And you are a retard that didn't bother to check out my link.
Having said that, I'm through with you. You may now join the ranks of my trolls who had their asses handed to them at one point or another. It's not my fault you and yours choose to be such fuckups.
Open wide, spoon feeding time.....
It's quite simple - learn what makes a plant tick, don't use cannabis specific foods or methods use conventional ones, don't push your plants. Give them support but do not push. The following is my basics, and old school basics are what's important.
It's a tropical foliage plant that flowers like all tropical plants, treat it as such.
Yield? 4 - 10+ oz dried bud per plant. Depends on the genetics. I love sativas - quality over quantity.
BTW, I owe you nothing. This is not an Obama entitlement program. Don't post a question and when I give an answer twist it trying to make me out to be the demon. THAT is what pisses me off. Folks that have no sense of integrity.
Oh, and on a personal note. You are a fuck up.