Growing techniques specific to producing hash


Active Member
Hello RIUers!

I am curious about this, and having done a lot of research and coming up confused, I thought I should ask some seasoned growers to get it from the horse's mouth:

What, if any, techniques should I employ to increase *hash* yield from a plant?

For example....

-does the pre-harvest flush, which turns leaves yellow due to the plant sucking the nutes from the leaves, cause the trichomes to degrade or even disappear on said leaves?

-are there pruning, training, feeding etc techniques that ensure good sugar crusted leaves?

If you are curious as to my intentions, I have quite a bit of experience in making fine hashish from the trim from other people's grows, and now I am doing my own, I want to make sure I get a real good yield of hash from the ladies. I did consider committing an entire plant to making hash, buds and all, but not sure as yet if I can bring myself to do it, so I am looking for ways of making the sugar leaf trim as abundant and sugary as possible!

Any thoughts and ideas welcome!


Well-Known Member
U would grow a hash strain or a strain high in trichomes u would harvest the plants at peak trichome colour prob 3% amber 80% clear trichomes r hash lol


Active Member
Some of the strains I am growing are renowned as such, for example I have heard blueberry is a particularly good one.

However, the process is well under way and is too late to choose a different strain now. I am sure the ones I have will be fine.

You mention harvesting at 80% *clear* trichomes?! I was under the impression that harvest should be once you have mostly cloudy trichomes, not clear?! Does harvesting early produce a better hash harvest?

However, wrt my questions, I am still none the wiser.... any answers folks?


Well-Known Member
Some of the strains I am growing are renowned as such, for example I have heard blueberry is a particularly good one.

However, the process is well under way and is too late to choose a different strain now. I am sure the ones I have will be fine.

You mention harvesting at 80% *clear* trichomes?! I was under the impression that harvest should be once you have mostly cloudy trichomes, not clear?! Does harvesting early produce a better hash harvest?

However, wrt my questions, I am still none the wiser.... any answers folks?
u r correct I ment cloudy lol dont know why I wrote clear lol not sure I really understand ur questions to make hash u need lot trichomes I dont know how to Increase trichome production


Well-Known Member
there is a trimming/prunning method but works best in a verticle sog and is controversial

with nutes the secret ingredient is sulfur

with PGR's the secret is jasmonites ie: Jaz rose spray (not yet available in all states)


Active Member
u r correct I ment cloudy lol dont know why I wrote clear lol not sure I really understand ur questions to make hash u need lot trichomes I dont know how to Increase trichome production
Haha thats ok man :) Cheers!

there is a trimming/prunning method but works best in a verticle sog and is controversial

with nutes the secret ingredient is sulfur

with PGR's the secret is jasmonites ie: Jaz rose spray (not yet available in all states)
Thanks, what is the method you speak of?

Also I'm not sure what PGR means sorry!

Does flushing a week before harvest diminish trichs on trim?


Well-Known Member
early harvest makes the nicest hash.

don't flush weed..ever

feed a little more than normal towards the end, you don't have to worry about extra chlorophyll


Well-Known Member
Haha thats ok man :) Cheers!

Thanks, what is the method you speak of?

Also I'm not sure what PGR means sorry!

Does flushing a week before harvest diminish trichs on trim?
Not sure it has a name? but involves the removal of all leaves, I have never done it but saw it on a site I think it was icmag?

Plant Growth Regulator

I don't flush at the end, IMO it is an overall bad practice


Active Member
early harvest makes the nicest hash.

don't flush weed..ever

feed a little more than normal towards the end, you don't have to worry about extra chlorophyll
Don't *ever* flush it? That goes against most that I have read! Everyone seems to say you must flush a week before harvest and feed only water for the last week to remove the chemical taste. It is this that yellows the leaves, and why I was curious as to its effect on trich yields from trim.

Early harvest = better hash - is that because they tend to have a heavier body stone when harvested early?

feeding more towards the end as I dont have to worry about chlorophyll - is that assuming I am committing an entire plant to hash? That is something I am considering but not stuck on yet. It depends on my overall harvest. I am more likely to be committing up to half of one plant plus trim from all others to hash. All different kinds of hash, naturally :)

Thanks for the info, I appreciate it.

