Gage Green Group Info Thread

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people with solid opinion , experts , intellectuals , superb gardeners , professors , authors , etc ...are leaders not followers.

the mark of an expert is to take risks (some calculated some not) ...put himself out there for review , for discussion , for ridicule , & more.

its the knowledge people that move & shake.
& canna-idiots do nothing but waste bandwidth & breath.

np. take it as dickery.
its an insecure whiny bitch move.
so i'll label you as a novice douche. fair enough ?

im constantly improving , so im 100% okay with ur insecurities & ur gardening short-comings & never learning a single fu*king thing from u.

plants , actually , are more complex than u give credit oxford scholar (total idiot im sure) recently proved plants "do math" ..."counting" hours at night calculating & regulating starch & sugar levels till lights on ...did u know this ?

how does it effect what u do in that tent , little grow hobbit ?
u dont know.

fact !

so plants are complex & simple organisms at the same time.
ask any biologist.

nah wait ... ur too lazy.

its not mechanical engineering ... nope got that obvious part right ...with regard to modern cannabis strains , its evolution type (biological) engineering sculpted @ the hand of man via purposeful selections & selective x breeding.

landrace means what?
indoor variety means what ?

connected in any way?

& if these modern strains are so simple & easy to grow (which if u checked the help section, the plant problem section, the new grower section , the how to set my room up section ===> u'd see how MEGA stupid that sounds) how is it that many of these killer strains would never make it outdoors?

just simple plants right ?

spacedawg , 1999 cut , dare i say "expertly grown" LOL !
humbolt 001.jpg
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Dude you simply ramble on incoherently, constantly moving the goalposts. A Mendel, you are not. I post my garden, I've made mistakes, will probably make more, but I'm constantly learning and getting better. Been a gardener for many years prior to growing cannabis. Your "expert" angle is laughable and a tiresome trope. Eta perhaps you should read that sign you seem to apply to others, seems like the shoe is fitting for you. I'm not the one carrying on like an arrogant man child. Also looks a tad immature for harvest based on white pistils, also ease up on the nutes, ya got some burn there , but as an expert I'm sure you noticed that
im constantly improving , so im 100% okay with ur insecurities
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I don't know about anyone else, but I skipped the last 400 or 500 words of your monologue.

And speaking of insecurities......have you noticed the length of your posts?
Thank you guys
already have all my stuff for this year got some
mr nice
Rare dank
Just enjoy different stuff ima keep watching all ya
start stocking up for next outdoor 2015

You are going to have yourself a killer season :) I have had fantastic fun with gear from all of these guys but Mandala.
Anyhow, I agree with Gud. We have taken Cannabis past where a lot of it can survive in the wild. I know, I have seen IBLs struggle in my outside garden, and ALL of them need to be staked or they will kill themselves by week 6 no bullshit. They will just flop over and break. No way they can handle wind, not the DANK. Not if they are big. It has developed a totally symbiotic relationship with us. So our responsibilities, and also influence, both are greatly increased with the 'human dependent' types. This is why a lot of elite types have a lot of people bitching about them, producing nanners off them etc. You can't just treat them like anything else.
Tons of breeders know this full well and are offering elite crosses, much of it crossed to oldschool lines to bring back that ease of growing. Gage is doing it. Bodhi is doing it. People are aware of this. As a grower it is stupid denying this.

So if you want to take a modern type to full genetic potential, there is a helluva lot more to it than just air water and nutrient these days. Not saying that not taking it to full potential will equal crap herb or a bad looking plant at all! Not saying the grow will suck at all! Just saying, there is a whole next level to aspire to with modern types. I mean the NYCD and me walked a 7 year road, it took 3 to dial her in to perfection where I actually got large yields off it. HUGE yields of dank. It took a while, and what I learned with her didn't pan out to work with all other plants. 3 years, just one type.
okay. gents. & novices. & one or two experts in this thread ;-) ... im off for a smoke sesh.

here's my afternoon mix of canna shawg.

strawberry sour d ...yeah only a wee bit o' dank.
strwbry sour d 003.jpg

followed by green crack ...yeah ...more shawg.
green crack nug shot 002.jpg

followed by this amazing pink cheese (only person in the usa w/ this strain)

ahem ==> super shwag-y
pink cheese nug 010.jpg

followed by my personal cut of cricital sensi star ...with green crack / spacedawg trim hash !

this nug looks like patrick from spongebob but its not gonna deter me from grinding it one bit.
wakey bakey 002.jpg

followed by that shwagy , premature , over nuted spacedawg.... !!! LOL @ you !!!

u embarrassing yourself like that , kid !

! nug from that photo on the plate ! looks like crystal covered premie ... dont it :-)

dank 3x 006.jpg
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sounds like a fun multifaceted life................
ah but it is. Simply a means to an end towards another goal. I could go on disability like some growers on this board, but collecting disability checks really doesn't sound like fun. After this work, I'll do more work for my freelance company and in the evening I'll be writing some proposals. What can I say? I enjoy money, new opportunities and personal growth.
even without you saying the name of your cut,them pics show that it looks like some mighty powerful lung expanding nugs.
hamish & me we've had a disagreement or two... over a person he calls friend.

end of the day ...i respect a dude that gets it done under the lamps ...indoor ...or under the big HID in the sky.


holy shit that 4 & 6th photo got my mouth watering !!!

@ hamish nice bro. amazing crystal coverage. yummy yum yum.
real nice work. !!!! very !!!! b e a u t i f u l !!!!!! nugz !!!!!!

& on that note :

blessings & continued passion to all you "growers".

enjoy ur forum gents. un-bunch ur panties... im gone ...with a nice nugget note on which to leave.

keep it shawgy ....& i'll be back to fuck with y'all another day ====> for sure !

@ genuity ==> much love & respect & admiration
my garden has cuts for you any time & any day ...forever.

even us dickhead experts need one or two people to worship ;-)
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LOL yeah I have had a disagreement with nearly everybody on the internet. It's a hobby I am trying my best to grow out of. Anyhow, just spotted this gem of a quote on the Gage forum:

AK_Polack wrote:Long winded stoner ramblings usually hold gems of insight that would have otherwise been kept silent, and thus lost forever.
Plays happy music in head well its sure been a friendly month on rollitup. Shit ive lost a few hundred in plants this month, ill keep on trucking with a smile on my face
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