't hate something that doesn't exist. The concept of god is archaic and prompts good people to do bad things. There is ZERO evidence to support the idea that God exists, that Mary had a virgin birth, that Jesus was resurrected, or that any of the fables in the bible ACTUALLY existed. I am against holding false beliefs for several reasons. First, holding false beliefs makes you wrong. It's better to be right. Pretty simple. Second, if your false beliefs dictate your actions (which they do) it can have effects on me. How you vote, what policies you agree with, ad nauseum.

I do not 'hate' god anymore than I 'hate' Dracula, or the 'Flying Spaghetti Monster'... That's to say there is no good evidence that supports their existence, let alone their supposed 'feats'.

Give me a real answer not "Oh i can't hate what isn't there" you clearly have no interest in doing anything that could bring you closer to GOD and therefore prove GOD'S existence to you.
Evidence is the precursor to belief, not the other way around. You don't 'believe' then find evidence, you find the evidence, then formulate a belief based on it. You are ASS BACKWARDS, no wonder you're so confused. You should start any journey of knowledge with no preconceived notions. That's to say, you should follow the evidence, not do as you've done which is formulate your opinion prior to seeing any evidence, then using your biased view to 'find' what you're looking for.

Can you imagine if people were presumed guilty in court before any evidence was shown? This is the level of idiocy you are suggesting.

Instead you chose NOT to do these things and to disrupt people who are trying to get closer to GOD. With this child like mentality of plugging your ears while screaming saying I don't believe you.
Belief requires justification, you have shown no justification. Zero, zilch, nodda. All you need to do is present ACTUAL EVIDENCE and we will consider it.

Which anyone could do including me, so no you are not taking my thread seriously, but if you want to start, tell me why YOU (what seems to me) hate GOD and why you wont take the time to understand of GOD'S way. What law of his don't you agree with that gets you so frustrated? I struggled with them all maybe I can help, and explain why it's a Law and why it's so hard to stop

There is no proof that god created anything, there is no proof god created man out of dirt, or women from man. The idea of original sin is complete bullshit. The idea that Moses went way up on a mountain, where no one could see him, and go spoke to him is bullshit. The rules regarding who should be put to death, e.g. wearing cotton blends, gays, blasphemers, people who disobey their parents, etc., ad nauseum are DISGUSTING, and anyone with a shred of decency would reject them. God is a ruthless, misogynistic, genocidal maniac, who, on one hand claims to love everyone, and on the other sends billions of people to hell to suffer for eternity over finite crimes. I could go on, and on, and on, and on....

The entire concept of god is revolting and immoral.
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If god knows I'm going to have unprotected sex with a hooker @ 11:49am on June 3rd 2025, what are the chances that I decide to not have sex with her? What are the chances that I DECIDE or CHOOSE to not do that?
Why do you dismiss every other religion and religious book? How do you know the Quaran isn't the perfect word of god, or the Book of Mormon?
Answer that question ghostdriver. Not even the Quran can be translated perfectly into other languages but you consider the Bible to be THE ultimate word of God when it's a translation of one translation.
Your precious "book of enoch" is egyptian from greek and now english.
Yes, monkey.
One can translate something that's from a translation. If I wrote you a letter and you knew English and Spanish you could write the same thing in Spanish, send it to a Japanese guy who knows Spanish too and he could translate it Japanese
Every other question has been answered numerously, you can read scroll back. Also your horrible movie scenes are nothing more than spam. How many hours of day do you think you guys watch t.v? Ruins your sense of reality :wall:
I'm out to bongsmilie
I know you guys are angry because I am telling you that GOD demands you to stop your sinful pleasures, just like those people who came saying they are preaching the HOLY BIBLE the other day, once I say GOD demand that you stop your precious sin to live blessed people go insane.
I know you guys are angry because I am telling you that GOD demands you to stop your sinful pleasures, just like those people who came saying they are preaching the HOLY BIBLE the other day, once I say GOD demand that you stop your precious sin to live blessed people go insane.
I'm not angry, I'm frustrated at your inability to grasp simple concepts all the while continuing to spew nonsense that we've already countered with un-refuted points.
There flesh not actual beings, you miss understand. You see God can make flesh out of nothing.

I really wish people that believe in god would shut the eff up. You all make these ridiculous claims, so matter-of-fact, like you're privy to information that the rest of us aren't and yet have no proof to fall back on.

Believe what you will, and leave every one else to do the same.
I don't watch trash like that anymore, but if you read what I said I mentioned that the movie you seem to be obsessed with is about a guys demonic possession, the thing he doesn't want to do research on, and try prayer to have what most of you call proof of GOD. The old ostrich head in the sand approach seems popular in these times of days.
This is in the spirit section dude.
Ceepea just reread the answers I gave you, If you ever did in the first place.
Did you see my Post about Fight Club movie? Durden

I addressed it in post #144 directly above, there is none so blind as those who will not see. My post #142 (also on this very page at the top) is also for you. Why would you have trouble perusing your own thread?
I don't watch trash like that anymore, but if you read what I said I mentioned that the movie you seem to be obsessed with is about a guys demonic possession, the thing he doesn't want to do research on, and try prayer to have what most of you call proof of GOD. The old ostrich head in the sand approach seems popular in these times of days.
This is in the spirit section dude.
Ceepea just reread the answers I gave you, If you ever did in the first place.
You haven't answered jack shit....
It's funny we are all fighting over religion when the world leaders are killing us slowly . There's some serious shit going down & people are still fighting over something that could
Be false & bulshit . The fact is if we don't stop & educate ourselfs on what is happening before our eyes death awaits god or not
Oh I just saw your post Durden and, insults ins't a form of communicating. I think the author knows the truth and plants deception by intermingling truth with fiction, so they can show you what life is about and have you still not understand, and confuse you more. Just like people talking GOD's words and making denominations, Politics, natural drugs. These movies like Fight club, matrix, deception all are mocking your lack of understand, making you more confused and show boating about the truth they know they being illuminati. They are lost too, they just happen to know GOD is real and so is satan and the rest of those devils. But they choose to worship satan because they love sin not GOD
Ceepea I answered, you just can't understand.
rollajoint, Yes the world leaders work and worship Satan and are in a group known as the illuminati. Also the real people who pull the strings to the puppets metaphorically speaking of course, we don't even see or vote into power. Won't be mentioning demonic experiences today yet again, maybe for the best I mean anyone can go get a weegee board or do Evil magic and have demonic experiences, I didn't do any witchcraft in that sense to experience what I have seen, and so forth. I did a lot of sin and got really close to absolute darkness, then got saved. Soon as I started to take my actions seriously, and accept responsibility for my actions, it was like going into a spirit world, twilight zone experiences LOL Everything was different when I started to do this.. But the truth was it was always like this was I was just too blinded by my own lustf, greed, and vanity. The only thing that changed was me
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Ceepea I answered, you just can't understand.

You still haven't answered the question;

Let's try this again.

If god knows I'm going to have unprotected sex with a hooker @ 11:49am on June 3rd 2025, what are the chances that I decide to not have sex with her? What are the chances that I DECIDE or CHOOSE to not do that?