Not sure it has a name? but involves the removal of all leaves, I have never done it but saw it on a site I think it was icmag?
I think you may have misunderstood me. I am wanting to increase the amount of trichomes I am able to harvest from the leaves. If i trim them all off while it is growing, I will have nothing to make hash from :S


Well-Known Member
Don't *ever* flush it? That goes against most that I have read! Everyone seems to say you must flush a week before harvest and feed only water for the last week to remove the chemical taste. It is this that yellows the leaves, and why I was curious as to its effect on trich yields from trim.

Early harvest = better hash - is that because they tend to have a heavier body stone when harvested early?

feeding more towards the end as I dont have to worry about chlorophyll - is that assuming I am committing an entire plant to hash? That is something I am considering but not stuck on yet. It depends on my overall harvest. I am more likely to be committing up to half of one plant plus trim from all others to hash. All different kinds of hash, naturally :)

Thanks for the info, I appreciate it.

I think you may have misunderstood me. I am wanting to increase the amount of trichomes I am able to harvest from the leaves. If i trim them all off while it is growing, I will have nothing to make hash from :S
understood you perfectly, the guys that use that method make BHO from the buds, you said you wanted to make hash, they do it to get more oil. Did not say it was the right way for what you are planning, it is simply a method to grow more trics.

properly adding sulfur makes more trics and so does the Jaz rose spray

as for flushing, you should read this,

early harvest = racy high not body high


Well-Known Member
early= head high from less cbn formation. it makes a prettier extract as well from less amber heads.

flushing, I can give you a big ass quote from a previous conversation

Yea if using the whole plant for hash


Well-Known Member
I think many people mis use the word "flushing". Flushing involves moving massive amounts of water through your soil/ medium. Some people get this mixed up with stopping all nutes and simply using water toward the end of flowering. I don't "flush" I stop all nutes and use only water for the last 2 to 3 weeks. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
big quote-flushing

I use the "worst" nutes you can buy,
but I know how nutes effect the plant and burn qualities so I only look at types of nutes and crackling here and black ash is a bad cure

When wood is heated anaerobically, it turns black as the water is driven off, leaving charcoal, or carbon, behind. When charcoal burns in air, the carbon combines with oxygen, producing carbon dioxide gas. But if you have ever used a charcoal grill,you will noticed that charcoal turns white as it burns. This white ash is what remains of the non-flammable minerals which were present in the wood to begin with. You don't really notice them until the carbon has burned away. These ashes have a composition which varies according to the kind of wood and the soil in which it grew, and it is this variable composition which marks ash as a mixture rather than apure substance.
Ash is literally the nutes.
that anaerobic burning is what causes butane lighters to produce soot or that black stuff if you put the flame under something, propane burns wonderfully clean but as you add carbon it needs more oxygen, as you go up it won't burn properly unless you add an oxidizer.. this is also why BIC lighters are only about 500 degrees instead of 3500 or whatever butane likes to burn at..(bics design limits oxygen,if you have a torch for dabbing with an adjuster you know what I'm talking about)

...flushing is debated alot around here but its proven that it doesn't lower nutes in your bud it causes the plant to form an abscission layer in the fan leaves(Google it) to preserve nutes in the bud, you'll notice the bud is last to yellow...
The white ash is literally the nutes and nutes are actually good and improve the burn qualities,yes my ash burns to white..potassium for example expands when hot and helps it burn much more efficiently.. calcium adds weight and mass to the ash while making it whiter but too much makes it flakey.. sulphur ,ammonical n and chlorinated nutes negatively impact burn qualities etc etc I mean the tobacco industry laid it all out for us already, we just have to modify how we cure as we are dealing with volatile compounds and understanding what we are after isn't anitrate but phosphate(terpenes come from phosphates). No other crop is flushed including tobacco so that you get the best burn, yield and quality..the cure is very important But fresh herb barely dry enough to smoke with no cure doesn't crackle much except for the moisture and resin but leaves it black Flushing is counterproductive imo and only serves to foxtail my landrace Sativas

the cure is important and the fowl taste associated with not flushing is simply a poor cure..a harsh hot acrid taste is from burning starches and chlorophyll....also associated with newbs overfeeding making the cure that much harder..keeping the plant moist enough to stay alive and still maintain gas transfer..through this natural process of hydrolysis and respiration the components are broken down and becomes smooth..this process is known as the cure

