Problem caught early. Any solutions?


Well-Known Member
If its looking better now i would hate to have seen it before. Its starving because the ph is wrong. Get a ph meter ,some up+down and fix it back to 6.5 . You can add as much water/ nutes as you like but until the ph is right the plant cant take up the nutes.


If its looking better now i would hate to have seen it before. Its starving because the ph is wrong. Get a ph meter ,some up+down and fix it back to 6.5 . You can add as much water/ nutes as you like but until the ph is right the plant cant take up the nutes.
I actually bought this ph meter but it works like shit. Idk if it doesnt work or what.but the only thing it ever adjusts is wetness. trust me Im well aware that its not the prettiest plant but I just want to be able to go through the whole grow. Have been learning more and more unnamed (14).jpg


Well-Known Member
That chinese plastic thing is no good, probe doesnt work . Ebay or hydro shop for meter-$30 and the ph adjusters -$30 .


Well-Known Member
No man no problem at all you guys are actually really helpful. I love learning Any new knowledge about what I'm doing. I am gonna get some new pots prolly switch her to a gallon pot. I'm doing my whole grow I a closet so I don't exactly want a big bud tree growing lol that's why I was wondering if there was a different option for maybe smaller potting. 2-3 gal of soil in a closet isn't gonna be too great for me ha.
just switch to 12/12 earlier and top her to keep her shorter.


Hey people just picked up a bigger pot for her and I picked up some bone meal while I was there. I'm not sure how much to use or even if I should so a little advice would he awesome.


Active Member
My first seedlings looked just like your first pics on this thread. My fix was a change from tap water to RO water, and a transplant from 100% FFLW to a mixture of FFLW and FFOF.

just my two cents.