Check out my setup! Wk7 flower


Well-Known Member
Hello all,
Well my first grow is almost over and knock on wood she's still alive and a she but here's a pic from day 36 of flower she's currently showing a bit of a cal/mag def but I'm fairly sure it's because she's just getting to back to the flush schedule from me not flushing because I didn't think that I needed to if there were no visible signs of burn. In any case she's on schedule for a flush at next watering

And the gear: fox farm trio, bushdoctor trio, soluble trio, and flowers kiss(all FF), Brer Rabbit blackstrap molasses, ds-100 led, and as of day before yesterday 2x23watt actual ,100w eq, 2700k cfls

Please let me know what you think as well as any ideas you have to for me to improve(other than nute selection, I don't care to participate in the inorganic v organic battle) this is my first grow so go easy on me lol but please let me know what you think

Also do the buds seem small for how far along the plant is(trics coming in on fan leaves)
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Well-Known Member
For 36 days she's a little small but depending upon quality of LED panel will give different growth results.

LED are notorious for creating issues with Ca and Mg.

What you have is a Ca deficiency.

Congratulations though on your first grow.



Well-Known Member
No fuck the CFLs excuse my language.

That LED NEEDS to be closer.

They are starving for light is what it seems.
for day 36 you should have a lot more pistils growing out, it looks like my plants and they are literally 9 days into flower.


Well-Known Member
How close would you say to put the LEDs I've heard of bleaching at 16-18 inches with this model. lights now at 22-24in

Any pics of your box so I can get a feel


Well-Known Member
Sorry to disagree with jondamon, that is not cal mag deficiency. You are killing your plants by feeding too heavy. Reduce nutrients NOW! This is a close up of my clone at 6 weeks and 6 days and the second pic is from 100_2964.JPG 100_3045.JPG seed, same flowering time as the first.
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Well-Known Member
Nice pics smootherpete so are you saying that the plant is stunted because of the level of nutrients that I'm currently feeding. So that I can have some sort of guide of what to shoot for or what to do here's what I have been doing: feed/water every three days at normal to slightly less than what is recommended per the FF schedule. I listened to the FF rep and interweb and skipped the preflower flush because I "didn't want to mess with what wasn't broke" and paid for it with other calmag def looking symptoms(just like this) caused by what I think is minor nute lockout(cal-mag) due to low ph at the root zone. I have never seen the "burnlike" symptoms of the upturned serrated leaves until I intentionally went off schedule and didn't flush.

I suppose what I'm asking is where I went wrong, how do I avoid it in the future, and what can I do now to minimum the damage that I have already caused?


Well-Known Member
Smoother Peter.

No need to be sorry to disagree.

Your larger plant has a Ca deficiency too.

Red spots, pale yellow near those spots. Classic Ca.

In the OP first pic I actually see more of a K deficiency upon closer inspection.

K def can be caused by a couple of things.

Here's a help sheet.




Well-Known Member
go to food every other watering follow instructions of food you use less is good more is is bad

lower lights to about 17 inch off tops

give sum cal mag

stay on top of PH



Well-Known Member
Thank you Dwezelitsame, I dropped the lights to 19 inches last night from 22-23 I'll see how they do and maybe drop to 17 if she seems to like it. I'll pick up some cal mag and ph should be restored tomorrow as the lights come on. I got a cooling issuse handled so I dropped two more 2700k cfls in addition to dropping the ds100 a few inches. I don't feel that the cfls will hurt much if any as the temps are still 82 give or take a mark or two. I furthermore can't see why they wouldn't help yields a bit at least people do okay growing with only 4 of the exact same cfl in microgrows, I've seen a few personally. If I am misinformed please correct me and I'll rip those spirally fucks outta there double quick :peace::bigjoint:

bird dog

Well-Known Member
For 36 days she's a little small but depending upon quality of LED panel will give different growth results.

LED are notorious for creating issues with Ca and Mg.

What you have is a Ca deficiency.

Congratulations though on your first grow.

Exactly! Several of my friends use LED. I use an LED Glowpanel to start my seedlings. It would help if the LED's shown were a bit closer. Nice 1st grow dude. Rock on...


Well-Known Member
l-e-d's make the room look good but i just don't think they have the back bone to produce large yeilds.
I have thought about useing one my self but the more grows i see of led grows the more i lean towards
hps that i have used since they come out.

The plant looks pretty good though looks like you have trained it well it fulling the table by the look of it.
I would have vegged for a few week longer,you 110% have the height for it.

If you watch one of the weed nerds on you tube subcool does a plant under a led that cost him a fortune,the other plants,under the hps lighting.Just look like they feel sorry for the little purple plant LOL.

Get a hps light bud honest it could be the best move ya could make,looks like you ahve a few issues with the tips on the leaves,either it is wind burn from the fans or the nutes are too high for the plants.Get the led has close has possible to the plant top,Only way of getting dense fat nugs rather than fluffy hash buds.

