Help - Pollination? ???


Active Member
Ok, I've got around 2 weeks left on my plants I've got three going in a hydroponics system in a grow tent. One of the plants (as far as I can tell) has got a few of these banana looking things amongst the bud. The buds are well developed now and just starting to bulk up but im worried this means it's become pollinated and will ruin everything!! I've done a bit of research but im at a loss what do I do??

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I've just had a thorough look and there's only a few of these male flowers appearing in the bud and it's only one plant. I've read on the Internet that some strains just do this towards the end and it's normal o's that right?

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Thanks for the reply, the pictures aren't brilliant as the lights on and if I get to close it distorts but can you see the parts I mean? Middle of one picture and tip of the other?

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This picture shows it better I think

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Anyone got any suggestions? I mean there fairly well.well . matured with maybe 2/3 weeks left till harvest this is probably the highest yield plant out of all 3 just worried it's going to turn into awful bud and ruin the other two :(

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Yeah, just a pain to turn them off as the plug sockets and ballasts are a pain to get to, will move it for the next setup. So at this point only being 2 weeks from harvest what should I do.

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Is this a normal occurrence sometimes towards the end? I've been reading so many things that say it's OK, but then others that say chop now. Thing is I'm not planning to use these plants again, nor clone them nor use any seeds it may produce. I guess what I'm asking is how long does it take to produce seeds In the bud? Will it be full of seeds in two weeks time

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It is normal for some strains.

Pluck them off with some tweezers. Check them every other day and pluck them as soon as you spot them.
Thanks mate, looks like I'm going to be going over my plants like a monkey today! I've read about stress turning them hermie but I have 3 plants and only 1 has them so can't see that myself. And I've taken care of them like there my kids!

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As a complete noob, could you tell me is this where the seeds 'grow' from? These little banana thinhs

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Also is what I've read correct that the 'nanas' don't pollinate but the male sac ball things do? As there's no sign of them anywhere on any plant, just one with nanas in the bud

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Thanks mate, looks like I'm going to be going over my plants like a monkey today! I've read about stress turning them hermie but I have 3 plants and only 1 has them so can't see that myself. And I've taken care of them like there my kids!

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Better check the kids for nanners also then.
Well luckily all 3 are at the same stage and are within 1/2 weeks of being finished, the buds are fairly well matured so I'm hoping there isn't enough time to cause problems

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The bananas create pollen which sticks to the white pistils when it is released. One banana has enough pollen to make hundreds of seeds. If you see an open pollen sac you likely will have some seeded bud. Catch them early and you could make it to harvest cleanly...
Ah I see, well it appears I've spotted them early enough as I can't see any open, most are still green so I'm guessing there fairly new. How long do the seeds take to appear once the buds been pollinated?

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You will see the pistils recede within 24-48 hours usually and signs of seed development in about 5-7 days. Sounds like you should be fine to me...
Ah cool, I've started plucking them out with some tweezers. At close inspection there is more than I initially saw but none of them are open they ll look fairly fresh. I cannot wait for this to be finished I can't resist the smell of this stuff!!

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