global warming and the "right"

As I said you have no qualification to discuss this as science what so ever. I wish you did.

It has less to do with solar than anti-0 Big Oil even if that means pro-nuke.

And to "hate something" especially science, because I don't swallow BS huckstering for $$ is a medieval concept to me. Meaningless jibe.

You have no qualifications to speak of ACC with authority so that will be quite enough of the qualifications theme. Furthermore your arguments have been shabby and unscientific so any qualifications you think you have are only serving to discredit which ever science you are going to claim you're trained in.

The scientists of the world are overwhelmingly supportive of ACC and I have seen little more from you than a petty insistence that you are some how qualified to speak of science while you have clearly chastised the scientific process in this very thread for its tendency to change over the centuries.

You think that you are going to bypass the serving of reality from me by misquoting things I said two years ago and calling me a liar? Don't think I forgot about that one. You really thought you were showing everyone that I was a liar, then you changed your tune and started pretending to agree with me.

You haven't said anything on this site that made any sense since you started posting here dipshit.

Now that is consumerism.
I have not never not pretended to actually not agree...or disagree.

I know you've never found that agreeable. Agree? Or Pretend Agree?

I'll tell you what. A bet. I'm better stoned than you, at this instant, or you owe me your best piece of hash.

Ehhhha? Huhhhjhjh? Got ya, dint I. :)
I can't tell if you're serious or just playing devil's advocate...I am not a fan of capitalism either, at least in the form it's the root it is a good system (at the very least for progression), but of course there are all the negative things associated with it that can't be corrected / bypassed without fundamentally reforming it. Come up with something better and I'll sign up ;)
i can assure AbandonIntellect is SUPER CEREAL

his Zapatismo levels are off the charts.

but dont call him a Marxist, cuz thats offensive.

it's OK to support a failed economic and political pipe dream that has brought nothing but misery and authoritarian oppression to the world.

but capitalism and free markets?
yeah, he dont want none of that shit.
Your phone?

Good one, consumer.

And all this time I thought you were posting on the net with a rock.
shhh shh shhh dont make him feel bad

he only has his web-enabled phone so he can "Smash Capitalism" by posting trite slogans from a dead political theory that NEVER WORKED, and then deny being a supporter of that dead political theory that never worked.

of course he ignores thew fact that the very Capitalism which he wants to Smash is the source of the interwebs, plentiful food, and comfortable life of ease he enjoys on the government dole.

once he has "Smashed Capitalism" his iPhone will work on Proletarian Ideals and Zeal For The State, cuz once Capitalism has been Smashed, the ensuing anarchy will naturally evolve into utopian communism, Sub-Comandante Marco said it, so it must be true.

which is totally not submission to authoritarianism, cuz that shit is negatively correlated with intelligence.
shhh shh shhh dont make him feel bad

he only has his web-enabled phone so he can "Smash Capitalism" by posting trite slogans from a dead political theory that NEVER WORKED, and then deny being a supporter of that dead political theory that never worked.

of course he ignores thew fact that the very Capitalism which he wants to Smash is the source of the interwebs, plentiful food, and comfortable life of ease he enjoys on the government dole.

once he has "Smashed Capitalism" his iPhone will work on Proletarian Ideals and Zeal For The State, cuz once Capitalism has been Smashed, the ensuing anarchy will naturally evolve into utopian communism, Sub-Comandante Marco said it, so it must be true.

which is totally not submission to authoritarianism, cuz that shit is negatively correlated with intelligence.
We need to build new weapons to oppose the communists and overlords, together.

Dont let them fool you and repeal the second amendment.
Kkkynes fucking loves me.

Two long winded diatribes about me in like 10 minutes.

I mean, I'm not going to read either one but that's because the 5 inch screen on my phone is bad enough when I'm reading something that is actually well written. I would get something bigger but I have traveled through 8 countries so far this year and will see at least 10 more. Why carry more?
We need to build new weapons to oppose the communists and overlords, together.

Dont let them fool you and repeal the second amendment.
actually in territory controlled by the Zapatista, only Party Members and their goons are allowed to have guns, they also prohibit cannabis and alcohol in "Their Territory" so they are clearly "Real Libertarians"