Effect of Defoliation on Yield - Skywalker OG indoor scrog

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You should've just started a grow journal and asked people not to post in it. It would only be you posting and all information would be right there...
I still can do that but these asshole would disregard that request. I asked them not to post personal attacks. did they listen? no
I don't need this shit. Life is hard enough.
What did you decide? are you going to do test out this issue?
yeah of course. I didn't start the experiment on the condition that strangers on the interwebs would be nice to me. I started it for knowledge. I will gain some. they can be smug and arrogant someplace else to someone else. not gonna be a target anymore.
see everyone in TNT
I posted the science, the function of a leaf. Jorge points his finger at the camera, sternly says "leave the leaves on" and it's like talking to a brick wall with some. Look, you don't want to understand botany, you'll ignore it in favor of group bullshit which revolves around trends, hearsay and anecdotal evidence.

Sure can. Mel Franks Insiders Guide. He published many correctly done empirical scientific studies done by the U. of Mississippi on cannabis.

During "chlorosis? Chlorosis is a leaf condition induced by a micro deficiency. Where in the hell are you getting this crap?

You screw around with the original text and then expect me to fall for your failure to communicate and interpret his works correctly?

Get outta here.......

You also appear to be avoiding my questions UncleBen?

The function of a leaf is slightly different from what we are discussing, there is no mention of defoliation in that Wikipedia article?

A man waving his finger is not scientific evidence, he mentions it but doesn't produce any evidence to back it up.

Why is it when I ask difficult questions I suddenly don't want to learn? I'm trying to understand the argument against defoliation, but it doesn't really stack up.

You're suggesting that I changed RC Clarke's book that he wrote? That's just being silly, I just highlighted a few words. You'll have to ask him why he mentions Chlorosis, I didn't write the article he did!

RC Clark (who exposes the stoner myth of leafing) is THE authority on cannabis culture and breeding.

So Jorge and RC don't have the evidence, but now you're saying Mel Franks has? I've just googled 'Mel Franks' and the words defoliation and deleafing, but can't find any reference to any work he has done in this field.

Are you able to post some links to his publications?
Who??? Hopefully not me and my friendly banter :o
yeah of course. I didn't start the experiment on the condition that strangers on the interwebs would be nice to me. I started it for knowledge. I will gain some. they can be smug and arrogant someplace else to someone else. not gonna be a target anymore.
see everyone in TNT
I was just asking, if you want knowledge than we share that. Don't snap at people that ask a question....
You also appear to be avoiding my questions UncleBen?
I've just googled 'Mel Franks' and the words defoliation and deleafing, but can't find any reference to any work he has done in this field.

Are you able to post some links to his publications?

they don't have any evidence either. he said go buy mel franks book but there would be something on the internet about
mel franks defoliation etc and he ignored MY question which was:

Does the book contain info on defoliation and its affect on yield?

Why? cuz they can't produce any research either. They are just arrogant fucks looking for a fight on the internet. I'm not gonna give it to them. However if the yields are significantly greater in the defol and I replicate that result, I'm gonna post that shit in his face.
Well I'm sorry these guys have ruined your thread. I wanted to see the results. I have been reading Ed Rosenthal's Marijuana growers handbook and pages 344 - 353 talk about pruning. He says "sometimes a few fan leaves block light from a large section of a plant. These leaves can be removed if, on the whole, the plant receives better distribution of light."

So to me pruning-defoliating is same thing. If you are smart about it and you think that removing a few leaves or lollipoping the underside of a plant will give you better overall results I say do it. That's what I am going to do and if I fuck my plants up and get nothing it isnt any skin of anybody's ass but mine. My time, money and effort.

Good luck Oscer
they don't have any evidence either. he said go buy mel franks book but there would be something on the internet about
mel franks defoliation etc and he ignored MY question which was:

Does the book contain info on defoliation and its affect on yield?

