Will you buy irradiated medicine?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 13.5%
  • No

    Votes: 109 86.5%

  • Total voters
I'd read them but, except for your last ncbi link, which is to the Russo paper I cited, all your links lead to Rollitup dead ends, not to actual references (e.g. abstract or journal).

You support what I said - no clinical studies showing efficacy. It's all hypothesis based on animal studies and in vitro receptor binding assays and short studies for non-cannabis application, sometimes not even inhaled. I've been in this pharma long enough to know that is a long way off from showing clinical efficacy. Great data to support the case to do more investigation, but not anything close to being conclusive. It is one of the main reasons so many things fail clinical studies - they just don't pan out against the promise indicated by these sorts of data. As to Bedrocan not being able to do science, it seems you have yet to read Hazekamp's work and have not seen the web indications that they are involved in clinical trials (e.g. 2012/7.1500.Hazekamp.pdf). If there is a clinical impact to be shown, they are likely closest. They also seem to have the most to win from showing that the terpenes do have an impact, because they analyse them and aim to control them (Phytochemistry 71 (2010) 2058–2073). But you are correct that it might be too much of a stretch for them - they're not Big Pharma by any means, but then none of the LP are (and if you think any of the LP are Big Pharma, you obviously wouldn't know Big Pharma if it kissed you on the lips!).

I do concur with you that there have been no specific studies looking at the impact of irradiated cannabis on humans (or even animal models, for that matter), but given that the Dutch and MMAR programmes did this for at least a decade with hundreds/thousands(?) of patients inhaling tonnes(?) of irradiated cannabis, it seems like there is no adverse events connected to it thus far.
Funny you should mention the LP's activities on social media, as I emailed HC and asked them about LP advertizing and this is what they sent me back, according to this they should all be in jail, as Tweed has a sock site which they are boosting about Capital, sales and the stock market, and not one of their sites state that Info on this site contains referance to a Narcotic. can we call NCR, or do we call he better business Bur.

Thanks so much for that confirmation by Health Canada that it's a free for all. Particularly in instances like Tweed's use of Facebook. Health Canada is likely already shoveling the client info across the border anyway. If not directly, than through their "leeway" highway.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the gods - that one is the best I've seen in a long time! Good luck trying to sway HC with that attitude.

I didn't think you would have an intelligent response either. Yours is the nonsense resorted to when the facts aren't on your side. Maybe Bedrocan will come to your rescue. "But, we have the pretense of institution..the coats, they're white.... our crap, the gold standard". Yaaaaawn.

A very large part of the point to an alternative medicine is to also have an alternative to such corrupted institutions. Herding us back in with vacuous talk of "regulation", where all they do is turn a blind eye, "Standards" that are anything but, and "clinical research" that is just marketing, won't have me investing in their corrupt and ignorant religion that habitually ignores what doesn't agree with them and at the cost of everyone else.

All you are doing is propagating the false justification for the requirement of their imposition. But it's a good argument: "But guys, we can't know that it's not bad weed.. hasn't been studied clinically".
At this juncture MMPR already shares similar concerns to GMO products. How can I know that what I'm buying in the street isn't MMPR? That garbage will be everywhere and it won't be labelled. What if the mutations get out?
Hi Tweed,

I very much respect your willingness to engage patients and other LPs on the forums, it may help to clear up some questions and concerns that a lot of people have. You have been maintaining that transparency is important to you, so I'm sure you'd be happy to answer such questions.

Are you currently planning on issuing any statements/apologies/refunds to all patients that were not happy with the quality of the medicine that they were provided with? Providing Johny with a full refund was great, but there are many other unhappy patients that are in the same situation. Also, can you tell us on which basis your medicine failed to meet acceptable QA standards (pests, mold, etc) and was required to be irradiated? This is a major point of concern for many, so your input would help clear up a lot on this particular issue.

If Tweed knows anything about marketing/customer service, they will know that 80% of unsatisfied customers don't complain. And 60% of those, just don't come back. The LP's need people like us who aren't seeing dollar signs and are actually concerned about producing quality meds for people in need. If the LP's stay loyal, pay attention to quality and sell clean, proper medicine then money won't be a problem. People will return. Now, I am by no means saying that none of the people who work there are compassionate and we haven't seen the product from most LP's yet. Also, the stay classy shot they took at Green Medical was highly professional IMO....not.
Also, the stay classy shot they took at Green Medical was highly professional IMO....not.

