Killing Oil Prices

With BHO, I don't understand when people add alcohol to it to winterize and other things I have read about. Why would you want to go through the butane extraction BS if you are going to add alcohol to it anyway?
Many of these methods I see as being extremely expensive and far more dangerous, with the product being no better if not worse than a basic 99% iso or 190 proof or higher grain alcohol extraction method.
The polarity difference is why we see it necessary to use the second solvent after blasting with butane. Iso and grain alcohol garb certain things like chlorophyll, which make your iso hash green and it will also grab water and water soluble things, which normally get frozen up if you make it properly. Butane grabs fats waxes and lipids, iso and grain alcohol do not grab these at below freezing temps, that is why we put in the freezer for 24 hours. and there in lies the reason we use dual solvents to produce what we call an absolute.

So far, all I have made is oil for the last three years. It has been one year now combustion free. I am perfectly happy with alcohol extractions. For smaller quantities, 2 ounces or less of material, I like to make QWISO hash or QWET or whatever. For larger quantities, 1/4 pound of material or more, I will only make RSO, because it is easy to get rid of all of the alcohol fumes quickly and safely doing the process outdoors. Another good thing with RSO, in regards to vaporizing with electronic equipment, any mess or leakage, simply wipe it with your finger and eat it. In other words, no waste!
Now with RSO, you are getting all the good the bad and the ugly.... because you are cooking the weed in the iso or grain alcohol... all of our extraction processes require freezing multiple times at different steps to lock out all the BS you get with RSO

Pictures do help to verify that what you speak is what you do.
There wont be any pictures, the only pictures i have seen form oil maker look like my reclaim in fact i think my reclaim looks better, oh and a horses ass

Now you can make a safe clean product using butane and grain alcohol and a little common sense.

On another note most of the CO2 oils i have tired all still had water in the extract, sizzle cracks and what not, clean tasting stuff just haven't come in contact with a co2 oil that i though was better then any of the waxes they have had at shops. Also I was told that is why they put a lot of the co2 oil in the pre-filled cartridges for the e-cigs you get better rips off of the CO2 oils that way. that is what i was told i have not tried a co2 cartridge yet i am sure i will at some point
Sugars are also complicating the extract, but overall, its easy to purify if kept at low pressure. If not, forget about winterizing. It's mainly the water content pulling the garb. So moonshine excells in this area.
I would way rather just add a tiny bit to the extraction before adding butane. It will muck up the color, but in exchange will compromise the harshness I know bho to be.It's way worth a capful for an oz of plant matter. Taste is much improved as well.
Grow Goddess said:
With BHO, I don't understand when people add alcohol to it to winterize and other things I have read about. Why would you want to go through the butane extraction BS if you are going to add alcohol to it anyway?
Many of these methods I see as being extremely expensive and far more dangerous, with the product being no better if not worse than a basic 99% iso or 190 proof or higher grain alcohol extraction method.
The polarity difference is why we see it necessary to use the second solvent after blasting with butane. Iso and grain alcohol garb certain things like chlorophyll, which make your iso hash green and it will also grab water and water soluble things, which normally get frozen up if you make it properly. Butane grabs fats waxes and lipids, iso and grain alcohol do not grab these at below freezing temps, that is why we put in the freezer for 24 hours. and there in lies the reason we use dual solvents to produce what we call an absolute.

So far, all I have made is oil for the last three years. It has been one year now combustion free. I am perfectly happy with alcohol extractions. For smaller quantities, 2 ounces or less of material, I like to make QWISO hash or QWET or whatever. For larger quantities, 1/4 pound of material or more, I will only make RSO, because it is easy to get rid of all of the alcohol fumes quickly and safely doing the process outdoors. Another good thing with RSO, in regards to vaporizing with electronic equipment, any mess or leakage, simply wipe it with your finger and eat it. In other words, no waste!
Now with RSO, you are getting all the good the bad and the ugly.... because you are cooking the weed in the iso or grain alcohol... all of our extraction processes require freezing multiple times at different steps to lock out all the BS you get with RSO

Pictures do help to verify that what you speak is what you do.
There wont be any pictures, the only pictures i have seen form oil maker look like my reclaim in fact i think my reclaim looks better, oh and a horses ass
Now you can make a safe clean product using butane and grain alcohol and a little common sense.

