Moving the light closer


Active Member
I'm 4 weeks into flower, the plant is going well, getting a bit bushy in places now, so going to give it a trim this weekend.

I've been thinking today. Should I move my light closer? They have grown well, no stretch at all, they are pretty low thanks to topping and tying, but my light feels far away, I can get my hand much, much closer than the top of the bud is before it feels hot.

So would it be advisable to trim the leafs and get the light in closer to give the bud sights maximum light for the next 4 weeks or so? Obviously without going so close I bleach or burn the bud.

I'd always though that the amount of light hitting leafs is what effects bud size, but since going with lights, I'm now thinking that maybe bud size is in proportion to amount of light hitting the bud. Can any one clear that up?


Well-Known Member
what light are you using? distance depends on the light. 1000w 18 inches away, 600w 15 inches away 400w 12 -15 inches away. quality led 18 inches away and inuction 12-16 inches away

any closer will bleach and burn plants, destroy chlorophyll, cause molybdenmum and iron deficiencies..

you want the light to be hitting the canopy between 800 µmole/s - 1200 µmole/s (PAR) depending on the CRI and amount of IR


Active Member
what light are you using? distance depends on the light. 1000w 18 inches away, 600w 15 inches away 400w 12 -15 inches away. quality led 18 inches away and inuction 12-16 inches away

any closer will bleach and burn plants, destroy chlorophyll, cause molybdenmum and iron deficiencies..

you want the light to be hitting the canopy between 800 µmole/s - 1200 µmole/s (PAR) depending on the CRI and amount of IR

Yeah sorry, a better description would help.

I'm using a 600w hps llight, over two big Buddha silver cheese plants.

The tallest one is 85cm (33.5 inches) from the light, the other 95cm (37.4 inches).

So they are pretty far away, but are still low and have quite a wide spread, so showing no signs of stretching for light. I compare it to friends of mine growing, both have long, tall plants, plants that look stretched.

But I am conscious my light is so far away, the light will not be penetrating anything.

I have good cola development in many places, so I'm also a fan of the "if its not broke, don't fix it", but I'm new to this indoor grow thing and I want to maximise my return and I think stronger exposure to the light to the bud sights will help?


Well-Known Member
just keep it 15-20" away from plants if possible. Don't worry bout what the plants are telling you they will get used to it. As long as the plants aren't getting bleached they should be fine.