
Well-Known Member
Culled some weak shiva skunk. So I have 5 healthy shiva skunk regs, 4 critical haze reg and 2 Hawaiian skunk haze reg. A total of 11 regs.237_2114.JPG Taking cuttings off all and probably keeping the nicest critical haze and maybe some shiva skunk dependant on how they go as my next run. Also possibly adding another 600w next time


Well-Known Member
Well I've been using your method with the res on the 2 40L and there doing great. One has a little bit of nute burn and the other is the Sat/Dom. I took 10 clones and could have taken like 10 or 20 more theres like growth everywhere. I did the Sat/Dom Mainline style and she split in the middle and on one side. So now I got some rocks there holding the plant together. I just put it to flip 2days ago. So she gonna grow some mo! I guess I'll have to make a cage to support the huge buds that I imagine she'll grow.