we got a winner, we've got a winner..
being older, and some what cooler as a kid, i've been around to see tons of scene kids, if that's what you call them.. when i was in my teens, it was the goths, then in my early 20's it was the hardcore kids.. it was funny watching all of the straight edge kids and hardcore kids going to raves a year or two later and dropping e..

then raver's to emo, the poorest excuse for a scene imo.. than the brit rock, e music crowd, which morphed into the shoe gaze crowd a bit later..
the one thing that remains constant in the "scene" is that the "scene" is made up largely of middle teen aged kids up till about early 20's or so.. once kids get past a certain age, they stop givng a shit about trying to be cool, and see where 90% of the other cool scene kids are now, and start to do their own things, that's when true freedom hits scenesters..
but yeah, there will always be scenesters, no matter w/e the cool, hip, in thing is at the time.. they'll grow out of it though.. always do..