I concur, if floridian's can get the law passed we can work on the laws and regulations over the years but like drolove said we gotta get our foot in the door, that's essentially the first step in the process.as long as we get our foot in the door we can amend the laws later to what ever.
even if they were irrational rules they still gotta be better then what we got now lolOur foot in the door is pretty much a foregone conclusion. At that point they will have 6 months to create rules. The legislature could enact something during the next session which could bump up that time table. We need rational rules from the onset. Hopefully the will of the people gets considered.
If you want to know what the MMJ law in Florida will be look at Massachusetts and Rhode Island. THere will only be so many growers and so many dispensarys and there will be NO home growing by patients . PERIOD.
Either way I'm going going, back back, to 941 941.
I used to live there, but 303 is the promised land, and 970 is just plain paradise...
I'd go back down there in a heartbeat to grow mad buds for the rich and spendthrift!
No income tax bro! Like Lebron, Take my talents to Florida while paying no taxes!
Here's my gripe with that sentiment; what, exactly, is wrong with supporting the society that provides so much opportunity that we can be this successful? The idea that any of us do it alone is so laughable only the most misguided and unenlightened actually believe it. Therefore I pay my taxes with a thing called pride, to a place I think is worth supporting.
The idea that it's acceptable to cheat and evade paying taxes is indicative of the selfishness of the individual, not the moral rectitude of the act. If you don't like how it's being spent, BITCH! Since hardly anyone else does, it's amazing how much attention you'll get.
If you think our country is so far over the cliff that it's okay if no one paid taxes anymore, what does that say about your belief in country? I think those who find ways to evade paying taxes to be cowards and traitors, and nothing less than that.
It is fashionable and easy to join that gravy train. I just don't like its next stop.