Club 600


Well-Known Member
Probs get the same sort the pic the day d, I'm going to water mine for the last time in veg this morning and turn the timer to 12.... well it's just gona be ph water as I only potted up sunday gone and it's just there 2nd watering since then


Well-Known Member
Morning peeps! Blossom on a tree, you know how i feel!
Damn Someguy looking tight! Nice canopy's :)
Tony Tiger must have burnt his lips sucking on that thing :) Nice resin "sod" looks potent. Last time i was at Christiania, to get peoples attention i dipped a joint i bho, just the top 1cm. Crazy looking thing half way through, oily oil :D Errrbody loved it. Oh Jig sorry i forgot about the pictures :(
Carry on :)


Well-Known Member
I meant to ask for some advice from you guy's and gals. I've noticed spots developing on an auto in my veg area. I have been looking for any sign of mites and haven't seen any besides spots. I'm also wondering if maybe a cal toxicity, any ideas?010.JPG


Well-Known Member
Thrips mate^^^^^ nasty buggers, and a real pain to get rid of. I wish you all the luck. Pyrethrin works sometimes, but don't use products that contain it too much as the buggers then get immune to it. The thrips can be fast moving little fukkers, they don't really fly, but tend to jump more and like spider mites use wind currents to move from plant to plant. Diatomeacious earth in the soil can help, mix it through your soil and then top dress when the soil is dry (between waterings). As I said, good luck as they can be like herpies......


Well-Known Member
Thrips mate^^^^^ nasty buggers, and a real pain to get rid of. I wish you all the luck. Pyrethrin works sometimes, but don't use products that contain it too much as the buggers then get immune to it. The thrips can be fast moving little fukkers, they don't really fly, but tend to jump more and like spider mites use wind currents to move from plant to plant. Diatomeacious earth in the soil can help, mix it through your soil and then top dress when the soil is dry (between waterings). As I said, good luck as they can be like herpies......
Thank you so much and I just moved it out. I was wanting a direction of attack and now I have it. Luckily the hydro shop is real close to my school that I can run over between classes.

I found a box full of free samples of azamax I might as well try.
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Well-Known Member
Don't know if any of the UK bods are watching the Allottment show on the BBC, fuk me the guys on there all seemed to have thrip attacks on their allotments, never knew they were so common.


Well-Known Member
I have them little buggers too :/
Got a visit from a friend with a problem. He buried a lot of hash and now it stinks and feels wet like. So he wanted to know what to do with it. My best guess is iso the shit out of it. But wonder if yall have any better ideas?
Were talking 600g of different plates. Freakin moron :)


Well-Known Member
Neem oil will also help with ur thr thrip problem mate, I had em last year and thats the only thing that helped me get rid of them, their resilient wee fuckers, its also 100% organic so wont harm ur plants, it does stink tho


Well-Known Member
looks like some monsters. cant see the color too well from the photos under the HPS - but the pistil look really big, they look like they could fill out for another week or two?


Well-Known Member
sorry, im trying to figure out your strategy for trimming heavy during the last part of flower. i read what you were saying earlier about some peeps in vancouver growin trees and doing it - and how everyone thinks your crazy, but your buds look awesome so im interested. you trim with 2 weeks left?