Complete newb - Is this a healthy grow spot?


New Member
I'm absolutely inexperienced with growing marijuana but I've been reading the forums here as well as for the past few weeks. I'm finally home from university and have been looking for a good spot to grow.

I've taken a few pictures. Photo 1 and 4 show possible grow locations. Obviously, I will have to work on the soil and nutrients but is it possible to have a healthy grow in those locations? Photos 2 and 3 show the light coverage that the locations receive. Will it be sufficient for a healthy grow?

Thanks for any and all feedback!photo 1.JPGphoto 2.JPG photo 3.JPG photo 4.JPG

Edit: Also, I live in the Northeastern US.


Active Member
Looks decent to me man I'm growing outside for my first time in the woods and this is what my spot looks like. I'm also northeastern US. The better the sun the better the growth. Your spot looks like title get enough sun, see for yourself. If you feel like it's to shady then it's probably not a good area. Make sure they get at least 5 hours of direct sunlight. Do you know what you'll be growing ? My plants are about 20 days old and here's how they have been doing image.jpgimage.jpg


Well-Known Member
Filmic, from what I see those trees in #2 and #3 haven't finished leafing out and when they do your spot might be too shady. Try to find a place where there is more direct sun, I would want at least 6 hours of direct sun. I have grown in the partial shade before and the results were O.K. but not as good as with lots of sun...... Neb, is that Hammer Shark a Triploid, you might want to make some seeds from her. Trips are really cool and I suspect she will get bushier than normal. Then again I have heard you get little THC from them.


Active Member
Filmic, from what I see those trees in #2 and #3 haven't finished leafing out and when they do your spot might be too shady. Try to find a place where there is more direct sun, I would want at least 6 hours of direct sun. I have grown in the partial shade before and the results were O.K. but not as good as with lots of sun...... Neb, is that Hammer Shark a Triploid, you might want to make some seeds from her. Trips are really cool and I suspect she will get bushier than normal. Then again I have heard you get little THC from them.
I'm honestly not sure, I had at triploid blackjack that was damaged in the rain so I let her go. I can take more pictures and post them for you to answer that for me of you know. It started off with two sets but for some reason it looks like three now but idk if that's just the growth


Active Member
I'm honestly not sure, I had at triploid blackjack that was damaged in the rain so I let her go. I can take more pictures and post them for you to answer that for me of you know. It started off with two sets but for some reason it looks like three now but idk if that's just the growth


Active Member
As long as it's far away from people's houses and whatnot.. That spot looks kind of exposed to hunters or hikers just walking along, but if it's deep enough in the woods you could probably pull it off.


Well-Known Member
Are you going to be growing Auto's or Photo's? If growing photoperiod plants you'll be back at the University before harvest time.

cancer survivor

Active Member
Don't look good to me. Find a spot in an overgrown field. Not near trees. Look for sunny spot with Weeds growing not trees! If it is your only spot go for it. I don't grow monsters in the woods!


New Member
Thanks for your feedback guys.

@wvblazin Yes, I'm aware. I'm growing autos.

@cancer_survivor Good to know. It is most likely my only option but I'm going to explore a little more to see if I can find a better spot.