First lady 'outraged' .

Nutes and Nugs:
''WTF is Michell talking about?
"terrorist group determined to keep these girls from getting an education," adding the group was composed of "grown men attempting to snuff out the aspirations of young girls."
He doesnt give a rats ass if they don't derive a education and make minimum wage.
LOL, He is going to sell them as young whores sweety.''

Nutes, why would anyone find this situation amusing?
One of the reasons someone like Michelle Obama makes an effort is due to having had the good fortune and intelligence to have studied at university. It's pretty well known that when women are educated and have economic independence the whole society benefits. In essence, when you attack children deliberately you are attacking the future. That is why many find this type of terrorism so offensive. I'm not suggesting we invade Nigeria. If some good can come of this it will be greater public awareness of the problems this region faces. Perhaps that was part of her motive?

Using these forums to spew venom is an abuse of free speech imho though you are free to do do.
Nutes and Nugs:
''WTF is Michell talking about?
"terrorist group determined to keep these girls from getting an education," adding the group was composed of "grown men attempting to snuff out the aspirations of young girls."
He doesnt give a rats ass if they don't derive a education and make minimum wage.
LOL, He is going to sell them as young whores sweety.''

Nutes, why would anyone find this situation amusing?
One of the reasons someone like Michelle Obama makes an effort is due to having had the good fortune and intelligence to have studied at university. It's pretty well known that when women are educated and have economic independence the whole society benefits. In essence, when you attack children deliberately you are attacking the future. That is why many find this type of terrorism so offensive. I'm not suggesting we invade Nigeria. If some good can come of this it will be greater public awareness of the problems this region faces. Perhaps that was part of her motive?

Using these forums to spew venom is an abuse of free speech imho though you are free to do do.

I'm not using this thread to make fun of anyone or using it for entertainment.

We need to bring these girls back home.
Fuck terrorists!
If you look at my second or third post it pretty much repeats what youre so angry about.
Do you need Buck for guidance? Are you that stupid?

I don't understand what the first lady genius is talking about.
"depriving them of education"
YES, they will be sold as slaves, sex slaves no doubt.

Sorta ironic, a black man selling slaves.

boko girls.jpg
Nutes:"LOL, He is going to sell them as young whores sweety.''
This comment of yours above seemed strange. Maybe I misread it. You can't understand why it would appear to me you are laughing at Mrs. Obama or the situation? I found it confusing and it seemed mean-spirited.

Nutes: "If you look at my second or third post it pretty much repeats what youre so angry about.
Do you need Buck for guidance? Are you that stupid?"

I'm not angry. Far from it. a bit saddened by the stupidity of kidnapping children and selling them into slavery.

I don't need Buck's guidance but I do respect his opinion. I have my own thought process, sources I read and priorities. I don't think I have the energy to police riu. He does. I respect his tenacity. I think he may go a bit far at times but I can appreciate where he's coming from.

Finally, I'm not stupid. That's a cheap shot nutes and you know it. I came here to riu for the same reason most do: shared hobby. I stay for many reasons. I think the left-right divide of your culture's politics is a bit contrived. Viewing me as a guy across the 'aisle' isn't really helpful or true.
Nutes:"LOL, He is going to sell them as young whores sweety.''

YES, it is an attack on Michelle Obama.
Why does she say such stupid things?
Someone of her great genius and wisdom should have come up with a better response.

If you enjoy Buck's Bullshit, maybe join him in posting 200+ replies and threads per day.
Just remember, he votes Republican.
Nutes:"LOL, He is going to sell them as young whores sweety.''
YES, it is an attack on Michelle Obama.
Why does she say such stupid things?
Someone of her great genius and wisdom should have come up with a better response.
If you enjoy Buck's Bullshit, maybe join him in posting 200+ replies and threads per day.
Just remember, he votes Republican.

I don't really care how Buck or anyone else votes.
Did you not read my post where i said i think a left-right divide is, imho, phony?
Who cares how much anyone posts? Is that not free speech? If we don't like it we're all free to tell someone. Personal insults aren't necessary nor are they productive.
I agree with Dems and the GOP. It depends on the issue. I have certain principles around politics that i believe in. I prefer not to have an ideology and filter everything through it.
I also prefer civil discourse.
To summarize your thread, I would have to say it's point is 'Michelle Obama's an idiot' and 'Nigerian terrorists suck'.
I don't really care how Buck or anyone else votes.
Did you not read my post where i said i think a left-right divide is, imho, phony?
Who cares how much anyone posts? Is that not free speech? If we don't like it we're all free to tell someone. Personal insults aren't necessary nor are they productive.
I agree with Dems and the GOP. It depends on the issue. I have certain principles around politics that i believe in. I prefer not to have an ideology and filter everything through it.
I also prefer civil discourse.
To summarize your thread, I would have to say it's point is 'Michelle Obama's an idiot' and 'Nigerian terrorists suck'.

Well then we agree on that.

Moving on, what can be done to help these girls and why aren't we doing more?
What can we do?
The Boko Haram wants certain people released from prison for exchange of the girls.
Nigeria can deal with the terrorists and meet their demands but it won't be long until they kidnap someone else
and the whole story starts again.

The USA could quickly solve the problem with are intelligence and military machines.
Only the Boko's would die.

Why aren't we more involved in police forcing the world in this case?

