Carbon Filters - Short or Tall


Active Member
The carbon filter I'm eyeing has two versions - one is tall with a thinner layer of carbon, other is short with a thicker layer of carbon.

Which one is best?


Well-Known Member
Go with what one will give you more height plant wise sometimes the longer ones are better,but i use a new one every year its a must,i think even more so if you are vegging big plants in hydro set ups where a lot of water is been used

I worked for a company that used to sell them and i took apart two of mine after vegging then flowering for 12 month,because humidity is higher when vegging it causes gaps in the charcoal so i would get a new one every year if you are doing real smellies,if ya just flowering i have humidity at 50 % they can last 2 year but ya need a ec unit and de humidi unit.

I am likeing the big boy filters,there not that expensive the rhino ones

[peace tyke]

bird dog

Well-Known Member
The carbon filter I'm eyeing has two versions - one is tall with a thinner layer of carbon, other is short with a thicker layer of carbon.

Which one is best?
Understand that you are trying to do what's right for your girls regardless of cost, but it has been my experience that they are a waste of money. I visit my tents several times a day when lights are on and I'm making co2 in the tent the entire time I'm breathing in there. That's enough for me (lol) Good luck... Peace


Sector 5 Moderator
You have two options; you asked for advice but you don't want to take advice from an experienced grower. My preference for the taller one is because carbon absorbs a LOT of odors, so you don't really need a thick mass of it to do the job. So go with the other one; it's not like you're building the f'ing space shuttle.

Artis Guogis

Active Member
it depends on filters power actually not on the size only ,,, i got shorter and thicker,but filters engine works hard as fk and air inside my tent is really fresh i d like to say -better then in the rest of the house and there is no odors at all :) and it works very quaet actually ,like 2 times better then my previous one so when i have guests i they cant even notice that sound and if they do i can just blame bathrooms ventilation system )))) If u need a legit place/shop to buy that treasure just message me,ill give u links ;)