first grow, any help appreciated


New Member
Hi Im just starting my first grow. im growing berry ryder and super cheese express autos in a grow tent 50cmx50cmx1m. Im using a double spectrum cfl light and 4 pots 5 gallons each.

Seeds have been planted after a day or two in water and also paper towels. Few of them looked like they were beginning to open, couple had tap root and couple had nothing showing. After reading a few posts thought id try planting them in pre watered soil pots under the lights with some cling film over them.

Im growing in a small confined space in the shed and noise is a concern as its a stealth op. Ive bought a good quality ioniser which I plan to use for odor control within the tent, along with some professional odor neutralising agent. Anyone know if this will do the trick? I did buy an intake and carbon outtake fan but its quite noisy.

Re ventilation for the minute ive just run a duct grom the grow tent to a hole in the shed wall, and opened another vent to create a bit of a draught. Its a small shed and doors always open so plenty of fresh air circulating. I had bought fans, but too noisy at the minute, may have to find a way to muffle the sound depending on how effective the odor control is.

Ive planted in 4 pots, 5 gallons each. As I wasnt sure if all seeds were germinating I used all 7 seeds spread over 4 pots, max 2 per pot and well spaced out.. any thoughts on how they may go if they all grow?

I also need advice on nutes and specifically when and how much. Ive bought AN micro grow bloom, vodoo juice and big bud, but dont really know when to start each stage and more importantly how much to use.

Any help or advice greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
OK! here to help :)
first thing you need to remember is you dont have to feed them when you pot them in soil remember the soil has feed in it for the plants witch saves you useing your own nuts. then going into veg then you have 2-3weeks of food in the soil so that will take you to flowering so when you move your pots again for the last time it's also has 2-3 weeks of food in. so try not feed them till about week 2-3 of flowering your plant will tell you when it wants to be fed :) an as for you nuts i use none of them we use an have used TOMORITE with sea weed extract. remember its a WEED your growing nothing eles so treat it like one an she will do you great :). good luck buddy hope all goes well :)

green thumb115

Well-Known Member
Zander is right your soil wen bought already has more then enough nutes in it for seedlings.. you can just grow it without adding anything till flowering but that wont boost your growth..what i use in veg stage after the plant is about 4-5 nodes tall is foxfarms grow big calls for 1-1.5 tsp per gal, but i just do lil more then 1/8 tsp in a 32oz gaterade bottle and give it to the plant every other week/ for bloom i too use botanicare pure blend soil pro bloom 15ml/gal and 1tbsp of blackstrap unsulphered molasses till the last week b4 harvest then give it a nice flush

green thumb115

Well-Known Member
Make shur you keep an eye on the ph wen adding nutes as they can lower and raise want your soils ph to be between 6.2-6.5, as too high or to low can really stress your plant


New Member
Thanks guys, realised I shouldnt have added the nutes, just hoping theyll be ok. I potted straight into final pots so will prob start nutes slowly in a couple of weeks again.

The nutes are ph perfect so hopefully the ph will be ok.

Ill post a pic of them as soon as they appear thru the soil.

Anyone used ionic air purifiers for odor control? Just wondering if I should start working on reducing fan noise now or wait for results of purifier??

Thanks for the help.


green thumb115

Well-Known Member
Can your soil ph be 6.8
Yea thats fine you just want it as close to 6.5 as possable..and never exceed 7.0
When a plant's soil or nutrient solution becomes too basic the nutrients become unavailable to be absorbed by the roots. When the soil or nutrient solution becomes too acidic the acid salts will chemically bind together the available nutrients and they will be nonabsorbent by the roots. When this happens the plant will show tell-tale signs of stress

green thumb115

Well-Known Member
Mik iv never used an ionic air purifier for odar control...a charcoal filter is what everyone uses b/c the plant odor clings to the activated charcoal and becomes pure..i dont think the ionic has a good enough filter to absorbe all the stink lol


Well-Known Member
yeah my ph is at 6.5 on the run off soil is happy so dont worry buddy you will make mistakes like every other new grow an pro grower ARE not always right. so chill an b4 you know it BIG NUGS !!!!!


Well-Known Member
Yea thats fine you just want it as close to 6.5 as possable..and never exceed 7.0
When a plant's soil or nutrient solution becomes too basic the nutrients become unavailable to be absorbed by the roots. When the soil or nutrient solution becomes too acidic the acid salts will chemically bind together the available nutrients and they will be nonabsorbent by the roots. When this happens the plant will show tell-tale signs of stress
Thinks bro


Well-Known Member
Mik iv never used an ionic air purifier for odar control...a charcoal filter is what everyone uses b/c the plant odor clings to the activated charcoal and becomes pure..i dont think the ionic has a good enough filter to absorbe all the stink lol
Hey bro I repoted an am mix ffof.soil an happy frog soil lime an ph 7.0 n. Going water out comeing 5.8 runoff n my leaf looks20140518_142021.jpg20140518_142034.jpg 20140518_142054.jpg

green thumb115

Well-Known Member
Yea it def looks like nute burn..the soil must be high in nutes like it normally is, i would def add some more lime to evenly cover the top, and then give your plant a nice flush with water( i usually fill a gal up with tap water then let it sit in the sun for a day with the cap off to let all the natural chlorine and floride out of it)


Well-Known Member
OK! here to help :)
first thing you need to remember is you dont have to feed them when you pot them in soil remember the soil has feed in it for the plants witch saves you useing your own nuts. then going into veg then you have 2-3weeks of food in the soil so that will take you to flowering so when you move your pots again for the last time it's also has 2-3 weeks of food in. so try not feed them till about week 2-3 of flowering your plant will tell you when it wants to be fed :) an as for you nuts i use none of them we use an have used TOMORITE with sea weed extract. remember its a WEED your growing nothing eles so treat it like one an she will do you great :). good luck buddy hope all goes well :)
good message bro i well rember that


Well-Known Member
Yea it def looks like nute burn..the soil must be high in nutes like it normally is, i would def add some more lime to evenly cover the top, and then give your plant a nice flush with water( i usually fill a gal up with tap water then let it sit in the sun for a day with the cap off to let all the natural chlorine and floride out of it)
how much water to use to flush 1 of my girls is in a 18gallon tub an my other girls in 5gallon buckets