I would rather use a t5 for flowering than a led,any day i do all my vegging in a room undera t5 4 tube they love it i get 2 plants up to around 12/14 " with no strech.

I would love to see a grow of a t5 just t5 all the way through veg and flower,i also use a 3ft flouresent tube for clones in the mother unit,they root in 6/9 days summer in that part of the unit.
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Well-Known Member
Nice pics smootherpete so are you saying that the plant is stunted because of the level of nutrients that I'm currently feeding. So that I can have some sort of guide of what to shoot for or what to do here's what I have been doing: feed/water every three days at normal to slightly less than what is recommended per the FF schedule. I listened to the FF rep and interweb and skipped the preflower flush because I "didn't want to mess with what wasn't broke" and paid for it with other calmag def looking symptoms(just like this) caused by what I think is minor nute lockout(cal-mag) due to low ph at the root zone. I have never seen the "burnlike" symptoms of the upturned serrated leaves until I intentionally went off schedule and didn't flush.

I suppose what I'm asking is where I went wrong, how do I avoid it in the future, and what can I do now to minimum the damage that I have already caused?
They look like they should be on about 1.5/1.6 ec


Well-Known Member
No fuck the CFLs excuse my language.

That LED NEEDS to be closer.

They are starving for light is what it seems.
for day 36 you should have a lot more pistils growing out, it looks like my plants and they are literally 9 days into flower.
I agree light need to be closer but there are other things going on if you look at the photo,i would say it is too higher nute's.

Either that or wind burn from the fans but i don't think so.other thing could be have any nutes been spilled on the leaves while watering,get em on water if not for a few days,if its a dwc/nft,if your growing in medium like coco or soil a few days flush.

All that space wasted,height wise i would have vegged for longer like i said earlyer,shame that all that void could have been full of nug's.use every bit of height you have you could have trippled your yeild just by vegging for longer.

May be worth thinking about in the future what stage are they at now have you added a pk spike like b bud,picture took at 5 week 1 day add pk 13/14 and get the light lower .With you been at 5 week they have finished there strech so go with the pk now next one veg for longer .
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New Member
Nice pics smootherpete so are you saying that the plant is stunted because of the level of nutrients that I'm currently feeding. So that I can have some sort of guide of what to shoot for or what to do here's what I have been doing: feed/water every three days at normal to slightly less than what is recommended per the FF schedule. I listened to the FF rep and interweb and skipped the preflower flush because I "didn't want to mess with what wasn't broke" and paid for it with other calmag def looking symptoms(just like this) caused by what I think is minor nute lockout(cal-mag) due to low ph at the root zone. I have never seen the "burnlike" symptoms of the upturned serrated leaves until I intentionally went off schedule and didn't flush.

I suppose what I'm asking is where I went wrong, how do I avoid it in the future, and what can I do now to minimum the damage that I have already caused?
If you have the option of doing a flush and checking ph and ppm that would greatly benefit you, you now know what your dealing with. low ph-5.2-5.8 run off, flush with a 7 or even higher, in your flush if ppm is high, you know that you have an abundance of salts and nutes. try doing a florakleen flush or a low ppm flush, because ec bonds will happen with low ppm but not with pure water nearly as well. give it a shot.


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for the multitude of advice and support. I very much appreciate the knowledge.

I'll drop the lights another inch or so today and maybe another tomorrow. As well as putting in an exhaust, I'll dial back the nutes to 3/4 strength. And see how that does. Today however ill do a two gallon flush one with FF sledgehammer chased by one gallon of pure water. I'll also look into hps both as another option as well as to run in supplement to the LED I already have. Really how hot can hps run anyway lol


New Member
Thank you all for the multitude of advice and support. I very much appreciate the knowledge.

I'll drop the lights another inch or so today and maybe another tomorrow. As well as putting in an exhaust, I'll dial back the nutes to 3/4 strength. And see how that does. Today however ill do a two gallon flush one with FF sledgehammer chased by one gallon of pure water. I'll also look into hps both as another option as well as to run in supplement to the LED I already have. Really how hot can hps run anyway lol
even before doing a 3/4 diluted feed, try a 100-200 ppm flush and see what it comes back at... Salt build up can cause the soil to become toxic, dropping the ph drastically, and raising the ppm in the soil a hell of a lot higher then you want, ive had them get as high as 2000 when not enough attention was paid esecially with flushing
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Well-Known Member
Am flushing today with sledgehammer (2 tsp/gal), big bloom(1/4 tsp/gal), and RO water. So are you saying to see how she looks post flush before dialing back the nutes, or do you think I should just expect to need to dial them back


New Member
Am flushing today with sledgehammer (2 tsp/gal), big bloom(1/4 tsp/gal), and RO water. So are you saying to see how she looks post flush before dialing back the nutes, or do you think I should just expect to need to dial them back
do you have a ppm meter and ph meter?