apologies to the board...


Well-Known Member
I had an experience today that changed my life.

I was talking to a family. They were a mixed family.

Wife was black, husband was chinese, and i dont know what the fuck the kids were.

Anyway, they were really nice. But that woman and I had an in depth conversation. Eventually it turned to politics, and then the achievement gap in this country. She was a real estate agent.

She was so smart.

Guys, I'm not going to try to pretend to sum up that conversation, it would get tl; Dr real quick.

I no longer believe that black people are created inferior.

I know many of you won't believe this. And if there is interest in the story I may tell it.

But that is one of the most awesome people I've ever met.


Well-Known Member
i dont know what the fuck the kids were..
I had hoped you would have an experience like this. I'm happy for you BnB.

FYI: i grew up in a strange place at a strange time. Perhaps I'll share that one day.
I was surrounded by bigotry at school.
Through work, friends, hobbies and high school I was exposed to other cultures (that's all it really is at the end of the day) and it changed my life. For the better. I'm very grateful for those experiences. It enriched my life. I had a pakistani friend whose mother would speak Urdu while we putzed around waiting for dinner. She would not let us help or do dishes. It was some of the best food I've ever eaten.
I've had many friends and girlfriends of different cultures but feel most at home with asians. It is somewhat strange to feel more comfortable eating, drinking tea and hanging out with people who's first language is Hindi, punjabi, etc. than my own 'people'. I live in vanilla land now, though that is changing, and miss many people and places from Toronto. One day I hope to move back and live in Bramistan (Brampton) where I will fit in again. In essence, I am a brown man trapped in a white man's skin. Strange but true. I miss eating naan and dhal with cabbies on the Danforth and listening to sat Tv with people singing in sindhi, pashtu, dari or urdu in the background. I will be back one day my friends. See you soon.

Thanks to these experiences I believe I could go anywhere and get along with anyone.



Well-Known Member
She is probably Haitian.
Haitians are very nice people and speak beautiful french. Some of them have gone criminal here but that is a function of what Aristide did. Manley et al did the same thing in Jamaican when he used shanty town gangs in elections. It is a vicious fight for power with many unintended consequences and has nothing to do with skin colour.

Still, hate if you must.


Well-Known Member
Haitians are very nice people and speak beautiful french. Some of them have gone criminal here but that is a function of what Aristide did. Manley et al did the same thing in Jamaican when he used shanty town gangs in elections. It is a vicious fight for power with many unintended consequences and has nothing to do with skin colour.

Still, hate if you must.

It was meant as a compliment.


Well-Known Member
Some people have potential some dont. color of skin has nothing to do with it :P . However role-models , Integrity , experience, honesty and the ones who teach you what life is about does.
Im happy for you that you had this experience. Even if you are a complete stranger to me :) .



Well-Known Member
You really walked this earth everyday, and when you saw a black person, automatically thought they were less intelligent than yourself, wow, just wow. You have just now come to this conclusion and you act like you want a pat on the back. So all those times buck called you a racist, and that none of your arguments had any value because of it, he was right?


Well-Known Member
I always thought it was a joke you thinking black people were actually at a loss by nature.

You really didn't know it's their parents fault?