Fixing huge mistake. Please give my advise!


Active Member
I have 6 plants growing for a medical grow. This is my second grow. They are is 7 gallon grow bags in vermifire soil. All plants are betweek 14"-20". They grow on 18/6 growing cycle under two 600 watt HID MH light.
Now my huge mistake. I blindly followed the Fox farm feeding schedule with soil that has too many nutrients in it already. So, I got nutrient burn on 4 of my 6 plants. I ended up flushing this morning until water was nice and clear. Ph water was 6.5 after run off and soil was 6.5 after flush.

Never had nutrient burn on first grow, so how long before plants show recovery?
Also some of the fan leaves are faded to lime green and plants are a little droopy maybe from flush and excessive nutrients. Should the fan leaves be removed or will they recover?
Should I add anything to aid recovery?
I'll add some pics after dark cycle ends today.


Active Member
Since you flushed your plants in soil, you most likely released even more nutrients into the mix, which could have compounded the problem. I'd wait a week or so and see how the plants recover.

Avoid giving them any more nutrients for at least a week, and just keep a close eye on them to make sure they are recovering.

I wouldn't worry too much about the damaged foliage; it won't get any better but the newer growth should be fine, as long as the "problem" is fixed. PH and runoff shouldn't really matter that much also, since you're using soil

I'd estimate 2-weeks before you start noticing some "good" recovery.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt be worryed there just faded a littke and droopy from 2 much water light coloured leaves indictate not enough nuts means plants pullin nuts out ur leaves u might have a nut block.. burn is norm tips go browns and look burned id use plain water few days then slowly increaee the nuts picture would help alot but faded mean not enough nuts like when u make clones the leaves go pale cause the clone ripps out the nut to make new roots


Active Member
Here are some pics of my medical grow. Pics 1 & 2 are Thc Bomb, pics 3 & 4 are White widow, pics 5 & 6 are northern lights skunk hybrid. As you can see my number 4 pic looks the worse. Interesting how plants 3 & 4 got same over dose of nutrients and one came out way better. Both pics 5 & 6 got fair dose of nutrient burn. Any additional advice on next steps and recovery timelines?



Active Member
I dont see nute burn,to me they look hungry.
I know everyone says not to over water and to watch the amount of nutes u give but they do need to be watered and fed,i made a big mistake on my current grow where i was so wary of over watering and letting my plants dry out properly between waterings that i badly under watered,luckily i got it in time and the plants r ok but yeah,it works both ways,its just as bad to under water or not feed enough


Active Member
I dont see nute burn,to me they look hungry.
I know everyone says not to over water and to watch the amount of nutes u give but they do need to be watered and fed,i made a big mistake on my current grow where i was so wary of over watering and letting my plants dry out properly between waterings that i badly under watered,luckily i got it in time and the plants r ok but yeah,it works both ways,its just as bad to under water or not feed enough
Thanks for feedback, but it can't be under watered. 4 of these plants just went through a flush yesterday. That is why they are droopy. I think plant 4 pic 4 had nutrient lockout from overdose. Pics 5 & 6 shows burnt edges on leaves and some lockout symptoms. Hoping flush fixed this and hopefully didn't make things worse


Well-Known Member
are you using bloom nutrients ? they look like they are locked out from to much bloom booster . potassium . a number like 5 45 10 ? you need a number like 10 10 10 or 15 7 10 so on. . tell us what you are using I know the brand .


Active Member
Thanks for feedback, but it can't be under watered. 4 of these plants just went through a flush yesterday. That is why they are droopy. I think plant 4 pic 4 had nutrient lockout from overdose. Pics 5 & 6 shows burnt edges on leaves and some lockout symptoms. Hoping flush fixed this and hopefully didn't make things worse
Not under watered under fed


Active Member
are you using bloom nutrients ? they look like they are locked out from to much bloom booster . potassium . a number like 5 45 10 ? you need a number like 10 10 10 or 15 7 10 so on. . tell us what you are using I know the brand .
I use fox farm nutrients. They haven't had any bloom nutrients. They got a dose of 3/4 of week 1 veg nutrients big bloom. The problem I didn't know was vermifire soil is packed with nutrients and I transplanted to 7 gallon grow bags 9 days ago from 1 gallon pots. So it appears they got large overdose of nitrogen and now locked out. That is why I flushed 4 plants showing nutrient burns and lockout symptoms. Wondering if I should just wait a week or so til they dry out and see if they start absorbing nutrients from soil at watering. What a terrible start to my second grow. Hydro shop loves this vermifire soil and it has become very popular in Oregon for Marijuana growers. Problem is they didn't tell me it has enough nutrients for first few weeks so I started fox farm feeding schedule.


Well-Known Member
your plants don't really look that bad, except for the one with the yellow leaves, which could be caused by bad PH levels. I do not agree that soil PH is not important. Why would that be the case? Anyone that has gardened knows that most soils need amendment, they being too acid or too alkaline for the plant being grown. That is why lime is added to soil, to make it neutral. Keep an eye on the PH of your feed water, as pot likes it about 6.2 - 6.5 in soli, and 5.8 is the standard in hydro. Next time you pot your plants, add a little Dolomite lime to stabilize it. Oh, and by the way, different strains have different nutritional needs, and that is why some of your plants look good. What will burn a haze, for example, would be fine for a widow. Always ere on the side of caution as far as nute levels go until you get a feel for the plant. Do you have a PPM meter? They really are indispensable for accurate feed levels. Peace out


Active Member
Don't have a ppm meter. What do the run? Never used one. Thanks for link. Looks like potassium defiency like you said. Will need to research which fox farm nutrient has the potassium I need for this plant. Another plant is showing similar signs. Plant 6. Wonder if clones grew too long and absorbed all the P and are low now ever though they are in rich soil