tent + light question


Well-Known Member

I have a 600w hps and my tent is in size 120 cm x 120 cm x 185cm I was wondering how many plants I can have in my tent at one time.

Also when I start my seeds when Is the best time to start more so I have plants going all the time?.


Well-Known Member
i know im not answering your question but you need to read some grow journals and see what other people with similar set ups are doing then work out for yourself what you want to do.

i have only ever bloomed in a 1.2m tent once, i had 7 plants but it was my first grow, they were different strains and sizes so that wasn't very desirable but i was still very happy with what i got.

personally i think 4 large plants in 20l pots will give you a good medium between time/yield/ quality. growing from cutting is much better than starting seeds, you may need to start your seeds when you begin the 12/12 period, obviously you need a separate area to do this in


Well-Known Member
i know im not answering your question but you need to read some grow journals and see what other people with similar set ups are doing then work out for yourself what you want to do.

i have only ever bloomed in a 1.2m tent once, i had 7 plants but it was my first grow, they were different strains and sizes so that wasn't very desirable but i was still very happy with what i got.

personally i think 4 large plants in 20l pots will give you a good medium between time/yield/ quality. growing from cutting is much better than starting seeds, you may need to start your seeds when you begin the 12/12 period, obviously you need a separate area to do this in
Depends on how long ur planning to veg for. If ur doing a short veg period u could probly squeeze 9 in but if ur doing a longer veg period and looking to do larger plants probly 4-5 like Ghb said


Well-Known Member
Go with 4 in a tent that size they will do well under a 600

me my self i would only do 2 but i like to Veg for longer till they are around 25-30" before flip and use scrog to max yields

as they are autos they will flower under 18 hours of light so you can add more or less when ever you like but don't put to many in there or you will run out of space and limit the plants less is more :) good luck


Well-Known Member
I have 1 bubble-gum feminized seed in the tent on 12/12 at the moment will it hurt if I put my autos on 12/12 in the tent with my other plant?


Well-Known Member
I have 1 bubble-gum feminized seed in the tent on 12/12 at the moment will it hurt if I put my autos on 12/12 in the tent with my other plant?
You will lose a lot of yield growing an auto on 12/12. Also if your growing auto's then disregard the info you received on plant numbers and sizes because you'll have no control over how long or short the plant vegs for. I would recommend researching how big your auto's are suppose to get and go from there. You will want more auto's than photo's though because they tend to grow a lot smaller.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering how many autos you reckon I can fit in the tent as I have 11 seeds that I can germinate 2nite if I can fit them all in?.


Active Member
Eleven is WAY too many - do them in batches, you would do better to concentrate on four at a time - that is what the manufacturers of 120cm sq tents suggest.

I have the same tent and light as you and I reckon at the very max you can have 6 plants in there - I currently have six - four normal feminized and two autos - in mine, but they are just seedlings at the moment. As they get older I think I am going to have space troubles, but my plan is this (hope it helps):

- The two autos are placed underneath where my carbon filter is, as they are going to grow only 1-2 feet.

- The autos should hopefully be ready to harvest around the time I flip the tent to 12/12. If not they will get a very few days / weeks of 12/12 and I doubt this will hurt them that late in their lives

- Once harvested, the tent will have more room for the other four.

- I am not afraid to cull plants if I find I have no room, and you would do well to think along the same lines - try to plan for which ones you want to keep the most. I know my Super Lemon Haze plants are my priority. I would kill everything in my garden to keep them if I had to. I hope I will be able to muddle through with all four. The non-SLH plants will harvest around 3-4 weeks before the SLH so again that gives me more room to make for the big girls.

I hope this helps.