global warming and the "right"

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
I would like to say I am not a politician nor a scientist. I do not know if global warming is a real thing or not . I am not looking for graphs or opinions on the fact that global warming is a problem.

The question I have is, IF global warming IS real and IS going to be a problem, what is the upside to say it is not real? How does it benefit you as an individual to say it is not a problem and find studies that back up that position. How does that help your grandchildren?

At the very least you can say that pumping car exhaust and coal soot into the air is maybe not a great idea.

I am not trolling the politics section for fun
I would like to say I am not a politician nor a scientist. I do not know if global warming is a real thing or not . I am not looking for graphs or opinions on the fact that global warming is a problem.

The question I have is, IF global warming IS real and IS going to be a problem, what is the upside to say it is not real? How does it benefit you as an individual to say it is not a problem and find studies that back up that position. How does that help your grandchildren?

At the very least you can say that pumping car exhaust and coal soot into the air is maybe not a great idea.

I am not trolling the politics section for fun
You're worrying about cars polluting? Climate change is caused by chemtrails the Govt puts in the air and flouridated water makes you accept false flag operations like 9/11 as being real.

Audit the Fed, end the Illuminati takeover B========D ~~~~~ Jew bankers.
You're worrying about cars polluting? Climate change is caused by chemtrails the Govt puts in the air and flouridated water makes you accept false flag operations like 9/11 as being real.

Audit the Fed, end the Illuminati takeover B========D ~~~~~ Jew bankers.
it is hard to tell in the politics section but I hope this is sarcasm
Why so doge?

You must be on the flouride, you'll be first into the FEMA camps.
because Republicans, by nature, are obstructionist.
I would like to say I am not a politician nor a scientist. I do not know if global warming is a real thing or not . I am not looking for graphs or opinions on the fact that global warming is a problem.

The question I have is, IF global warming IS real and IS going to be a problem, what is the upside to say it is not real? How does it benefit you as an individual to say it is not a problem and find studies that back up that position. How does that help your grandchildren?

At the very least you can say that pumping car exhaust and coal soot into the air is maybe not a great idea.

I am not trolling the politics section for fun
I would like to say I am not a politician nor a scientist. I do not know if global warming is a real thing or not . I am not looking for graphs or opinions on the fact that global warming is a problem.

The question I have is, IF global warming IS real and IS going to be a problem, what is the upside to say it is not real? How does it benefit you as an individual to say it is not a problem and find studies that back up that position. How does that help your grandchildren?

At the very least you can say that pumping car exhaust and coal soot into the air is maybe not a great idea.

I am not trolling the politics section for fun
The benefits from saying it's not real and isn't an issue from the perspective of the right would be to prevent any further regulation to increase manufacturing costs, etc...The reason we can't keep up with China is that they can produce everything for so much cheaper w/ such loose regulations and disregard for the environment, etc...If we all agreed GW was real then we'd have to come up with a solution which would most likely be at the expense of our work force and most likely put more of our jobs overseas...unfortunately the only real solution would be a global coallition rather than just the US setting themselves back by regulating our production and making it even harder to justify manufacturing here in the states rather then shipping off everything to 3rd world countries...just my 2 cents on why the Right doesn't want to acknowledge GW.
I would like to say I am not a politician nor a scientist. I do not know if global warming is a real thing or not . I am not looking for graphs or opinions on the fact that global warming is a problem.

The question I have is, IF global warming IS real and IS going to be a problem, what is the upside to say it is not real? How does it benefit you as an individual to say it is not a problem and find studies that back up that position. How does that help your grandchildren?

At the very least you can say that pumping car exhaust and coal soot into the air is maybe not a great idea.

I am not trolling the politics section for fun

Valid point.
I would like to say I am not a politician nor a scientist. I do not know if global warming is a real thing or not . I am not looking for graphs or opinions on the fact that global warming is a problem.

The question I have is, IF global warming IS real and IS going to be a problem, what is the upside to say it is not real? How does it benefit you as an individual to say it is not a problem and find studies that back up that position. How does that help your grandchildren?

At the very least you can say that pumping car exhaust and coal soot into the air is maybe not a great idea.

I am not trolling the politics section for fun

The Trillion that will be spent over, perhaps nothing, and rob your grandchildren of freedom of movement? The surface is a shine to Earh Mother and humans are forced underground, so they don't "kill the planet?" We fuck up as do-gooders?

There is a lot of Si-Fi about that.

A successful highjack of these natural process could well, in the end, fuck it up beyond recognition.

That, alone, is the single crowning achievement of the shinny monkey women and their sub-intelligent males.,


So, if you are sincere, have no fear. But, surely you can think of UN-intended consequences.

How could there not be?
The Trillion that will be spent over, perhaps nothing, and rob your grandchildren of freedom of movement? The surface is a shine to Earh Mother and humans are forced underground, so they don't "kill the planet."

A successful highjack of these natural process could well, in the end, fuck it up beyond recognition.

That, alone, is the single crowning achievement of the shinny monkey women and their sub-intelligent males.,


So, if you are sincere don't have fear. But, surely you can think of un-intended consequences.

How could there not be?
so your upside is not living underground?
Wow, An emotional outburst. Get back in the water tadpole. :)

We went diving for 2 weeks one time on a rented cat with a dive compressor.

We didn't turn on the radio the whole time, but when we did, it was none stop "that woman"
and "did not have (real) sex."

Depressing and boring.
Yes, we should clear the surface and leave it to the monkeys, like in the movie, Elysium.

You realize more people are killed by animals than animals are killed in the Gyre?
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Ewww! Oh no you did not?????

I need to see a picture, not from Mother Jones or DNAprolaxis.
If an albacore ate a piece of plastic it would be in it's guts. They don't package guts when they package albacore. They only use the filets. The guts go into cat food. So unless you are eating cat food, that plastic came from part of the packaging process.