On another note most of the CO2 oils i have tired all still had water in the extract, sizzle cracks and what not, clean tasting stuff just haven't come in contact with a co2 oil that i though was better then any of the waxes they have had at shops. Also I was told that is why they put a lot of the co2 oil in the pre-filled cartridges for the e-cigs you get better rips off of the CO2 oils that way. that is what i was told i have not tried a co2 cartridge yet i am sure i will at some point

Too bad our albums are not up yet, but this will have to do.

From my last batch of iso extracted concentrate, I did 1/2 pound of bud, I got back over 30 grams of high grade oil, and I got back just under 5 grams of low grade oil. I did not cast any magic spells on it... I will only post a few pics of oil that has not been filtered or winterized. The only filtering that was done was at the beginning of the process with a reusable metal mesh coffee filter and patience. My oil is not green sludge.
Also, the last test result on oil that I have seen from a reputable source registered 95.4% pure THC and it was RSO. I saw the full test result.

I suppose it all boils down to each person mastering their own methods. If you use the best method, and you are messing it up each time, it does not mean your stuff will be any good. Whatever the best method may be.

iso hash (QWISO)
QWISO-KISS strain selection 2014_03290006.jpg Qush QWISO sample ready to winterize 3-29-14 047.jpg SBC Indica QWISO 99 iso 3-29-14 051.jpg 4-G QWISO sample ready to winterize 3-29-14 050.jpg
Dried QWISO in dish with a nice pink tint.
QWISO in pyrex - clear with pinkish tint 3-29-14 035.jpg

Now for some RSO (I have not made RSO in over a year so these older pics will have to do)
Premium RSO 2013_0330-15.jpg RSO 2013.jpg 2013_03190036.jpg 2013_03190064-cropped.jpg

I average about 4 grams per ounce of top grade bud. Whether it is QWISO or RSO the ratio is coming out pretty much the same.

I put one drop of the really clean oil on my tongue and it almost dissolves instantly. You almost don't have a chance to swallow it, it just simply melts in your mouth.
honey_oil-1.jpg 2012-01-07_14-07-51_441.jpg IDK what RSO is, top is a trim extraction of 1 oz vs 5 lbs of COsub2 C5H11,EtOH,C4H10 as co-solvents. The bottom is a nug extraction on 4.8 grams yielded 0.8 was not optimally tuned up for higher yields, but was a true shatter when dried this was a hot summer day, where it behaves as a solid. Not sticking to my fingers or plastic bags, only to itself. Denatured ethanol was used since I was to cheap to fork over the cash for Everclear.
Before I got raided by Sheriff Dept., I took lots of pictures. After they threw my phone into evidence, I realized that smart phones aren't for stupid criminals. I haven't taken pictures since my phone battery took a crap.
but air as a liquid is nitrogen

im pretty sure air as a liquid is liquid air. sure it contains nitrogen, but it isnt just nitrogen. thats called liquid nitrogen

also your pic of the nug run looks nice, but the large batch does have a bit of a green tint to it. how do you use your technique from the OP to do a 4.8g run? do you put only ~5g in and then fill your fullsize tank to run such a small amount?
IDK what RSO is, top is a trim extraction of 1 oz vs 5 lbs of COsub2 C5H11,EtOH,C4H10 as co-solvents. The bottom is a nug extraction on 4.8 grams yielded 0.8 was not optimally tuned up for higher yields, but was a true shatter when dried this was a hot summer day, where it behaves as a solid. Not sticking to my fingers or plastic bags, only to itself. Denatured ethanol was used since I was to cheap to fork over the cash for Everclear.