I found this book by Mel Franks and Ed Rosenthal online called the Marijuana Growers Guide: http://www.resonant.org/text/marijuana_growers_guide.html#c5_1

Chapter 8.6

"Cutting the growing shoots or removing some leaves does not harm the plants. Plants are well adapted to the loss of parts to predators, wind, etc., in the natural world. When leaves are damaged or lost, the plant plugs the wound. The leaf isn't replaced or repaired, but new leaves are continually being formed from the growing shoots. The stem, since it connects all parts of the plant, is more important to the plant as a whole. When the stem breaks or creases, it is capable of repair. You can help the plant repair its stem by splinting the wound or somehow propping the stem up straight. Stems take about four or five days to heal."
just spoke with another veteran grower today
he defoliates in the third week as well. he said when you remove a mature fan leaf, the younger leaves above it draw more nutrients to themselves, creating a vacuum that actually pulls nutrients up through the plant.
someone convinced me to continue the thread
I will do it on one condition:

everyone that values this thread agrees to block or ignore the following members:

chuck esteves
Uncle Ben

others may be warned that they will be added to this list.

if you don't put them on your ignore list, at least don't respond to their posts. they will get bored and fuck off. I am sure that we can do our own research on the pros and cons, but we already know there isn't much in the way of actual research that has been done on this question. if there were, I wouldn't be doing this thread.

put up good info that you find even if it doesn't point to increasing yields or other desirable results.
we don't need their input. they have an agenda and they are just clogging up the thread with insults and bullshit.

bullshit posts trying to bait us into arguments will be deleted
Well I'm sorry these guys have ruined your thread. I wanted to see the results. I have been reading Ed Rosenthal's Marijuana growers handbook and pages 344 - 353 talk about pruning. He says "sometimes a few fan leaves block light from a large section of a plant. These leaves can be removed if, on the whole, the plant receives better distribution of light."

So to me pruning-defoliating is same thing. If you are smart about it and you think that removing a few leaves or lollipoping the underside of a plant will give you better overall results I say do it. That's what I am going to do and if I fuck my plants up and get nothing it isnt any skin of anybody's ass but mine. My time, money and effort.

Good luck Oscer
I'm gonna stick around. if you don't know those antagonists, put them on your ignore list. I don't want anymore distractions and bullshit diluting my thread.
if you can handle the risk, take it.
you've seen my 5g buds. I got those by mainlining my plants as outlined earlier in this thread. start in veg and continue up til the third week of flower. then leave them alone. if you like or need to you can defoliate gradually in the last two weeks. I do this to prevent bud rot and increase light penetration into the canopy.
I talked to another veteran grower today and asked his opinion on defol
he said

#1 cannabis naturally doesn't produce many leaves but the synthetic nutrients we give them support growth and that also means extra leaf growth
#2 everything in indoor growing creates stress so defol is but one of many stresses
#3 when you remove fan leaves, the younger leaves above it draw nutrients which effectively creates demand from nutrients and draws them up through the plant
#4 plants evolved to shed leaves naturally through animal vectors and wind. they will be fine to lose a few
Better yet, this is my fall crop ready to go in the ground next week, any tips on raping them for a better yield? Depending on the strain these will produce between 2-5 pounds of top shelf bud perhaps pulling off the leaves I could get 7-10?
Are those going into the ground? That might get you 10. I miss the outdoor grow
All medical, all legal, and most of the product goes to making RSO for cancer patients, God I Love America.
RSO? I am disabled and looking for the right strain to do the same except for epileptics. It is a potent high CBD and THC strain I am after. Oddly, It will not get you stoned once I am done with it.....
How I read it was the flower clusters would be small and atrophied if there are no large leaves to shade them.

I also picked up on the statement "Removal of shade leaves does facilitate more light reaching the center of the plant, but if there is not enough food energy produced in the leaves, the small internal floral clusters will not grow any larger." which I interpreted to mean, if you defoliate those large leaves, your plant has to work hard to produce the food energy rather than use what it has stored. Sounding like the plant isn't wasting energy to maintain the leaves, it wastes the energy to produce the food meaning the buds would suffer under defoliation.

Hmmm. Never thought of it that way. Makes sense though huh?
Oh well, back to the grow. I can't wait to see the results.
as I understand, a pair of leaves powers whatever is directly above it and everything else. If there was nothing else really powering a small branch at that point, I left the fan leaf at the node. I felt it was needed. once the additional new leaves are of sufficient size, I would not hesitate to take the fan leaf if I thought it would benefit light or air circulation. if you take the leaf and there is nothing else to power the branch, then that might be an issue. then the plant has to do some translocation to feed that branch. if anyone finds something on this question, please post it.
RSO? I am disabled and looking for the right strain to do the same except for epileptics. It is a potent high CBD and THC strain I am after. Oddly, It will not get you stoned once I am done with it.....
burger this is not the place and whomever you are talking to is not welcome here. ignore those guys if you don't want to get added to the 'banned list' yourself. last warning
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