Very simple, but well written tutorial, SS makes A LOT of oil.
Please research first, then we will be more than happy to help with the ”purge tips”.
Understand, this process is VERY dangerous and you must do some reading before taking on this endeavor.
Read tutorials from different forums and different members.
When I started...
I read, read read read and read some more...
Research is Paramount, especially with solvent extractions.
Please do more research before attempting...
After reading that first guide I posted^...
Then read this one...
Most all of us LOVE to help people achieve better extracts...
But, at the same time... We don't want to hold your hand through this entire process.
Your inquiries are indicative of a solvent naive person, please please do some everywhere.
You have to play your part as well.
Welcome to the C&E section.
Good Luck on your mission.