Pre-flower or just new growth?


Well-Known Member
I hear that.. yeah Im looking for an inline now.. haha :) I add the left over fruit peelings myself to my compost box for the sugars needed for flowering :) added Molasses works great to
Yeah i like the idea of a plant that creeps along the soil aye looks sick and keeps shit nice and low and leaves more room for air circulation. Ive tried adding a small jar with some orange peels and bannana peels in it in my box to kinda mask the smell abit but it doesnt seem to be working so im thinking of plucking a few chucks of rosmary and rrying that bcoz a carbon filter is too much hassel for me at the mo

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Well-Known Member
Actualy while we are on the topic of mollases ive also just started us8ng it but have only done it once or twice cant remember bcoz im not sure how often to add it to my watering scedual and also how much per litre do you use

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Well-Known Member
Well, I water mine everytime I feed during flowering. I use 1 teaspoon for every gallon of h2o. I have increased up to 1 tablespoon, but that was late (last week) of flowering though.
Actualy while we are on the topic of molasses ive also just started us8ng it but have only done it once or twice cant remember bcoz im not sure how often to add it to my watering scedual and also how much per litre do you use

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Well-Known Member
Aw shit ove been doing a teaspoon of it per litre haha my bad i heard somewhere that a tableapoon per gallon is normal and i worked it out to about 4ml per litre. 3.7 litres is a gallon if im right

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Well-Known Member
Yeah thats the recommended dosage. Tablespoon per gln. However during veg I start mine off slow, then just increase over time. :)
Aw shit ove been doing a teaspoon of it per litre haha my bad i heard somewhere that a tableapoon per gallon is normal and i worked it out to about 4ml per litre. 3.7 litres is a gallon if im right

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Well-Known Member
So is 1 tspoon per litre alright for my 5 weeks of flower or could i increase it. What does it actualy do and is there anything i will motice by using it besides the nice smell of it

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Well-Known Member
during flowering the female plants converts everything to sugar's to push/produce flowering :) Ive even used raw cane sugar in the past :) my fav is old fruit peelings though.


Well-Known Member
How do you feed them fruit peelings? And at this moment they are 36 days into flowering. I thought it was week 5 but i was wrong

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Active Member
Hi there Smokinr33, just read all of this thread with interest, great little micro grow you've got going on there! From such small plants you actually seem to be doing quite well yield wise!

Couple of cents to throw into the hat here, as always I hope to be corrected by experts if I'm wrong....

You were asking about roughly how long you might have left to flower. I think you figured it out already that you need to be checking trichomes, but it sounds to me like you haven't yet got yourself a decent microscope to check them under. Try one with about 100x magnification.

As far as a guesswork estimate goes, it looks to me to be sativa dominant, and sativas typically have longer flowering times. It totally depends on the genetics, environment etc, but if you wanted a real rough guess then what, 10 weeks or more? But ofc, check the trichs....

Tackling the smell, carbon filter is the way to go if it's a real issue, if less so you've got the right idea with orange peel. Ona works really well. I have an ona block downstairs in my house for if I've just smoked a bowl and there's a knock at the door. I open up the ona block and run round like an idiot for a minute before I open the door, wafting the block about. It doesn't smell particularly nice, but then, if the plan is to cover up the really nice smell of ganja, it stands to reason to use something unpleasant!

Good work on the grow my friend, keep up the good work, I'll be watching this with interest!


Well-Known Member
Hi there Smokinr33, just read all of this thread with interest, great little micro grow you've got going on there! From such small plants you actually seem to be doing quite well yield wise!

Couple of cents to throw into the hat here, as always I hope to be corrected by experts if I'm wrong....

You were asking about roughly how long you might have left to flower. I think you figured it out already that you need to be checking trichomes, but it sounds to me like you haven't yet got yourself a decent microscope to check them under. Try one with about 100x magnification.

As far as a guesswork estimate goes, it looks to me to be sativa dominant, and sativas typically have longer flowering times. It totally depends on the genetics, environment etc, but if you wanted a real rough guess then what, 10 weeks or more? But ofc, check the trichs....

Tackling the smell, carbon filter is the way to go if it's a real issue, if less so you've got the right idea with orange peel. Ona works really well. I have an ona block downstairs in my house for if I've just smoked a bowl and there's a knock at the door. I open up the ona block and run round like an idiot for a minute before I open the door, wafting the block about. It doesn't smell particularly nice, but then, if the plan is to cover up the really nice smell of ganja, it stands to reason to use something unpleasant!

Good work on the grow my friend, keep up the good work, I'll be watching this with interest!
Thanx for the reply man it feels good to hear that. As to the microscope i do have one but its a 60x one for smartphones but works algood for checking them trichs. I would have actualy thought it was atleast 60 70 % indica dominant rather than sativa if any at all.. im hoping for them to be done within the next 4 weeks bcoz im going away for a week around that time

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Well-Known Member
At the moment id say theres around 2 or 3 grams of weight in bud on them(despite all ods and what people have said about having 2 panting in about a 1 gallon pot they are doing awesome on such a small pot for 2 plants)

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Active Member
Sorry my bad I had looked at the someone else's pic when I diagnosed sativa dom! You are right, looking at your pics definitely indica dominant.

As such, you might just scrape harvest in before your vacation, my advice would be to do like me and not book anything until you've harvested! Lol, no summer vacation for me this year will be busy til August / September, I'll take my vacation when I have no other priorities!

Can you get someone to watch them for you if they are not ready?

Sounded like you were struggling to identify amber / cloudy trichs, so consider upgrading your microscope if you can afford it.


Well-Known Member
I was just going to take them out of the box and leave them on top of a dresser in my room bcoz my lighting dries the soil out really fast but without the lighting and using natural lifgt through the windows it should last the week just fine. Last time i went away they spent 4 days without watering and they were more than fine dry but fine and taller lol. Well what i meant by finding it difficult to distinguish trich color its just bcoz my lifhting makes them have a slight ambery color but i know it isnt the actual trich color bcoz i use the white led on my microscope and it was a clear to slight cloudy color bur a few weeks should show me more

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Well-Known Member
No i dont trust anyone with my secrwt but my partner

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Active Member
No i dont trust anyone with my secrwt but my partner

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So late on in the flowering I wouldn't want to leave them on their own it would terrify me!

If you struggle in the light to assess trichomes, take a small sample into daylight and check there.


Well-Known Member
I myt first try turning off the warm white bulbs first bcoz thats givi g then the ambery color

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Active Member
I would be looking more at what proportion of the trichs are cloudy rather than clear. That way colour has little to do with it, you are looking at the opacity of them instead.


Well-Known Member
Lol i have no idea what you just said hehe. By a small sample did you mean i should cut off a small piece to exami e bcoz id die if i hurt my girls like that. They only deserve the true death no more haha

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Active Member
Haha ok I'll simplify. Remember this is only from what I have read so double check everything I say!

What you are looking for is as close to 100% cloudy trichomes as you can get. Some young trichomes will still be clear, some older trichomes will have turned amber. You will not be able to get 100% cloudy, but you want to aim for as close to it as you can get.

That way, you are looking for opacity - ie cloudiness - rather than colour, and the colour of your lights shouldn't matter.

To answer your other question, taking the tiniest sample won't hurt, just don't go crazy and don't make a habit of it.