Too soon to flip to 12/12?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

I've got a little cupboard grow on the go, it's 600w

I've worked out that I need to flip it to 12/12 on Monday to have any chance of it being down before my holiday.

Am I wasting my time? Should I veg em an extra week or two and get a friend to finish them while I'm away? Or should I just flip on Monday and get on with it myself?

They're super critical by the way



Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

I've got a little cupboard grow on the go, it's 600w

I've worked out that I need to flip it to 12/12 on Monday to have any chance of it being down before my holiday.

Am I wasting my time? Should I veg em an extra week or two and get a friend to finish them while I'm away? Or should I just flip on Monday and get on with it myself?

They're super critical by the way
I mean, "wasting your time" is a highly subjective metric by which to judge...for example, there are some folks on here who won't consider it worthwhile to run a grow unless they're going to get LBS. So, in order to answer your question, we're going to need to know your goals. I'm generally with ColoradoDreams on the veg time mantra. more time spent in veg gives your girls the roots to support massive bud production during flowering. The flipside --no pun intended--is that if you're in a cupboard, you probably don't want to be growing trees. Since 2-3x is normal for the stretch period you'll want to factor in current height/size vs. projected height/size after the stretch. Another thing to consider is that flipping early (before your plants have reached maturity) means your plants are going to be vegetatively growing in 12/12 until they can start flowering--i.e., you'll spend time in 12/12 finishing up veg for longer than if you wait until their already ready to flower. That could mess with your time calculation if they need to spend an extra 2 weeks in 12/12 just to get started flowering.

Long story, short: you can run a grow 12/12 from seed, so 'flipping early' isn't so much a question of possibility--you wont waste your time, you will yield SOMETHING--as a question of goals. you certainly won't 'hurt' anything by flipping now, just know that it may not work out with your schedule anyway, and you may end up sacrificing bud producing potential. So, it is very possible you could end up in a situation where you have smaller, though yet unifinished plants, when holiday comes, such that even with flipping early you need some friends to help tend until you can finish up. I'm not super thrilled by scenarios that require someone OTHER than myself to tend my plants during that super important finish line time-period.
just my two cents.
be easy


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I should have said, they're clones

Was under the impression that they would still only take the 8 weeks or so once I'd flipped??

Thanks for the reply!!


Well-Known Member
I was hoping to get an oz a plant. There's 9 in there

Do you think this is doable if I flip now? Essentially 12/12 from rooted clone


Well-Known Member
I mean, I know some folks swear by 60 day runs going 12/12 from clone, and I also know that some strains respond differently to different growing techniques, so without knowing everything that you plan to do, and everything that you don't plan that just happens, it's going to be difficult to get any kind of accurate ETA but ballpark 8 weeks is usually a decent bet. now that 8 weeks is usually measured by looking at how long it takes a mature plant to flower, so it could be more like 9 or 10 weeks going straight from rooted clone.
As for yields, sure a zip per plant is DOABLE. if you're good at growing and you've got your medium/nutritional profile dialed in, environmental controls are ideal, and nothing unplanned-for happens during the grow. I'd put 'em in 2 gal pots minimum if you're going for an ounce a plant. Also, you're walking a fine line here--600w HID for 9 plants isn't quite enough in my opinion--you've got a bunch of plants, not sure how big a space, a time deadline, limited light, and a yield goal, not to even speak of the kind of environmental control you've set up and whether it can handle the ambient weather in your area for the whole 8-12week flowering period.

Depending on how long you plan to be away from them on holiday, i'd opt for a full veg, perhaps some topping, and then planning on finishing after you get back. You can rig up a simple autowatering system for while you're gone that will get the job done for a week or so. If you're planning on being gone longer than that, I don't know what to tell you. but, it's likely, if you're going to be away for more than a week-10 days, that you'll need a trusted friend to check on them while they're drying to see if they need to get jarred up. I don't like trusting someone else to gauge such things that are so heavily influenced by personal taste.

Again, long story, short: plan on this taking longer than you'd hope.
be easy,