Well, since my journal here seems to be missing a lot of information, I will have to give you a link to my other journal. Scroll past the BS on how to make oil and I will mention how I tried RSO aka Rick Simpson Oil. I had no idea. Smoking pot or smoking oil, that is a joke compared to the potency of ingesting RSO.
Here is another link to the first patient I treated with RSO after having viewed the video Run From the Cure. I did it just to do it.

Have you tried eating decarbed concentrated cannabis oil? I am on the medicinal end of concentrates.

What you have shown looks really good and I am sure it is potent and smooth too, but, that oil has been refined am I right? I can refine the most horrible looking oil to make it as clear as water. That is not necessarily a good thing medicinally speaking. Good for a good buzz or light pain relief etc. The real deal is RSO. Really, I can smoke all the oil or pot and all I get is a mild buzz when I compare it to RSO.

RSO made properly is so potent, one of the reasons I have not made any in over a year is because currently I do not have a patient willing to use it due to the intensity of the effects from the smallest amount eaten. They are kind of fearful of vaping it, kind of why I switched to QWISO. It makes them feel better! RSO and QWISO are about the same to me when I vaporize them. Kind of like comparing indica to sativa.

Just trying to educate about RSO. I only take maintenance doses. I went through the whole recommended 60 gram treatment. I never saw anything like it. It was more like one big trip. Anyway, I have been taking small maintenance doses of it, not to get high, but as a preventative, for health reasons. If you ask me, in this polluted world we live in, we should all be taking RSO.

I take a small dose rice grain to pea size dose after dinner. I will wake up, have my coffee, and by the time I am finished with my first cup, I feel like I just smoked a joint! It is strange how it stays in your system so long. It is even more strange when you take three equal size doses per day how it can be quite mind blowing. Taking three doses per day, I can't even handle a rice grain size and be able to work.

I prefer my oil unrefined. Winterized, polished, whatever you want to call it. I am more like the cold pressed unrefined hempseed oil, all natural. Trying to concentrate it too much, you start removing good things. At least medicinally speaking.

The pictures I showed of the QWISO confirmed it to me. I have been comparing, experimenting for over three years now, since I have been blessed with my first oil making experience.

Here is a picture of the same QWISO after winterizing.
QWISO hash winterized 4-2-14 020.jpg

When you can make your oil come out a really nice quality, winterizing or anything like that can cause more damage than good. I have learned that taking the color out of my oil and giving it a yellow or clear has caused much damage. Keep in mind, I was working with the raw QWISO that is pictured a few posts above. Winterizing that oil smoothed it out some but it took away all of the flavor and ganja taste, and I also believe it took away a lot of the medicinal qualities, like beneficial CBDs and terpines. I compared 4 different strains and they all had the same outcome. I will say it did not take away the potency though, but it did effect the type of buzz. I prefer not to share refined pictures, as they can be deceiving.

4 different strains. Recently all tested and compared. 93% of the oil from each strain compared raw and winterized. The raw was much better. No paper filtering until the winterizing process. I used 99% isopropyl for the extraction and winterized with 192 proof polish vodka. Also equally compared to winterizing with 190 proof everclear.
QWISO 4 different strains 3-29-14 022.jpg

Anyway, I have decided that I will not be winterizing my oils anymore. At least not the first 93% I get out of my first batch. I will leave the winterizing for my remaining 7%.
and now to show off my crap , sry its not as pretty as your oil goddess and oilmkr




when I know its available I will post what centers are having trim turned into oil so you might be able to try some.
if you are in co that is.
Sadly, Colorado is not a destination in my near future. Actually, I don't see any long distance travel in my near future. My only entertainment in life is this stupid computer! :D All work, all grow, makes GG a dull girl.... When I'm not working, I am tending my garden.
I would love to go to CO again. Last time I was there, I stayed in Evergreen, that was in 1987. It was awesome there. Looking down you could see Denver, very cool. I really liked it there, almost like a blast from the past. A lot of them low riders cruising around back then.
It would be really awesome to be able to see actual mj freedom.
Have you tried converting bud over? Does it come out any different than trim in looks and effects? Have you had any of your product tested? It looks really awesome. Never saw test results on CO2 extracted oil. I am surprised you are not using all of the CO2 oil for an e-cannabis oil for vaporizers. If you need any help with that, let me know.
I have been hearing about C-cannabis (CO2 oil converted into an e-cannabis for vape pens). The stuff I have seen I just have a gut feeling it is of very low quality. Just a guess.
seriously dudes big time. WTF r u extracting an oz or 4.8 g for what a waste of time. go cop some trim by the garbage bag.

