Greenhouse grow


Well-Known Member
lol, have fun with a dehumidifier outside in a greenhouse in a coastal climate.

my buddy tried one and gave up after a day or two.
You don't think one would work? If it is large enough and draining outside the gh wouldn't it help lower the humidity? Ive seen the bigger ones at the hydro shops. I am just thinking the humidity has to be what makes the mold? Maybe ventilation keeps it from setting too? What kind of dehum did your friend have? Was it a pvc rebar hoop house? Did he grow near the coast in a gh? I am curious to others expierence


Well-Known Member
You don't think one would work? If it is large enough and draining outside the gh wouldn't it help lower the humidity? Ive seen the bigger ones at the hydro shops. I am just thinking the humidity has to be what makes the mold? Maybe ventilation keeps it from setting too? What kind of dehum did your friend have? Was it a pvc rebar hoop house? Did he grow near the coast in a gh? I am curious to others expierence
he had a bigass dehumidifier and high hopes, which were dashed in the driest growing season we had in several years.

keep the air moving is all you can do. you can't suck all that moisture out unless your greenhouse is built super tight.


Well-Known Member
he had a bigass dehumidifier and high hopes, which were dashed in the driest growing season we had in several years.

keep the air moving is all you can do. you can't suck all that moisture out unless your greenhouse is built super tight.
Did he lose a lot to mold? Was he close to the pacific coast?


Well-Known Member
Looks like a bad ass setup sulfur pot if need be
Thanks man I am going up again on Sunday will take some more pics. We have decided to go with 65 gallon smart pots and the smaller plants will go into 30 gallon. Getting really excited gona start prepping pots on Sunday.


Well-Known Member
Those 65s should be monsters in a greenhouse have plenty of shit ready to train um and tie up with


Well-Known Member
Be careful with that greenhouse, I had the exact one. The first heavy winds that came it crumbled it easily
What one r u talking about? We built that big one and it is solid the smaller one is staked down. Not worried about "crumbling". We don't have high winds here during season and both were setup/built to last this ain't my first rodeo


Well-Known Member
What one r u talking about? We built that big one and it is solid the smaller one is staked down. Not worried about "crumbling". We don't have high winds here during season and both were setup/built to last this ain't my first rodeo
don't be afraid to reinforce it though. without solid support that type of greenhouse is very susceptible to a day or two of high winds.


Well-Known Member
I'm jealous of your greenhouse. we had plans to build one but too many things took precedence and it never got done. we realize it won't be until next year that we can build what we want. I'll be looking forward to more pics of your grow as the season goes on.