What treatment should I buy?

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
I have fungus gnats and I'm buying my stuff to get rid of them today what's the best to use. I have to use it on all of my plants so, I have seedling less then 1 week old, I have big moms in 5 gallon buckets going in to flower in 3 weeks and I have 2 in the flower room that are 1 week in. What would be the best thing to use I don't have a bunch of money so I can only have one chance to kill these bastards!


If you're sure you have fungus gnats and not winged root aphids then it's pretty simple to get rid of,

Get some cinnamon vinegar a few cups and yellow sticky traps if you have them or want to buy some, I didn't bother and they went away fine. You typically get fungus gnats when your top soil is constantly wet promoting fungus, what the larvae eat. Get a fair amount of cinnamon depending on how much surface you have to cover and sprinkle a fair amount all over the top soil of your plants and mix it thoroughly throughout the top 1-2" of your soil.

Fill as many cups as you want or see fit with vinegar, gnats will fly into it and die. The cinnamon is an anti fungal and it will destroy the fungus in your soil leaving the larvae with nothing to eat and continue the life cycle. The sticky traps should be pretty straight forward :) Haven't seen a single gnat in my room after that and letting my soil thoroughly dry every time. I hope this helps, if you decide to go with this method let me know how it turns out for you!

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
Once the fungus runs out won't they start chomping on the roots? I will do the cinnamon I also heard chilli pepper works as well. I gotta wait a few days I ordered offline. The lady at the hydro store wanted to charge 28$ for 4 oz of azamax! I went with 16 and free shipping from eBay! Coming from cali so I gotta wait a few days


Once the fungus runs out won't they start chomping on the roots? I will do the cinnamon I also heard chilli pepper works as well. I gotta wait a few days I ordered offline. The lady at the hydro store wanted to charge 28$ for 4 oz of azamax! I went with 16 and free shipping from eBay! Coming from cali so I gotta wait a few days
Fungus gnats don't go for your roots, root aphids go for your roots, root aphids produce root lesions which invites fungus as the roots decay which then in turn invites fungus gnats. If you make sure you don't have root aphids and you do the cinnamon and make sure your top soil isn't constantly wet they'll go away :)

Here is something you might find helpful. https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=159960 It's a little old though.

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
I'm sure they are not root aphids. I'll do the cinnamon tonight. Top of my soil is wet right now cause I just watered but that was the first time in 5 days and they only got 1/2 gallon per 5 gallon bucket. I can't wait any longer I use coco coir so they get pretty hungry after 5 days. I guess I will just have to foliar feed. Will the cinnamon kill the other microbes in my medium as well?
What kind of vinegar do I use. Can I use beer?


I'm sure they are not root aphids. I'll do the cinnamon tonight. Top of my soil is wet right now cause I just watered but that was the first time in 5 days and they only got 1/2 gallon per 5 gallon bucket. I can't wait any longer I use coco coir so they get pretty hungry after 5 days. I guess I will just have to foliar feed. Will the cinnamon kill the other microbes in my medium as well?
What kind of vinegar do I use. Can I use beer?
You could use anything almost really, from water to apple cider to beer should work just some things work better than others. I have not tried using beer over vinegar mainly because I value beer much more so than vinegar, but you can use it as well. Cinnamon is a natural fungicide so as for will it destroy your other microbes? I'm not sure, and I don't typically like to post about things I don't know about because I don't want to be leading people in the wrong direction. I google searched a bit before posting this and I can't find anything about it killing other things that aren't fungus. Besides worms, cinnamon will apparently kill worms.

If you're really worried about it killing other things in the dirt I'd suggest googling it a bit. I couldn't seem to find anything about it. Best of luck.

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
Thanks I have white vinegar just put it in a few bowls around the room? Should I wait for the coir to dry out or just mix it with the top being wet?


Thanks I have white vinegar just put it in a few bowls around the room? Should I wait for the coir to dry out or just mix it with the top being wet?
You can use whatever you want to put the vinegar in just try to put the glass or bowl or whatever somewhere where it's close enough to attract the bugs but try to keep it out of constant blowing air. The gnats will just get blown away from it .

It probably works better to add it when it's dry because it's easier to mix it together but it doesn't really matter you'll probably just need more cinnamon if the soil is wet.

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
Ok so I have cinnamon, ground cloves and ground rosemary. I will mix this with the top 1-2 inches of soil once it is dry enough tomorrow it should be ok to mix without sticking. Coco coir I have found looks dry on top but stays wet for a very long period of time.thats why I will be mixing with roots organic 707 and perlite plus a few other soil amendments for my next girls to be potted.


Ok so I have cinnamon, ground cloves and ground rosemary. I will mix this with the top 1-2 inches of soil once it is dry enough tomorrow it should be ok to mix without sticking. Coco coir I have found looks dry on top but stays wet for a very long period of time.thats why I will be mixing with roots organic 707 and perlite plus a few other soil amendments for my next girls to be potted.
What's the purpose of the cloves and rosemary?

My plants are also growing coco :) + perlite and a few other organic materials. Lemme know how everything turns out with those pesky gnats

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
Ok so I broke down and bought this stuff called worry free at Walmart. It's in a spray bottle and it's made of crysathamiums oils. I spayed and no more gnats!! So far we have been gnat free for two days. Oh it only cost 8$!