Effect of Defoliation on Yield - Skywalker OG indoor scrog

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Now THAT is how you do a scientific experiment Oscar, notice the men and women walking around in lab coats and safety specs. In the space age lab, with highly calibrated bottles of wine.
my experiment is verifiable, Oscar's is not. With mine, you either witness the root pruning effect, or you don't. Recommend you get some new eyeglasses. With Oscar's there are many variables that can and will skew the results including a human pre-dispostion to see what we want to see.

My photos speak for themselves - budsites don't need light to get hefty. If you marijuana nerds would spend some time checking out the other defol threads you'd get it. I posted plenty of photos to verify this fact.

I guess if someone says it on the internet and someone repeats it (and gawd do they) then it must be true.

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to everyone else, I will be in my journal
Oscar, they're right about your scientific method, which you don't have one. This is more experiment, hopefully it will open your eyes , when you will understand more clear when you know how to make this plant TICK.I highly recommend you to read this information for plant's needshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plant_nutrition
Finally, with respect, I don't think this thread have any merit to become sticky.
If you really have a respect for this MMJ community then do the right way and give newbies a simple tool.

does it look like I don't know how to make this plant TICK?
shit my lab cost 20 thousand dollars to build. it's probably on the top rung of the ladder of 4K rooms. I have a degree in botany and I've worked in a lab. I know how to run an experiment. everything is constant. there is only one variable. good enough for me.
Now THAT is how you do a scientific experiment Oscar, notice the men and women walking around in lab coats and safety specs. In the space age lab, with highly calibrated bottles of wine.

You should be growing from seed too and not using clones, as we all know that plants grown from seeds are exactly the same and clones can vary wildly.

Growing different varieties will help you get better results too, because you can just pick a better yielding plant to go up against your one control plant.

The one control plant that you have should also be a random seed that you have no idea as to what it is, this is not very important to be able to make comparisons as you don't have to show the pic of the finished control plant anyway so don't worry.

Then show us the one good plant you have, and only photograph the top section of the plant. Don't show the yellow immature buds below that which were not getting any light under that thick canopy, the ones that are not usable for anything more than bubble hash.

You've spent the last few days telling us that Oscar's experiment is not valid because it's not being done in a high tech lab, yet your own experiment is so full of holes it's laughable. It's got more holes than a Smart Pot!!

When questioned about the possible effect on health of using such a chemical in a plant that is smoked and ingested, you tried to convince everyone that it's perfectly safe based on your own personal theory about it!!

At least Oscar is risking nothing but his own personal yield by doing this experiment, and good luck to him I say.
status report
I have to concede that the undefol tray (B) does look thicker than A. that's to be expected. does it look more robust than the defol tray? maybe. the pics from the last post were taken two days ago.
haters: I CAN'T HEAR YOU....
let's try this again:
  • the thread will be around long after these petty squabbles.
  • It's here to help ppl learn.
  • It's ok to be a disbeliever but let the experiment sink or swim on it's own merit
  • it doesn't need negative comments.
  • opinions about defol can be kept until the experiment is completed.


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hey oscar to make things fair, i suggest you give bottom/side lighting. this would show that the over-vegged plants will be getting "enough" light as would the "defoliated"

honestly i do chop out the bottom 6-12" depending on plant size, just so that a nice channel of air will come underneath the foliage and rise up through it to my exhaust. My intake is below my hanging air pots. My last grow is on this page and you'll see what i mean. I don't see it as "defoliating" but more like selective growing, as all of that is done during veg time and i don't re-bury my plants deeper every time i transplant, maybe the first transplant out of the dixie though.

defoliation in my eyes is defined as pinching off any fan leaves or leaves longer than my pinky finger, to show the bare stalk.
the pictures posted i think aren't as extreme of a defoliation as i'm used to seeing but at the same time i still wouldn't take anything off the top

hate is a strong word, i just really do my best to guide people in what i think is the best path, with the though of, well if you somehow prove my thoughts wrong then I will learn something and still not regret trying to help out

relax guys, just understand each other's points and stand where you want
oh yeah and what i'm saying is, is what might happen in the "thicker tray" is it might not end up getting enough light. if both plants were recieving more than optimal sq footage of light i think it would balance things out
hey oscar to make things fair, i suggest you give bottom/side lighting. this would show that the over-vegged plants will be getting "enough" light as would the "defoliated"

honestly i do chop out the bottom 6-12" depending on plant size, just so that a nice channel of air will come underneath the foliage and rise up through it to my exhaust. My intake is below my hanging air pots. My last grow is on this page and you'll see what i mean. I don't see it as "defoliating" but more like selective growing, as all of that is done during veg time and i don't re-bury my plants deeper every time i transplant, maybe the first transplant out of the dixie though.

defoliation in my eyes is defined as pinching off any fan leaves or leaves longer than my pinky finger, to show the bare stalk.
the pictures posted i think aren't as extreme of a defoliation as i'm used to seeing but at the same time i still wouldn't take anything off the top

hate is a strong word, i just really do my best to guide people in what i think is the best path, with the though of, well if you somehow prove my thoughts wrong then I will learn something and still not regret trying to help out

relax guys, just understand each other's points and stand where you want
with all respect,
nothing was overvegged. all plants were cloned at the same time and put into the room before they had five nodes. all plants were topped to the 5th node. all plants were vegged in the flower room for three weeks, not long enough to over veg. the canopy would be way thicker if they were overvegged. they are all getting the same amount of light. I'm not buying anymore shit for this room. i think things ARE 'fair'. I did mainline and defol the subcanopy. pics posted. I am doing selective defol not total defol. the criteria for which has already been posted. I consult with three veteran growers with 15 years or more exp each and I am using their method.
I am not departing from that. adding side lighting would change the dynamics of the experiment.
to reiterate: tray A plants defol day 15 and both trays defol last two weeks to prevent bud rot. selective defol of A every sunday as per criteria.
oh yeah and what i'm saying is, is what might happen in the "thicker tray" is it might not end up getting enough light. if both plants were receiving more than optimal sq footage of light i think it would balance things out
thats kind of the crux of the experiment. how does defol affect yield? not defoliating may be detrimental due to light penetration issues. maybe not. we shall see. if you add side lighting you defeat the purpose because you are compensating for the lack of defoliation. the defoliated plants will not benefit from this so the advantage will be handed to the nondefol group. I will continue to ponder this. sounds like another separate experiment.
thanks for the input tho.
as I think about this, your idea makes sense. more than optimal light would eliminate light being the issue. now you are talking about isolating the plants physiological response to defol. def gonna try that in a future run. thanks.
Yes I think you missed the sarcastic nature of my post, do you think I wasn't obvious enough? :shock:

If you'd been paying attention to this thread you would have noticed that Uncle Ben's experiment was from seed, and Oscar is using clones. So really you should be giving Uncle Ben that information.

No need to apologise, we all jump to the keyboard too fast sometimes.

You are a known defoliator and have no business trying to cover up stupid statements with "I was being sarcastic". No apologies proffered.
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