Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Active Member
Your right I didn't pull them down I used my plant shears. I doubt you have responded with any intellectual information. I doubt you have ever created a breed, popped a seed, and I wont say clone since you don't know the meaning. You don't know what a number square or genetic engineering. What book do you get your such coveted information. Maybe one day you will finish the book. What is it marijuana cultivation for the mentally challenged. So Is your real name Richard Lick. Go back to your star trek buddies and criticize the. Im so sorry I shouldn't be picking on mentally challenged people. Either put some time in to learn how to cultivate before becoming and expert or have your husband Google it for you. Its an internet search tool that you can use to get information. Your welcome for the free advice.
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