stormfront has a dating section.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
nice vigilance. for some reason, it was completely missing when we had holocaust denying white supremacists on the forum.

hell, you still cry about sirgreendumb.

reported for retarded hypocrisy.
I only voice my opinion upon causes I agree with which few support. Like veganism, pro-life, and things which pertain to me.

BTW, Sirgreenthumb knows way more about gardening than you ever will, college dropout. He's also an upstanding human being. Maybe you can get it right in your next life.

I only attack when just. You attack for fun. That makes you a bully.

It's quite sad. Your only job in life is this forum and yet you failed at that too. Getting fired from a moderator of a pot forum is beyond pathetic.


Well-Known Member
Why do you follow him like a dog in heat? You must get off on white supremacist dick.
it all started when he proclaimed that he NEVER gets angry on the internet.

i first started calling him racist on a hunch with no evidence for it. a month later he was joining white supremacy groups, posting, citing, and defending white supremacist publications.

now he rage quits forever about once a week, only to come back again like the drama queen he is.

it's better than cable and cinema combined.