EShine GrowSun 320W Complete Grow - Red Poison Automatic - 11 L Pot

when i saw that pic of the led 1'' off the tops it kinda scared me, if that didn't burn the plants then I wouldn't have much faith in those lights, just sayin, even the crappiest of LED's ive used have needed to be at least 6'' but more like a foot away for the sprectrums to blend and the plants not to bleach. just personal experience tho. how long was the light that close to the top of the canopy?

im sorry bro, are you talking about my Dark Devil grow? "wouldnt have much faith in those lights beacuse they didnt burn my plant?"
Well they did a bit ... as was explained in the journal, smelt like baking fruity bread., but anyway i thought that was the whole point of LED's, no heat.

And LEDs have also come a long way now mate in terms of generating less heat, the plant photonics DS90 for example, no heat at all, even down to an inch away, same as Hans Panels innit aswell?
More and more coming out each day, love researching about them.

Thanks for your input tho Bro! Peace.
Excellent Bro! the Bottle Top Incubator idea has indeed, save many seedlings so far, and this one is the latest!

Happy growing fella, hope grows into a beauty. :weed:
the plant photonics DS90 for example, no heat at all, even down to an inch away, same as Hans Panels innit aswell?

You're right about the PP. They generate virtually NO heat.. But my Han's panel get's really hot, so much so that i swapped the original fan for a bigger one and put it on top of some alluminium plates so the heat can get blown off the panel top.
Not sure why Han's screwed the fan to the top without any gaps.
You're right about the PP. They generate virtually NO heat.. But my Han's panel get's really hot, so much so that i swapped the original fan for a bigger one and put it on top of some alluminium plates so the heat can get blown off the panel top.
Not sure why Han's screwed the fan to the top without any gaps.

yeah i hearing this a lot about the Hans Panel, that they get really hot & also wondered why they put the fan flat on the top aswell. Odd. Great idea tho mate, building your own heatsink that is.
Their is a gap fyi.....about 5mm spacers.

My driver gets hot in the summer, that's about it on my original version.granted I'm using a12 inch circulating/articulating fan in a tiny that may have something to do with it:-)
I'm surprised at how cool Hans 850mA drivers run. I thought they were really cheap but I'm changing my opinion on them. They run much cooler than my 450mA driver on my Illumitex rig. Still Hans design is a little lightweight IMHO and some modding would probably extend their lives. Even some copper heatsinks on it's back would really help get some heat away from those diodes.
I'm surprised at how cool Hans 850mA drivers run. I thought they were really cheap but I'm changing my opinion on them. They run much cooler than my 450mA driver on my Illumitex rig. Still Hans design is a little lightweight IMHO and some modding would probably extend their lives. Even some copper heatsinks on it's back would really help get some heat away from those diodes.

Does it have any info ( label ) on the drivers ?
850mA run Cooler than 450mA ?
Are they placed on top of the heatsink ?

(Fran ,copper heatsinks are way heavier and way-way more expensive than aluminium ones ...
Maybe Han's is trying to keep cost down a bit ,without sacrificing cooling efficiency that much ... Dunno ..hard guess )

Have you measured the temperature that the diodes are having ,while operating ?
(with a thermocouple's thin tip,at the case of the leds.. )

Han's has placed the diodes ,quite spaced apart ...
That makes cooling them ,easier ...
Poking me with a stick ?

..Ouch ...
^^^Sorry SDS, I changed my status btw :), I'm on the road and won't be home for a few so I can't get you that info. I like the copper because it will pull the heat away faster than the Al, though of course it will hold onto it longer. Thanks for the info.
^^^Sorry SDS, I changed my status btw :), I'm on the road and won't be home for a few so I can't get you that info. I like the copper because it will pull the heat away faster than the Al, though of course it will hold onto it longer. Thanks for the info.

^^^ I have not quite understood what exactly you mean by " though of course it will hold onto it longer " ...
Yes,copper pulls away heat way-way better (and faster of course ) than Al ..
(You know also that copper heatsinks are not 'extruded' ,but fins are welded .Not that it makes any big difference ...)

I might 've been wrong in quite few things about you ..
But I'm right in one ...
You're not a' bad guy' .
Thank You .
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