Vanilla Kush from Barney's Farm

dang j looks like I came back just in the knick of time!!! Been crazy since the move and been SUPER busy . Anyway, hows life?? hope all is well my friend. You should pm me ur digits and we can talk?
Hey J good to see you man....yeah I was just wondering the other day how u were doing....I'm doing okay, busy with my 12 plants hahaha and playing drums and smoking and the same old stuff hahaha....I'll email my # and let's chat.
Good seeing u brotha.
I think that's it for the silver kush, I'm taking her down tomorrow. Her buds are nice and dense, smells very very nice, most leaves are yellow, has that syrup texture on the buds, pretty wet n frosty.

I'm planning to freeze one of the branches right away in the freezer for an experimental extraction. This will be the first try to extract oil from a fresh dried cannabis.
kosher kush
please do tell us how the frozen extraction compares! I've been readin' around, and wondering wich methods are the purest vs the mos yielding. and some people do talk about frozen extraction.

I'm very curious now.
looks great my dude! some super frosty and major DANK nuggets. hope you get some trophy poins out of all those likes. subbd up and damn i want to get a camera like yours.. how much to get a decent starter setup?? what would you reccommend??
looks great my dude! some super frosty and major DANK nuggets. hope you get some trophy poins out of all those likes. subbd up and damn i want to get a camera like yours.. how much to get a decent starter setup?? what would you reccommend??

thanks man i really appreciate it.....I like Canon they are great cameras. haha! I don't think I know enough about cameras to tell you which is good. hahaha!
here's kosher she's getting really frosty
Hey Zibra bro it's been a while!
Everything is looking top shelf in your lil farm!

I chopped my first VK a few days ago, looks and smells dank.....I can't wait till it's ready to smoke in a day or two!!
I'll be back with some pics of it later.

Your Silver Hush looks tops, me thinks I'll be picking up some beans of that :)
I think 3-4 weeks my VKs will be ready. I'm curious how potent they will be since I didn't top or trim much. It's been another learning experience. Hahaha!

My silver kush is ready for harvest. Very frosty, pretty solid nugs and smells sweet. I just can't wait to extract all the resins and make concentrate oil and see how hard it can blow my ass out of this plant. You know what I mean?.....I wanna go to Jupiter, lol!

Training will have zero effect on potency, all training and trimming will do is help get more light to bud sites for a higher yield.... your VK's seem to have produced just fine with zero training, excellent work Zibra!
Hey Zibra bro it's been a while!
Everything is looking top shelf in your lil farm!

I chopped my first VK a few days ago, looks and smells dank.....I can't wait till it's ready to smoke in a day or two!!
I'll be back with some pics of it later.

Your Silver Hush looks tops, me thinks I'll be picking up some beans of that :)

Congrats!...I chopped silver kush and green crack, they both full of crystals, I'm very pleased.