Well-Known Member
I never grow indoors in the summer for a bunch of reasons, and this is one of them. Due to economics, I have been forced to do it this year, and now I am stuck with a big time humidity problem. During the winter, my basement averages 50% humidity. Now it is averaging 70%, and that is an issue, as you can imagine. I have 2 options the way I figure it. One being is sucking up the energy consumption, when I am maxed out now really, and run a de-humidifier. The other option is to stick them in my attic, with average temp of 120-130 degrees Fahrenheit. I am leery of the high temps, and am wondering if anyone has dried at that temp, and if it created a problem. This is a big crop, 12 plants, and a lot of BIG buds, which take a long time anyway. Anybody have experience with a problem like this? All the ideas are greatly appreciated.. Peace out.