The UK Growers Thread!

Tidy cloner that IC3.

cheers man, made a fundamnetal error, made holes for the pipes in the side, weeeeellll noticed water in me tent, fucking water level hits the holes DUH! long stalks it is. thers sum in now, i cloned the top of the ghoji fat as fuk stalk that was

lil bit of clonex in the water

going up now il do summore pics and the flowe rtent

had to stop pk on the purp week 5.5 bt she aint ready for it
@Don, that thing about localbitcoins.....anytime I've used it m8 the min/max figures was always to do with the GBP money wise and not the number of Bitcoins they wer selling. Like 1 - 2378, meant u could but £1 worth up to £2378. Probly a silly question, but have u contacted these guys and asked them?