All my trim goes into the wood burner. With my methods I see trying to make an extraction from trim a waste of time.
What a waste of time? And you know that because of what...? Don't knock it till you try it. I can come up with a lot of reasons why. I will name only a few. Decarbed concentrates as far as I know can manage cancer better than anything else, I have seen it with my own eyes. With quality concentrates in general (I only get 4 grams per ounce from my best buds) I take one drop of my RSO and 12 hours later I am still feeling a buzz. The efficiency is the best I have seen of any use of mj. Most people don't care for it because it is too intense and the buzz last too long. Most people prefer a buzz for a couple of hours. Quantity, I can condense a pound of bud into 2 ounces for legal reasons and long term storage options. As for use, you can use your concentrates without destroying the medicinal properties of it by eating them if decarbed or vaporizing decarbed or not. I prefer e-cannabis style of vaporizing. In my vaporizer that I like the most, one gram of concentrate with about 1/2 gram of PG USP can keep me perfectly content buzz wise for a good week. All I have to do is grab my vaporizer, push the button, and inhale. I could do it driving 70 mph on a motorcycle if I wanted to.

All I see in my garden is oil. I have no other use for buds. I no longer believe in combustion. I have no desire for it whatsoever. Concentrates made correctly is a far more healthy choice and can be far more efficient than smoking buds.

In these pics, all I see is oil and that is what they were converted into. At least all the colas.
Querkle in the back - Dr. Atomic BBJ in front 2011_02210038.jpg Querkle Jan 2011 049.jpg Querkle left - Dr. Atomic BBJ right 2011_02210098.jpg Strawberry Cough 2013_11170004.jpg 4-G Fresh Harvest 2012_05220010.jpg

Yeap, all I see is oil, for vaporizing and eating. I no longer have the temptation or desire to keep buds around anymore.
SVD with i30 9-1-13 158.jpg

EDIT: Okay, at first I took you wrong, but there are a lot of reasons to do small extractions. Sampling, testing, comparing, don't have access to quantity, etc.

EDIT 2: You will have to excuse me, I have been hitting the vape a lot today! :P
Sorry to the OP for the hijack, staying a little off topic here.
It just hit me! I remember the last time I craved to smoke a joint, no for the ordinary reason. It was after seeing the video of Seth Rogan (Green Hornet) rolling a cross joint. I had never seen it before and just had to try it.

I used two different strains. Success first try!
Cross Joint 2-9-14 011.jpg Cross Joint 2-9-14 014.jpg
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if oilmkr was really on top of his CO2 game he wouldnt have time to post here he'd be busy 8 days a week trying to fill orders for dispensaries he talks big shit then posts extracts from tiny amounts.
GG- Do you decarb your oil when you make your juice?

Also I hear you on the RSO. Ive never made rso myself but recently I have been doing quick washes, then decarbing the oil, then I suck it up into a syringe and inject the oil into veggie capsules my local health food store sells. one full hash pill is more then enough to lay someone out. at lower doses it does a great job of relieving pain, anxiety, and causes a very mellow sense of overall well being. the first time my girlfriend took one of the hash pills i filled it a little too much, and she was literally acting like she had taken a strong hallucinogen. could barely talk, looked mad confused all the time, and was breathing really heavily. the next morning when she woke up she told me she felt like she was going to have a heart attack, i think she had a panic attack tho from too strong of an dose. we have since found a proper dosage for her and she loves taking small doses at night after a long day.