can anybody identify this problem?

Ed Rosenthal has this pictured in one of his books, that I no longer have. I think you all nailed it with the Cal Mag advice/solution.

Nice baby, by the way, I love when they're all fat and happy like that.
happen to have the ed rosenthal (garden saver) book right here... couldn't find anything like it in the "nutrient imbalance" section...
prodimg_calimagic_03.png and yeah thanks. other than a few leaves, its pretty healthy looking. I should snap pics of the f1 hybrid cbd seeds i got going right next to it... the stalks and the leaves are way fat!...

I have been using CALiMAGic.... should 1tsp per gallon be enough, or should i just get it to a certain ppm?
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Ed Rosenthal has this pictured in one of his books, that I no longer have. I think you all nailed it with the Cal Mag advice/solution.

Nice baby, by the way, I love when they're all fat and happy like that.
I actually just seen a picture in that book of "light burn" hmm... i think that would be the closest thing he has pictured... i tried to search google for that picture. but cant find it. maybe tomorrow i can upload it or something and tell me if u think there is a resemblance


Well-Known Member
Nah, it's not that book, it was a far older book that I had from the very early 90's...

And no it is not light burn.

PS I've looked and looked around on the internet to see if I could find an example but can't seem to find one.
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Well-Known Member
you're in soil? why worry about PPM, and why add Mg/Cal solution? you wanna see a healthy cannabis plant? find one that's growing from a crack in the humans messing with it ;)


Well-Known Member
I always measure PPM when feeding nutrients... as for calmag... this is my first run using it
the cal-mag is the culprit, I think. I believe an abundance of Mg is locking out Ca. being a soil guy, I feed very little. I make up a rich, well-balanced mix, and don't feed until flower, and have had yields, and quality, go up......from less feeding.
the cal-mag is the culprit, I think. I believe an abundance of Mg is locking out Ca. being a soil guy, I feed very little. I make up a rich, well-balanced mix, and don't feed until flower, and have had yields, and quality, go up......from less feeding.
yeah i know usually "less is more" in the garden world and nutrients... But the problem started before i added the calmag


Active Member
I reckon your roots just hit a tiny hotspot in your soil and the minor nute burn just hit a leaf or 2. All will be fine. That's a pretty happy plant.
I reckon your roots just hit a tiny hotspot in your soil and the minor nute burn just hit a leaf or 2. All will be fine. That's a pretty happy plant.
my brother said the same exact thing.... i know ffof is pretty hott.. I found a new mixture im trying out now. and transplanting will be soon... very soon