Anyone a fan of defoliation to increase yeild?

done side by side comparisons for 3 years in a 100 light warehouse with over 100 strains. taking fans leaves off that are covering bud sites helps your yields 99% of the time, done this in a scrog, lst, and staking, make sure your don't prune to much and try n spread plants as best as can so don't have to take to many fan leaves off
done side by side comparisons for 3 years in a 100 light warehouse with over 100 strains. taking fans leaves off that are covering bud sites helps your yields 99% of the time, done this in a scrog, lst, and staking, make sure your don't prune to much and try n spread plants as best as can so don't have to take to many fan leaves off

I do the same.
If a budsite never see's direct light it will be fluffy popcorn at best. If I have to take a couple of fans off of a larger neighbor so be it.
I think you've answered your own question there in the other thread, phototropism is the reason we uncover the budsites because they grow bigger with direct sunlight.

No it's not. The two are not remotely related regarding function and outcome.
Really. And what's the science behind that opinion?

I guess that apple sitting in the shade of the tree canopy can't read.
#1 apples are not cannabis
#2 your analogy is not research
#3 you don't have any research to support your opinion that defol is deleterious
#4 your opinion is based on a bunch of old hippy wives tales
#5 you're an outdoor grower that has no idea about indoor hydro
#6 advanced indoor growers can learn nothing from you

go help the newbies that you resent so much
I think you've answered your own question there in the other thread, phototropism is the reason we uncover the budsites because they grow bigger with direct sunlight.
I talked to another veteran grower today and asked his opinion on defol
he said

#1 cannabis naturally doesn't produce many leaves but the synthetic nutrients we give them support growth and that also means extra leaf growth
#2 everything in indoor growing creates stress so defol is but one of many stresses
#3 when you remove fan leaves, the younger leaves above it draw nutrients which effectively creates demand from nutrients and draws them up through the plant
#4 plants evolved to shed leaves naturally through animal vectors and wind. they will be fine to lose a few