moving 6 month old indoor plant outside


Well-Known Member
This is my first attempt to grow outdoors.

The plants been vegging for about 6 months now, maybe a little more.
Its in a 15 gal pot, quit a long walking distance. extremely heavy.
Ive always understood when moving a plant outside to do it gradually. giving it so many hours of direct sunlight a day before just throwing it outside.
I wonder if its an absolute must that i move it inside everyday? its been outside for almost 3 full days now. the first two days the high was about 70 degrees and cloudy more than half the day, and it gets shade in the morning and evening from the trees on either side. Today is clear skies and prob 80 degrees.
Or maybe i can setup a white blanket over so it doesnt get direct sunlight for a week?


Well-Known Member
I think your still a bit early, but it might work out for you. As long as you've already had them 6 months, I would have waited another few weeks.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
So to clarify something, the length of day is determined by 2 things; latitude and proximity to or in the mountains. Here is a link to a website that I use that I have found to be very accurate for the actual zip code. just click on your state and put in your zip code. I generally stop supplementing the light for my plants right about now and put them out of the hoophouse next week when temperature allows, the daylight time for my location is 14:31 which I consider the minimum to avoid stimulating flowering and then wasting the time needed for revegging. If they are out then they are out, after 3 days most of the damage will have been done. You will likely notice the tender leaves that had never been exposed to sunlight will bleach out white. Leave them on until they start to dry and then remove them, by then you should have new growth starting. Normally when I put indoor plants or new clones out they will be put in a totally shady area for the first 3 days, partial sun for a couple more and then into full sun. I'm not sure that this would be helpful at this point but it is good for future reference.

PS 6 months is a long time to veg a plant. I will be putting plants into the ground that are about 3 feet tall and are about 3 months old all of that time outside in a heated hoophouse with supplemental lighting. I expect at least one of them ( the amethyst ) to be 10' x 8' with 90 - 100 forearm sized colas at maturity. Happy Growing :weed:


Well-Known Member
wow thanks. i think i should be ok then. its started getting cloudy again today so maybe i lucked out and put it out at te perfect time, lets hope :D. man 10' 100 colas sounds awsome! what size pots do you use?


Active Member
wow thanks. i think i should be ok then. its started getting cloudy again today so maybe i lucked out and put it out at te perfect time, lets hope :D. man 10' 100 colas sounds awsome! what size pots do you use?
Dig a huge hole fill it with some high quality soil and feed and she'll take off quick. Deff don't keep her in that 15 gal though!


Well-Known Member
I dig 3 x 3 holes and put a little chicken shit mixed into the bottom 12". I have used Miracle Grow in the past but I will be trying Subcools soil on about half of them this year. I also top after every 3 - 4 nodes of growth which gives the large amount of colas that should be between 3/4 and 1 oz each. I'll post some pics after I get her planted sometime in the next week.


Well-Known Member
well the weather took a bad turn... its fucking snowing now.... it was below freezing last night and light snow so i put a big trash bag over it and it was covered up surprisingly well. I thought it would clear up today so i took the bag off about 7:30 this morning, and since then the weathers been getting worse.
Im wondering if i should lug this big mama back inside? fucker weighs like 100 pounds, and its a long walk.
i think the weathers suppose to be getting better thursday


Well-Known Member
it'll probably trigger when put outside, so if you are planning on it growing into the natural season, i'd keep it inside until the light periods are closer. also if it's freezing you kinda HAVE to keep it inside. And a 100lb container and a 6 month old plant, is a lil nutty, but all depends on what your goals are. Is you goal to have the biggest marijuana plant known to the history of mankind? Cuz if that's your goal, well.. You're own the way. Not tryin to be critical, just might be a lil overkill. And my back hurts just thinking of you having to move that over and over


Well-Known Member
i have no clue what im doing haha. I moved it outside cause i ran out of room inside.
Ive been planning on buying some more lights to flower and until i get them ive been keeping the plants in veg.
well its been pushing 7 months now and ive got a bunch of monsters lol. they might be in veg 8 months before i can flower.

im hoping it will all be totally kick ass :D

i would like to grow a huge plant. i have it in a pretty decent spot. i am worried tho of it getting too big and noticeable . its surrounded by about 15' trees on my property which is about 2 1/2 wooded acres. ive got neighbors but all spread out.

if it survives this little freeze, im trying to decide if i should re pot it in maybe a 50 gal, or just keep it in the 15 gal so it doesnt start getting bigger than the trees?


Well-Known Member
This is the type of thing a guy would say who can't close with the ladies
sure that makes sense, yea. More like don't want to waste electric/time/energy, to lug 15 gal of soil with a 6 ft tree through brush(in the dark because your not gonna do it in the day) so I can have the biggest plant I can? No, Ill just, pop an extra couple seeds if want a better yield, its more logical.


Well-Known Member
Well from here on out the weather is suppose to be getting better.
its been outside for about a week now, yesterday and today were really nice days and its suppose to keep getting warmer.
The plant still looks to be in bad shape, most leaves wilting, like it may be over watered. some of the leaves on the tops are dying too. im hoping with the good weather coming it will bounce back.

heres some pics of it and few of my indoor ones too

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