
New Member
My brother, got pissed with my weed plant and he cut it off, it seems it has lost it's roots, I placed it back to its pot and took it out of light and added water for humidity but I am not sure yet, I panicked and I have no idea what to do. Only the stem was left but I heard it's possible to grow it back since there's cloning.

I used a pencil to try to keep it straight, I am desperate :(
Did he cut the top off or the whole plant? If he just cut the top off this is the same as topping a plant it recover but be shorter and bushier ;)
R.I.P, destroyed it, but thanks anyways, I am going to learn from mistakes during growing for 1st time and I will proceed to next grow, with less mistakes. :D
Looks salvagable here. Maybe not worth it looks like it only has its first 4 set of leaves.. you can clone it though but if it was a male to begin with? lol

My brother, got pissed with my weed plant and he cut it off, it seems it has lost it's roots, I placed it back to its pot and took it out of light and added water for humidity but I am not sure yet, I panicked and I have no idea what to do. Only the stem was left but I heard it's possible to grow it back since there's cloning.

I used a pencil to try to keep it straight, I am desperate :(
Thanks for everything guys.Even thought it was my first grow and it started from a seed from black market weed, I had a bond with it.
A very special bond indeed! You gave that plant your time and attention and u don't deserve this outcome. Why do you think people spend so much time in their garden, mowing the lawn, pruning the roses, sowing seeds and bringing them to life? It's a form of love.

May your next attempt be more rewarding!