Although unprofessional, especially since it was only their second post, Green Medical didn't come at them pretty harsh in quite a few places at one time. They lost the battle with him before it began.
Not only was there a recall of peace naturals, but now Licenced Commercial Grow-Op fire, when is Health Canada and the Harper Government going to STOP HARMING medical Cannabis Patients, This will all be brought out in Feb. at trial.

I'm pretty sure it was determined that it was not a licensed grow op in Mission BC, but just some MMAR setup.
Either way, the point still stands. There are issues with the big guys trying to go big fast. It's a problem that smaller LPs will be able to solve for one day.
The MMPR Has been in effect for 5 weeks
The Commercial Growers have got caught buying start up's
They where 3 weeks late on first grow
Their first grow did not cover all their patients and was bad and Irradiated
As of today there has been 2 recalls
And Now a Commercial licenced grow- op FIRE.
Please Reinstate The MMAR and allow Patients to make their own Choices
also Cold Pasteurization Does destroy Medical Cannabis and there has
been no tests or studies on Irradiation of inhaled product so Health
Canada itself, again, are violating their own Regulations, When will
the Government stay out of Patients medicine Cabinets.
In way HC has made it difficult to have a choice and send LP's that don't live up to patients standards to the grave.
1. Every LP has it's own "medical document" form, so unless you knew the LP you going with grew awesome meds, you have to now see the doc again to fill out another LP "med doc" form to change LP's this takes time also now the patient is out of meds but how many would say "even though it's crap meds it's still something that I can't get on my own" so they continue to order until the new LP can get these "med docs" and approve them for supply. It should have been .... one medical document for access to all LP's not just one. Sure now patients understand that they should get as many LP "med forms" signed as you can in one doctor visit.... but who knew to do that?
2. How many patients were promised a shipping date for a specific time... then delayed (but the delayed time was short enough that a patient probably thought I think I could wait rather than the time it takes to make an appointment with my doctor ... as that sometimes takes a month to get in to see them) then have the delay extended and extended. Oppsy then they are sold out before all patients can order??????? a game playing with patients meds to keep them strung along.
3. Patients that were able to receive meds get some whispy irradiated lower graded MMJ, Oppsy again "but we had issues" "our next shipment will be better" ... "we promise" again so some patients will weigh the time it would take to get that doctor appointment and believing the hollow promises (because it's human nature to trust).... some patients might also think well I'm in now is anyone else better??? or do I have to go through all this again with a new LP????

What's needed is confirmation that a LP out there can supply awesome high grade meds, that's shipping now... that's not going to close it's doors after the first shipment or do a recall of meds. MMPR are trapped into this game of not being able to dump a supplier and try out another the same day..... Just remember us patients will eventually have the power to choose who survives in this business or not, we have good memories on who gave out crappy meds at the beginning and even though were trapped now buying garbage MMJ.... it's you the LP that couldn't get their shit together at the beginning that will slowly die. I urge every new patient if your seeing your doctor bring in every LP "Medical Document" for your doctor to sign, when asked why tell them some LP's are just out for their wallets and may not provide the best medication for your needs...... plus it's not like you can try it before ya buy it. These LP's may not learn their lessons from the get go but once more and more patients start dumping them for ... hopefully..... an LP out there has quality medication to supply, their lesson will be's too late were going under too many patients left us!!!

LP's should have been able to supply patients right from the beginning not 2-3 months after the end of march! With quality meds too. Thank god for the injunction as this problem could have been way bigger than it is now, imagine all the extra patients that didn't want to go illegal that can still grow?

Remember you do not have to give up your HC MMAR papers to do the MMPR (for patients like me that only have a ATP and no DG or PPL) Give that paper up and you might not be able to be grandfathered into the MMAR continuation as it might happen in 2015. Hopefully then they will allow new homegrowers or DG's
The MMPR Has been in effect for 5 weeks.

Actually the MMPR came into effect in June of 2013, so the MMPR is almost a year old now, not 5 weeks. It's only been 5 weeks since the MMAR was repealed.

