Newbie issues NEED HELP


New Member
So I'm currently helping a friend with a few plants, using 600 watt hps, roots organic soil mix and general organics go box inside a 4x4 grow tent. The temp never gets above 82 really and has usually around 30 percent humidity. Starting a few days ago I started to see some spots and now all of a sudden on a Few of them the tips on 1 or two leaves are curling down and look like they are almost bleaching and turning crispy. Posting pics, please help!! First grow and invested a lot of money into this setup. I don't know if I'm freaking out over nothing but don't want to risk losing the girls.image.jpgimage.jpg image.jpg image.jpg



Active Member
age of the plants, what soil are you in, container size, what are you feeding, what is your water source and what has you pH been. Basically need more info to help


what controller are you using for your room? do you have the environment well secured you looking at your PH? that looks like it might be to acidic and are your plants draining correctly? you don't want root rot.


New Member
age of the plants, what soil are you in, container size, what are you feeding, what is your water source and what has you pH been. Basically need more info to help
They are 3 weeks since the lights been on tommorow, roots organic soil mix, the general organics go box line , been giving them half doses until yesterday, my feeding cycle is water feed water feed, which I read online that it's a good cycle for that nute line, in one gallon pots, I'm using well water the ph naturally 7ish and I usually bring it down in the 6.5 range. But never had tested the runoff, I have had to deal with fungus gnats but using sns 203 and seems to be working, thank you! Let me know if I'm missing anything


New Member
Looks like light burn to me, either that or some nute burn.

Is it affecting the new growth?
The new growth looks beautiful, and the light is easily 4 ft away, that's what I was think also but there's no way with it that far away I think? But I was thinking it could be some nute burn since I gave them a normal dose the other day and not a half dose


how far away is your light from your plants? how is all your equipment being controlled? are you using a controller? timers?


Active Member
Well then if the new growth is fine then i wouldn't worry about it to much when it starts affecting new growth is when you want to worry.


Active Member
I agree with the other above. Seems like you have things dialed in. Could have been a nute splash. Since the new growth is good and no similar signs, you should be all good. Just my opinion.

Good luck, keep us posted.



Well-Known Member
My father-in law only grows soil and the plants should be in smaller pot and as they grow you get bigger pots , it's very easy to over water slash over feed when the pot is to big for plant. But make sure your not over feeding what is your feeding schudle w-w-w-f?


yeah man def nut burn make use that shit is draining properly you don't want to fuck up your plants i grow in a 6x12x8 tent I'm running 2 1k lights with minis split my iPonic600 kozykool mini split xxxl sun system hoods. i would keep your humidity at about 45- 50 man.


Active Member
The one with HS on it looks like a sativa i warn you they get tall as fuck so id flower her sooner than the others just a tip.


if there getting tall just lollipop and start weaving them through a screen now man trust me you will get way more yield from using the screen man.


New Member
My father-in law only grows soil and the plants should be in smaller pot and as they grow you get bigger pots , it's very easy to over water slash over feed when the pot is to big for plant. But make sure your not over feeding what is your feeding schudle w-w-w-f?
W-f-w-f that's what I read online as a good cycle for general organics.