The UK Growers Thread!

no wonder yer plants are dying ice, feeding your kids fillet mignon while the plants are starving!

150 on the kids food though seriously!

fuck im geting the snip

no shit,,, bak in day i used to just buy u know like fultons own and wateevr, but fuk that decided i sont want my kids brought up on black an white kwiksave no frills like iw as, so alll branded stuff, costs a shit ton, not to mention wat ive spent on shit in the house,,, if u havent been to mine u wouldnt know but mate,, i DO NOT live in a sqwat and my house is rather nice IMO. 3d tv all that shit, so scaty yes i am, but scab no imnot

i let one little 5 ft plant die and shit i never hear the end of it

the clones are ALL still alive nr 2 weeks in bubble cloner i think now so should start seeing roots soon, i have sedlings in and growing so BAHAHAHA

right bak to watchdogs,

wifes at hozzy with 19 month old, so the 4 yr old comes bak from nannas soon, shit kids....
Yeah too right hg, will save me a fortune on petrol on my car, just use the works van whenevr I can and use their fuel card for its diesel, not to mention I can do the odd job moving shit for ppl to make some extra cash at side,
i use them gary lasted me AGGGGES so far, love em, wen i remebr to plug em in, just havent decided if the fan is actually on FULL wen its up full or i have to unplug to get it on full?

and yeh thats a industrail controller WAYYYY to much thats for like massive huge aircon and factory extractors

thunder and ligthing its very very frightening,

fucking scared at home alone :(
Gash Flash,

You see I have a 2 fan controller but it buzzes like fuck on the ruck. Not tried it on the new fan yet so may be lucky yet. I only paid £2 on ebay haha for the large fan controller. Its like a variac which steps the voltage so no hum. Garybhoy11 does that speed controller Buzz? Its cheap enough too if it does the job. I nearly had heart attack when I plugged the 8in fan in. It really was like a jet engine, holy fucking shit, will be able to hear it at the corner shop :) I am going to cut 6 x 20in squares of MDF and make a box for it and cut 2 x 8in holes for the fan. Doing this should make it nice and quiet.
You see I have a 2 fan controller but it buzzes like fuck on the ruck. Not tried it on the new fan yet so may be lucky yet. I only paid £2 on ebay haha for the large fan controller. Its like a variac which steps the voltage so no hum. Garybhoy11 does that speed controller Buzz? Its cheap enough too if it does the job. I nearly had heart attack when I plugged the 8in fan in. It really was like a jet engine, holy fucking shit, will be able to hear it at the corner shop :) I am going to cut 6 x 20in squares of MDF and make a box for it and cut 2 x 8in holes for the fan. Doing this should make it nice and quiet.
Yeah that cheap controller I gave u the link for works perfect, and no it doesnt buzz or anything its quiet, its well worth the cash, even if u dont like it whats 6 quid, its at least worth a shot is it not,
Like I said I have used mine almost a year with no probs and other have been using the same ones longer and not heard any complaints
no smoke ther silent, the bussing is the resistance made on the capacitor inside the controller

and gary while ours have lasted a lot of guys only lasted a week or 2, dons did i think?
Ic3m4l3, your right its a beast for £2 on ebay...
I don't know what these low level sensors or high level sensor are, I guess I will have to buy temp cables for 1234 inputs if I want to use temp control but not bothered about that really. If I put neutral/live/earth into fan controller and then the LR and LF are the bridged wire so can be used in auto mode. Think I am nearly right. :)
Going to defo buy one because I am always trying to blow myself up lol with my DIY missions lol Too much weed at times gets my mind working overtime lol