Remember you do not have to give up your HC MMAR papers to do the MMPR (for patients like me that only have a ATP and no DG or PPL) Give that paper up and you might not be able to be grandfathered into the MMAR continuation as it might happen in 2015. Hopefully then they will allow new homegrowers or DG's

Nobody is going to be grandfathered and there isn't going to be no MMAR continuation. Grandfathering won't work as a solution as any new patient would have their rights violated. Also the MMAR has been repealed, it doesn't exist anymore. Any personal production rights the patients win will be added to the MMPR, the MMAR is gone forever now.
Actually the MMPR came into effect in June of 2013, so the MMPR is almost a year old now, not 5 weeks. It's only been 5 weeks since the MMAR was repealed.

Nobody is going to be grandfathered and there isn't going to be no MMAR continuation. Grandfathering won't work as a solution as any new patient would have their rights violated. Also the MMAR has been repealed, it doesn't exist anymore. Any personal production rights the patients win will be added to the MMPR, the MMAR is gone forever now.

Well I aint giving up my pink slip for an LP, just encase they only PPL to patients that still hold their pink slips, once you give it to a LP it's gone forever, I have never heard of anyone getting back their actual MMAR form as of yet. So yeah I maybe wrong in my words about it but I'm no lawyer LOL..... It also helps the cause because they can't say mine was handed back to HC
Although unprofessional, especially since it was only their second post, Green Medical didn't come at them pretty harsh in quite a few places at one time. They lost the battle with him before it began.
I agree he was quite harsh with them, but to come to a place where people are already doubting you and represent your business like that is not going to help anything. Sid from OrganiGram took some heat too but handled it professionally. Making sarcastic remarks at possible customers, in front of other possible customers, while already not looking so hot, is no way to conduct a business.
I agree he was quite harsh with them, but to come to a place where people are already doubting you and represent your business like that is not going to help anything. Sid from OrganiGram took some heat too but handled it professionally. Making sarcastic remarks at possible customers, in front of other possible customers, while already not looking so hot, is no way to conduct a business.

Absolutely agreed. @Tweed Inc "reputation management" needs some work.
At least on Facebook they get to just delete the negative comments and pretend they never happened and on Twitter they just don't respond and hope nobody sees them.
my prediction because of all the dumb ass things tweed is doing will hurt them in the short term by having patients leave them for "greener and lush pastures" then in the long run they wont have the money to continue to survive ... leading to the first fall of a big LP
I don't know.. I won't say it's impossible (they are spending quite a bit on construction), but they have like.. $85 million in investment money? That buys you out of quite a bit of trouble..

The biggest thing will be when the quality medicine comes out and they simply can't produce the same quality because their facility would require 10+ growers who are all "masters of their trade" and they will have inconsistent product, quality issues, inspection fails, etc.
I don't know.. I won't say it's impossible (they are spending quite a bit on construction), but they have like.. $85 million in investment money? That buys you out of quite a bit of trouble..

The biggest thing will be when the quality medicine comes out and they simply can't produce the same quality because their facility would require 10+ growers who are all "masters of their trade" and they will have inconsistent product, quality issues, inspection fails, etc.

I think training is key. There are probably a lot of people who are not master growers, but want to be involved because they really care about patients. If you have the passion and really want to learn, you will absorb the knowledge quickly. If the right training systems are in place, everybody is on the same page and standards are set with no exception, then theres no reason why these facilities can't produce a consistent quality product every time. It seems like tweed may have hired people with growing experience and just said alright, heres what we need , go do it, and without setting a standard, and showing people that every task needs to be done this way, all the time, by everybody, its just not going to work. I'm a business manager, sorry for the rant.
While they could throw money at their problems, if they don't have the patients they don't have the income.... which leads to stockholders pulling out..... which leads to lower stocks which leads to corporate death .

I totally believe we as the patients can control who going to stay and who's going to go, we just need to stand up to these LP's that don't seem to really care about patients... if we don't start now.... it's going to be just like big pharma..... where patients have absolutely no control what so ever!

Just browsing the LP sites..... they all seem to have the best technology grow rooms all these master growers and biologist, don't forget some even have those microwave ovens everyone loves. Yet have to nuke their MMJ or have lower grade grows??? Seems with all that cool new tech they should be producing the freaking most top notch medical grade stuff the planet has ever seen, but yet a PPL guy can grow grade A medical plants in his garage? This is so far why they get a fail from me, yeah sure a small LP may show up growing grade A stuff but how long is that going to take? so far I have seen the same LP's on HC website (-1 so far)