We need to catch this fucker.

Why aren't we more involved in police forcing the world in this case?
We need to catch this fucker.
I think that after Iraq and Afghanistan (and the cost of those wars) combined with the '08 financial crisis most Americans are very unsupportive of costly foreign wars.
This Boko Haram group has been around for a while. I've been hearing about them for over 5 years. I doubt much will change any time soon. This may be just the tip. I hope not.

Nigeria has oil. It's not a homogenous country: christian/muslim, language/tribal differences, etc.
If the West were to go in, it could get very messy very fast.
We may not be able to do anything. Sad but true.

Scary fact: 3.9 million people died during the Second Congo War.
It was the largest military conflict since ww2 supposedly.
I know where it happened but couldn't tell you when or why. I don't even know when the 1st Congo War happened.
So much for the media right?
I'm guessing dead Africans don't sell newspapers. Sad But true.
I think that after Iraq and Afghanistan (and the cost of those wars) combined with the '08 financial crisis most Americans are very unsupportive of costly foreign wars.
This Boko Haram group has been around for a while. I've been hearing about them for over 5 years. I doubt much will change any time soon. This may be just the tip. I hope not.

Nigeria has oil. It's not a homogenous country: christian/muslim, language/tribal differences, etc.
If the West were to go in, it could get very messy very fast.
We may not be able to do anything. Sad but true.

Scary fact: 3.9 million people died during the Second Congo War.
It was the largest military conflict since ww2 supposedly.
I know where it happened but couldn't tell you when or why. I don't even know when the 1st Congo War happened.
So much for the media right?
I'm guessing dead Africans don't sell newspapers. Sad But true.

It is sad.
A lot of bullshit goes on south of our border much less in the continent of Africa, all over the world.
Obama has been sneaky with drones and could avoid the whole "war" word
with a bit of support to Nigeria.
War, was never declared in Iraq or Afghanistan but we did intervene.

Boko seems like a street gang as compared to Al Qaeda.
It is sad.
A lot of bullshit goes on south of our border much less in the continent of Africa, all over the world.
Obama has been sneaky with drones and could avoid the whole "war" word
with a bit of support to Nigeria.
War, was never declared in Iraq or Afghanistan but we did intervene.
Boko seems like a street gang as compared to Al Qaeda.
I agree. Very sad.
I believe the use of drones is despicable. There are so many civilian casualties.
I really feel that Obama will regret his decision on that.
It would be nice if there were an international moratorium on drones but I don't see it happening anytime soon.
I agree. Very sad.
I believe the use of drones is despicable. There are so many civilian casualties.
I really feel that Obama will regret his decision on that.
It would be nice if there were an international moratorium on drones but I don't see it happening anytime soon.

They save Americans lives and that's sadly, what the Land of the Brave has become.

But, if we're gonna deploy drones, let's get crackin' and take these assholes out.
Nutes:"LOL, He is going to sell them as young whores sweety.''

YES, it is an attack on Michelle Obama.
Why does she say such stupid things?
Someone of her great genius and wisdom should have come up with a better response.

If you enjoy Buck's Bullshit, maybe join him in posting 200+ replies and threads per day.
Just remember, he votes Republican.

the more you talk and reveal, the more saddening and repulsive you become.

you are very clearly a closeted religious right wing racist, which is quite an odd creature to behold. the repression is sad, but watching how you deal with it is repulsive.

i feel almost bad now because you are just so unaware of it all, too. either that, or some gifted troll. but probably just unaware.
the more you talk and reveal, the more saddening and repulsive you become.

you are very clearly a closeted religious right wing racist, which is quite an odd creature to behold. the repression is sad, but watching how you deal with it is repulsive.

i feel almost bad now because you are just so unaware of it all, too. either that, or some gifted troll. but probably just unaware.
I bet Padawan cant wait for bidding to open...
It is sad.
A lot of bullshit goes on south of our border much less in the continent of Africa, all over the world.
Obama has been sneaky with drones and could avoid the whole "war" word
with a bit of support to Nigeria.
War, was never declared in Iraq or Afghanistan but we did intervene.

Boko seems like a street gang as compared to Al Qaeda.
war WAS declared in iraq, agains the bhaathist regime of saddam,

there was a vote in congress and everything. you remember dontcha, way back in '91?

the only thing they didnt do is use the phrase "Declaration of War" but that is not required.

the second gulf war was the resumption of hostilities from the first gulf war, not a new war in itself.
What is really sad is roughly 300 girls have been kidnapped and some want nothing to happen. If it was 300 white girls we would definitely be over there. Women need to be safe no matter their race or their religion and it is up to those that can to do something about it.

It is time to grow a pair and just do it. It is time to wipe Boko haram off the map.
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But you respect Bucky? Hypocrite much?
He's hell bent for leather on racism. I respect that. I respect his wish for everyone to be treated equally. As I have black relatives, believe in treating people equally and am a fair man, yes, I appreciate what he does here. If racists have their little hate party upset, too bad.

Don't like it? You're free to leave. Want to have a racist love-in? Guess that wedding might get crashed.

nuff said? we all know the bigots here would never say this shit in public without there buddies backing their play. We have mods for that. Complain to them. don't forget to tell dada i want a lollipop too.

I challenge you to articulate my hypocrisy. Really. Show me.