what is the most acid you have ever eaten and what was the exp like?


Well-Known Member
Yes thank you :). Sorry for all the noob questions. As I've said before its only been the last like 3 years I've been able to begin to enjoy the world of LSD.


Well-Known Member
Ok just read that whole thread. It got me all jacked up, and wanting to trip again :). We've still got a few hits left maybe later this week. I don't think I'm ready for a thumb print so crystal might not be coming my way for awhile, but maybe I'll find a sheet to get me started :) hehe.


Well-Known Member
Thats one epic map right there. I would have loved to be around during all that to experiance some of the magic. I remember when Jerry died, but I was very young at the time. The way I grew up as a child I was never exposed to festivals, or even many musical events. Then as I got older and wanted to experiance them myself, life has always gotten in the way. The last few years my wife and I have made it to a few shows, and need to get to more. Its always such a blast whether we have anything to enhance it or not.


Well-Known Member
come interlocken..only furthur show this year!
i remember when jerry died..i was tripping on 4 hits of flypaper...bad time..crying on acid is not on the top of my list.
i grew up in a deadhead household..we had a steal your face sticker on the front door window of our house...dad bumped old dead RECORDS all weekend,would go to shows all summer..the good old days!:-)..how we all miss them...


Well-Known Member
ha! i just remembered being 10 and listening to europe '72 on a record..memories!..i kept being mean to my brother because he wanted to listen to michael jacksons "bad"...i didnt let him of course..:-D


Well-Known Member
Hmm virginia might be doable... it would mean getting together over a grand though for me and my wife to go and thats the tough part. I'm very interested. Looks like it would be about an 8 hr ride for us.... but by september we might be able to swing it. Camping didn't seem to bad though under 100 for the 4 days.


Well-Known Member
come interlocken..only furthur show this year!
i remember when jerry died..i was tripping on 4 hits of flypaper...bad time..crying on acid is not on the top of my list.
i grew up in a deadhead household..we had a steal your face sticker on the front door window of our house...dad bumped old dead RECORDS all weekend,would go to shows all summer..the good old days!:-)..how we all miss them...
Your dad deserves



Well-Known Member
Hmm virginia might be doable... it would mean getting together over a grand though for me and my wife to go and thats the tough part. I'm very interested. Looks like it would be about an 8 hr ride for us.... but by september we might be able to swing it. Camping didn't seem to bad though under 100 for the 4 days.
all in all itll be about a 400 per person ticket,since you 2 will be sharing a camping spot..its a nice venue,the only bad thing i can say is the staff is fucking retarded and just as stupid as security(what elses is new?)..but hopefully this year the wrinkles will be ironed out...fucking lineup is awesome,they added tom petty!..i got my shit in a pile allready..btw,its 20 mins from my city,so if it gets bad weather wise..i know where the after party is:-D