Effect of Defoliation on Yield - Skywalker OG indoor scrog

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That's the point. This isn't about a thread debating a topic. This is a thread to see how 2 grows grown in the same space and time in two different ways turns out. Good or bad, it doesn't matter....

This is about one grower sharing his results to anyone interested in viewing what happens when he does this or that.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show... or simply change the channel if you are not interested.
the haters are trying to take over the thread and MAKE IT about debating the topic. in Congress it's called a filibuster. you basically talk until people get bored, leave and go elsewhere, thereby diverting attention and creating an effective distraction.
the more you engage them, the more they win. and you are helping them kill this thread.

wake up
Make up your mind Oscar! Two pages ago I was told to take my banter else where! Toke and talk I believe lol. But nice to see its calmed down here a bit! Just perhaps, maybe stop trying to defend this as a truly scientific study, and just report the progress of the grow (which is the main goal) as I and others first thought this was about! You'll not win the legitimacy argument IMO. As for all the I can grow better than you can bullshit from everyone well who gives a shit lol.
stop talking to them and stop posting blank posts. geez
for fucks sake.
Growan likes this and he's a DefoliHater too.

Can't we all just get along?
~Rodney King
Yup. I pretty much stand in the 'leaf it alone' camp. See what I did there? Funny huh?
I personally don't have the 'resources' to spare to risk fucking up my crop by pulling off all the leaves of my plants, I've only got a 120x120 space to play in at the moment, and I'm gonna keep it simple in there.
That's the reason I'm subbed to this thread. Let Oscar do the work, take the risk and foot the bill. I recon I'm smart enough to see any holes in the experiment and use that knowledge to form my conclusions.
I don't find Oscars approach preachy, ego driven or trying to produce skewed results.
My expectations? Table with leaves will out produce the defoliated. We'll see.

I thought the title of the thread was pretty straight forward. 'effect of defoliation', not 'I'm gonna prove the benefits of...'
Under this level of scrutiny and oposition I don't imagine Oscar would even try and influence the results even if he were trying to prove something that goes against (my) common sense and botanical right thinking.

Carry on. I'm watching...
Just explained the inner workings of RIU in another forum in response to a member there that said this thread is a "trainwreck": I'll start a thread in this forum but based on the tawdry politics at play here, I'm not holding my breath about it sticking. This aint about education, it's about politics and popularity contests.

Dishonest as the day is long complete with deleted posts and banning members who challenge his bullshit. I had one guy (neo, a defoliator) lodge a bunch of insults so I countered with 6 photos showing lower nuggets, some bigger than the ones above which grew in a crowded canopy, leaves over leaves, leaves over budsites. The photos and my post was deleted.

Some folks just hate the truth.

For some strange reason there is this myth with most noobs that lower budsites don't develop because of a lack of direct light, so the dumbassess strip the very unit that creates what they're after, hah! They don't have a clue when I explain that that effect is related to a plant's chronological age, apical dominance, etc.
So what you are saying is that the bud site it self does not necessarily need direct sunlight to develop just as well as the rest of the buds that are in direct light?
I'm not a noob but my common sense say if there is a bud sight being shade by a leaf I will remove it. cause it looks much healthier to me and that's what seems right. Now raping the plant of say more then 1/3 of the leave is not a good idea.
You want me to do your homework? Click on the god damn thread and most are too lazy to read, got pictures for da kiddies!
No I want you to tell me what you already stated in another thread. I don't need to do home work. Now hostility from you is unwanted. I see why nothing gets done around here
Personally just from the 4 mins I have talked to you you seem like an ignorant ass to me. I apologize to oscar for my rudeness but he is right to be upset . You were asked a simple ? And if you can't repeat a simple few sentences from your own knowledge then I would say it was not your to begin with! Ending this now thank you for such a wonderful introduction! Lmfao
And so yet another thread turns to crap as the name-calling continues.

If I were to do an experiment about the pluses and minuses of defoliating....I would do it without starting a thread until the experiment is complete.....THEN post it. I would document everything I did along the way. This way the crap that always happens on these threads can happen only after the experiment is finished.
I say at the end of week ten or so...chop everything off that sticks straight up and all the fans too.
Every 12/12d seedling gets snipped at sixs nodes, taking the 4.5"-7" snip for a clone 24/0.
Rooted clones go from the 24/0d bin into the 12/12 table unaltered. If at some point in the grow the light hogging snips will be LST'ed by tipping them by the roots into a more desirable position while the rock is flooded. After this technique has maxed out then it is ok to remove a few fans to let bud sites ripen up. SOG
I believe that 36 square feet of budding area is like max for a 1kw hps. I can max the reflectors out to this but usually the reflective plastic is in closer.
I don't really care for hindering the cloned budders because I know that if I don't screw with them too much I will get a faster crop.
It's an entirely different deal in the green room:)
Why is the advanced cultivation forum always the site for the worst arguments over the stupidest shit?

Maybe i just dont give a shit about how anyone is growing or i just find it more interesting talking about strains themselves, but arguing about the easiest part of growing( the actual growth of the plant) when things like enviroment control and plant selection are basicly what actually matter are never spoke of.
You my sir sound more like a baby . I don't have to explain my self to an arrogant ass like your self who would rather hug the nuts of a retard then have an opinion of his own. This thread started out as an experiment and you jackasses turned it into school yard bullshit. Some of use are here to learn .
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