Night and day difference in curing ..
Reduction in Chlorophyll content, doesn't taste like smoking veggies
Reduction in plant starch content,and sugars, creating a smooth smoke that will just expand nicely in your lungs, won't even feel it go down
Reduction in nitrate levels,less carcinogenic, always good right and cleaner tasting/cleaner feeling high
polycyclic aromatization and oxidation of terpenoids altering the flavor profile more robust with a higher ppm sensory threshold , less perfumey even soapy or "green" from corresponding aldehydes and ketones
Reduction of and consistent moisture content, even slow burn and no smoldering or black ash unwilling to burn


Active Member
What method do u use to make the hash?And how much hash do u get per what of trim?
My grinder has a bit a guaze bit at the bottom with a bit to collect whatever falls through it and i made a wee bit of hash the other night,wasnt even half a gram but man it was strong,so im going to make some after my next harvest


Active Member
understood you perfectly, the guys that use that method make BHO from the buds, you said you wanted to make hash, they do it to get more oil. Did not say it was the right way for what you are planning, it is simply a method to grow more trics.

properly adding sulfur makes more trics and so does the Jaz rose spray

as for flushing, you should read this,

early harvest = racy high not body high
Ahar, gotcha! Thanks. I will for sure be making some BHO but the process scares the shit outta me so I won't make much lol! Making a diy tumbler, and gonna see if i can get hold of some dry ice. Other than that I will make ice water hash, some of which gets mixed with my bho to make jelly hash, lovely stuff :D

Also ta for the literature, I shall give it a good read.


Active Member
What method do u use to make the hash?And how much hash do u get per what of trim?
My grinder has a bit a guaze bit at the bottom with a bit to collect whatever falls through it and i made a wee bit of hash the other night,wasnt even half a gram but man it was strong,so im going to make some after my next harvest
Haha yeah I got one of those grinders. It pays lots if you give the screen a wash with hot soapy water once a week. I thought I would be washing away the goodness that was stuck to the screen, thinking it would come off of its own accord, but no, wash it off and you will collect loads more trichs.

To answer your question, as above I mostly use the ice water method, I have some bags for that. I use my battery operated drill and a cement mixing paddle to mix it until it runs outta battery then i use an electric egg beater.

I also have a kif screen in a box which I store my immediate smokables in.

I occasionally make qwiso and bho too. BHO is better by miles than qwiso but scary.

Jelly hash is simply the best thing I've ever smoked.

Oh and a note about curing, I found that in my vaporiser it makes little difference to the taste how the bud is cured. And that's from my own experiences. I always cure before smoking, but as long as its dry enough to bust up it works well in the volcano.


Well-Known Member
vapes ruin flavor and high..
qwiso can produce a much better extract than bho if made properly. check the last couple pages of the hash and oil thread, sirdabs thundercat etc


Well-Known Member
If ur interested in auto's check out cream of the crops black gold, its a cross of like 5 different indicas and its main focus is oil and trichome production.


Active Member
vapes ruin flavor and high..
qwiso can produce a much better extract than bho if made properly. check the last couple pages of the hash and oil thread, sirdabs thundercat etc
I'm sorry, I don't like to sound obnoxious, but that is completely untrue. When I got my vape, a S&B Volcano, I immediately reduced my cannabis consumption by around 50% because it was so much more efficient than smoking, not to mention the vapor poo that is left over for making tinctures etc. As regards taste, I find my vaporiser extremely tasty. However on the flipside I find the taste of burning plant matter detracts from the flavours of the vaporised cannabinoids when smoked.

WRT taste, it is a matter of opinion. When it comes to potency, I'm afraid you are simply wrong. Perhaps you have only ever used poor quality vaporisers. My experience is not isolated. I know several people who have given up smoking and taken up vaporising and they all feel the same way. One of my friends no longer gets stoned before driving, because he is afraid of his capabilities after a vape. He used to chain smoke bongs before getting behind the wheel.