End product after Vaping

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Wondering what you do with your used product after you have vaped it? I've heard stories, but would like direct experiences.



You can put in your bowl and smoke it. I've heard people use it to make butter with aswell. Never done it and can't imagine it being very good butter. As far as smoking it, THC burns at like 365 degrees, and some of the other active chemicals burn a little hotter(385 maybe), so the left over matter is all super dried up. With that being said, and based on how much you vape a hit, there is deffinitely some left over that the flame burns. Hope that is accurate, and helps you with your question.

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Dump it, clean out the whip & repack.
I'm assuming that you vape, since you talked about cleaning up, which is a must. I have a large coffee can full of the end of ALL excellent bud! Wondering if it would be good for starting young plants? It is very light and has no smell to speak of. I tried bonging it and a regular pipe, but it seemed harsh. Of course, I am definitely getting the toxins then (lol).


Well-Known Member
the best way i like it is to use em for bubbler/bong hits. Using em for J and pipes the taste is just too shitty for me to handle. Mix 2/3 vaped and 3/1 fresh, or half half if you really care about taste and smoothiness... works great! (I dont care plain vaped bud for a bubbler hit tho, a it harsh but still takes you to the place~) Woooooooo

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Well-Known Member
Vape at low temps and don't combust the weed.

Put vaped goods in ziplock
Keep saving all vaped goods till you have an oz or more
Bake vaped goods in edibles and enjoy the couchlock


Well-Known Member
My partner rolls and smokes it.... Yukkk! She just quit smoking cigarettes and says it helps. If she's beside me doing it I start to choke lol.


Well-Known Member
Start by vaping your weed around 365-380. Weed starts to vaporize around 350 not burn. Save the already vaped bud, or AVB, take 1 1/2 cups and dump into 3 inches of water on low and has about 1 stick of butter per 1 cup of AVB already melted into it. Set stove on low for 2-3 hrs, stirring occasionally, or until contents is a dark black with a shiny glossy finish. When glossy take mixture and pour through an old tshirt or cheesecloth into a Rubbermaid container. Place that container in the fridge/freezer and roll one up and wait for the butter to separate from the water and harden. Once solid you're done you'll have some solid canna butter. Just throw that butter into a brownie box mix (I prefer ghirardelli brownies) and put em in the oven at 265 until done

That's how I do it and they always come out with good result. The AVB brownie makes for a coasting strong but mellow controllable high. In essence, these aren't the space cakes of lore but they're hella good brownies!



Well-Known Member
Also if you want to soup up that recipe a bit throw in a couple of ground up grams of fresh dank in the mix to up the octane a bit


Well-Known Member
I make oil from my duff (vaped herb) and eat it. works phenomenal. If you lightly toast your herb in the vape the oil ends up about like RSO. It does revape well. Taste is nutty but not bad.