Well-Known Member
what do you suppose happens when you take millions and billions of years of shit out of the ground and put it in the sky over the course of a century or two?
what do you suppose happens when you take millions and billions of years of shit out of the ground and put it in the sky over the course of a century or two?
what do you suppose happens when you take millions and billions of years of shit out of the ground and put it in the sky over the course of a century or two?
Right wing or left wing doesn't matter when there's demonstrable evidence to support a conclusion.Well don't get too big for your britches. We may be seeing warming but, there are but tenuous links to the very concept of man-made.
If there was proof it would not be Politics.
The earths ecosystem is efficient at getting rid of naturally produced CO2. The ocean absorbs a lot, the trees use it for food, etc.Pure science has left the building a very long time ago.
Now it is incumbent upon those who profess a belief in the pseudo science of ACC, or more recently, referred to as ACD, as to why Mankind is more powerful than natural cycles in the potential to disrupt the harmony we enjoy currently?
Pure piffle and politics on parade.
Maybe and maybe way to late, and maybe way too early. And maybe it is just coincidence.
That is the thing about these long term coincidences, they have almost magically and spooky correlations.
That gets us monkeys every time. There is a strong correlation to the emotions of elation wiping all the past out resentment, and the long suffering emotions of the witch doctor being wrong year after year. (they tried killing them, that never works, either)
Witch Doctor have not stopped making a living on this difference in human emotion,
We don't want the Rain Maker to be wrong, so we dance like mad. Then when it does rain, we don't see the sheer coincidence, because we are washed in elation.
Flim Falm is just uber sophisticated these days. No one ever thinks they can be wrong.
We (the US) have cut our carbon emissions in half since 2009Right wing or left wing doesn't matter when there's demonstrable evidence to support a conclusion.
The earth is warming, and it's warming faster now than it ever has. There is a strong correlation between the industrial age, the burning of fossil fuels, and the exponentially growing amount of CO2 we pump into the air.
Right wing or left wing doesn't matter when there's demonstrable evidence to support a conclusion.
The earth is warming, and it's warming faster now than it ever has. There is a strong correlation between the industrial age, the burning of fossil fuels, and the exponentially growing amount of CO2 we pump into the air.
There's nothing we 'must' do, but if we're smart we should start taking measures to at the very least, mitigate the damage we're doing to the planet.So we must ...
Why does it always stop here?
There's nothing we 'must' do, but if we're smart we should start taking measures to at the very least, mitigate the damage we're doing to the planet.
Seems to me the only reason we're not doing as much as we should is because it would hurt big oil, and utility companies. They have a lot of power, and can pay the right people to say the right things to cause doubt.
And correlation is causation right?There is a strong correlation between the industrial age, the burning of fossil fuels, and the exponentially growing amount of CO2 we pump into the air.
And correlation is causation right?
I said what I said, the way I said it, for a reason.And correlation is causation right?
We are doing things, you can't just change the way the world produces power without a viable alternative already in place, electric cars ARE NOT ready, solar panels are NOT ready, Nuclear is sooo NOT ready, It might actually be a better bang for the buck to have the government look into zero point energy to perhaps unlock that puzzle. People like Viktor Schauberger, Karl Schappeller, Nikola Tesla, Jim Lawson, Floyd Sweet, Stanley Meyer, John Bedini, Wilhelm Reich, Eugene Mallove and others that have reportedly solved the energy problem.There's nothing we 'must' do, but if we're smart we should start taking measures to at the very least, mitigate the damage we're doing to the planet.
Seems to me the only reason we're not doing as much as we should is because it would hurt big oil, and utility companies. They have a lot of power, and can pay the right people to say the right things to cause doubt.
What caused the ice age? What caused the end of the ice age? Why isn't the earth still frozen? There were no humans then, no what could have possibly happened right?What else would be the cause in rise in global temperatures?
Well that's just silly.We are doing things, you can't just change the way the world produces power without a viable alternative already in place, electric cars ARE NOT ready, solar panels are NOT ready, Nuclear is sooo NOT ready, It might actually be a better bang for the buck to have the government look into zero point energy to perhaps unlock that puzzle. People like Viktor Schauberger, Karl Schappeller, Nikola Tesla, Jim Lawson, Floyd Sweet, Stanley Meyer, John Bedini, Wilhelm Reich, Eugene Mallove and others that have reportedly solved the energy problem.
Or perhaps if we make oil SOOOO expensive and all start riding our bikes instead the world will be sooooo much better. I know how much I love a 50 mile commute in 10 degree weather with 3 inches of show on the road in January on my Schwinn. I also love hauling large items around by animal cart.