Tied her down / bad seeds?


Well-Known Member
Tied down my skunk auto and one of the lower shoots r growing up higher than the top, plan on tying that down also once the rest grow a little larger. Also had some trans siberian automatic seeds from auto seeds and they all did terrible, first 1 withered n died once it broke soil, the second is almost a month old and barely grew and its dying faster than its growing and the third popped soil with only 1 cotyledon.



Well-Known Member
I have 2 autos doing awesome right now, ones a skunk auto and the other is biodiesel critical mass, the trans siberians are the only seeds that gave me an issue, i use an organic potting soil from McEnroe, mixed with about 40-50% perlite. I have 8 cfls in a 30"x18"x36" mylar tent. Tried 2 indoors and 1 outdoors, first one popped, withered then died, second one is the one with terrible yellowing / brown leaves in the pic, hard to believe its almost a month old and the last one i tried is only growing with cotyledon. Used the same materials for years minus the tent and never had this type of issue before which leads me to believe the were just shitty beans


Well-Known Member
Probably not your seeds as much as doing things wrong. You should post a bunch of info and perhaps people could advise you. Soil, nutes, light, ex., would be a start.
Clearly in the pics u could see i have a mylar tent im using cfls and growing in soil which is why i didnt feel much need to type it in aswell


Well-Known Member
And i dont think the seed having grown with only 1 cotyledon is from something i did, sounds like a genetic error to me.


Well-Known Member
That seedlig looks like nut burn lol very strange from what ive read about auto u need big pots bigger the better the first 2 week is crucial ive heard u water when u plant plant seed then try limit amount of water and no nutes make sure u have enough food in the pot to feed for 2 weeks less water will make plant root deeper and harder iam doing my first auto grow now I have a journal ive started if u wanna look this my setup now all seeds poped soil and look good



Well-Known Member
I started the 2 i have now in jiffy pots and theyre both doing awesome, same soil n everything, idk what happened with the trans siberians maybe theyre just alot more nute sensitive than my other 2 strains. The skunk automatic has got to have a ridiculous root system. The stem is about as thick as a sharpee marker and the bent leaf tips on the newer growth indicate that it has all the nutes it needs for now, which leads me to believe that my root system made its way to the bottom of my pot where i have about a 4"-6" layer of super soil called Recipe 420 i got from e.b stone online.


Well-Known Member
Yes you use lights, yes its a tent, and yes its dirt lol. Just from my experience here, people typically like to know more about what is not shown.
Experience, watts, nute amount and type, air flow, etc. If you have been doing the same thing for years then yes, it can only be one if two things IMO. Bad genetics or vastly different needs for that particular strain. With the regular strains I grow, each one has varying needs and wants. FYI if I came across as being critical that was not my intention, just trying to get your issue solved quickly and intelligently.


Well-Known Member
Yes you use lights, yes its a tent, and yes its dirt lol. Just from my experience here, people typically like to know more about what is not shown.
Experience, watts, nute amount and type, air flow, etc. If you have been doing the same thing for years then yes, it can only be one if two things IMO. Bad genetics or vastly different needs for that particular strain. With the regular strains I grow, each one has varying needs and wants. FYI if I came across as being critical that was not my intention, just trying to get your issue solved quickly and intelligently.
Lol its fine i appreciate the help, just frustrated i wasted 50$ on wat im pretty sure is just shitty genetics and the fact that auto seeds pretty much said too bad when i told them what was going on, looks like ill never get beans from them again. And on the last one i tried to germinate in rockwool and used a very very light soil and then noticed the plant had only one cotyledon and then i read that when such thing happens regarding the cotyledon that the plant is most likely to die or be a real slow grower. Its funny that the freebie is the best seed ive ever gotten from them


Well-Known Member
I'm new to Auto's as well and I've noticed that the Fast and Vast that I've got going is very nute sensitive. They would pop above the soil and die like yours did.. So the last few that I had I transplanted into a more neutral potting soil and they're doing fine now. What is weird is the Northern Lights Auto's and the rest of my Photoperiod plants are loving the soil and flourishing in it. I don't think I'll run the Fast and Vast again unless it yields a shitload.. Too touchy for me.


Well-Known Member
I'm new to Auto's as well and I've noticed that the Fast and Vast that I've got going is very nute sensitive. They would pop above the soil and die like yours did.. So the last few that I had I transplanted into a more neutral potting soil and they're doing fine now. What is weird is the Northern Lights Auto's and the rest of my Photoperiod plants are loving the soil and flourishing in it. I don't think I'll run the Fast and Vast again unless it yields a shitload.. Too touchy for me.
Yea i figured they were nute sensitive, i planted the yellowing/dying one outside in the ground in an organic potting mix with like 40% perlite, added a teaspoon of blood meal and its actually starting to grow now, the new growth is a nice deep green, but its a little late since its an auto and a month behind, i just dont have the heart to pull her out lol


Well-Known Member
Im just gonna grow her out if she lives then just throw her in the bubble bags with the rest of my trimmings, better than nothing i suppose.


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Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
1. why are you tying, lst, fim, top? for room? for more cola?

2. this is a valid response and not meant to be insulting
Probably not your seeds as much as doing things wrong. You should post a bunch of info and perhaps people could advise you. Soil, nutes, light, ex., would be a start.
3. growing cannibis is easy, killing cannibis is even easier


Well-Known Member
1. why are you tying, lst, fim, top? for room? for more cola?

2. this is a valid response and not meant to be insulting

3. growing cannibis is easy, killing cannibis is even easier
1.) im doing lst cuz im growing autos in a rather small tent and u shouldnt top or fim them, trying to maximize my yeild so lst seems like the way to go.

2)Yes we cleared that up already but thanks for reassuring me.

3) And apparently spelling Cannabis is even harder than growing it.