thoughts on growing in 5gallon from start to finish

Hey people who read this thread I appreciate you taking he time to possibly help me out. So today I discovered my plants were rootbound, they had been stunted for a couple weeks and I was clueless as to why. So I transferred them to a bigger pot now they look wilty, I'm hopeful they will recover however. But this got me thinking and I would love to go from party (,keg)cup directly into 5 gallon and be done with it. Less transitions, less risk of shocking plants. From what I know to be a good source ive heard if you have the room for it, its fine. The only downside I've heard is my root mass might not be as good... something like that Lol sorry I'm new to all this. Does anybody do this and have success with it? Final question is about my grow tent. Got a great deal on amazon and picked this guy up. Got home and discovered its fuckn Godzilla (huge). Now I could return it but besides it being slightly too big its a great tent. Only possible issues that my newb self could fathom is would I have to buy more expensive lights to cover the area and would I need a more expensive inline fan,etc?.. A rough estimate of the dimensions is like 7 ft long x 3ft wide. Something like that. Just pretty big for my room and a lot bigger then I had imagined when I purchased it. Anyway if you've kept up with my rambling issues and have any advice/suggestions I would def Appreciate it. Just a recap would love to go from one small seedling cup to 5 gallon. And would love to keep this tent if no big issues are seen. Cheers guys and thanks again for reading.


Well-Known Member
I work with 5 gallon plants. I usually start in 5.5 inch containers and xplant after 2 weeks. The roots don't fill the containers, but thats fine by me that means there is more food for each root...

The downside is that your plant won't dry up the container as quick because the roots will be less dense. Feedings/waterings are more important but you can also be sure that you won't have to feed the plant more than once a week or so because the roots will always have room to find more nutes if they run out.

a 7 x 3 tent... i'd attempt 2 600w HPS and you could always turn them down to 300 or 400watts if you need to. That space you could be pulling over a pound or so every couple months. Depends on your carbon filter and a/c situation.

the XL hoods with the clear covering and ducting attachments linked in a cooltube fashion would be a good route considering you would only need 1 fan for the 2 lights that way. Then you could have your centrifugal fan pulling air through ducting to outside the tent and pushing that air through a carbon filter. The fan and filter would be outside of the tent this way.

You would probably need a fan with 300+ cfm for that tent
I work with 5 gallon plants. I usually start in 5.5 inch containers and xplant after 2 weeks. The roots don't fill the containers, but thats fine by me that means there is more food for each root...

The downside is that your plant won't dry up the container as quick because the roots will be less dense. Feedings/waterings are more important but you can also be sure that you won't have to feed the plant more than once a week or so because the roots will always have room to find more nutes if they run out.

a 7 x 3 tent... i'd attempt 2 600w HPS and you could always turn them down to 300 or 400watts if you need to. That space you could be pulling over a pound or so every couple months. Depends on your carbon filter and a/c situation.

the XL hoods with the clear covering and ducting attachments linked in a cooltube fashion would be a good route considering you would only need 1 fan for the 2 lights that way. Then you could have your centrifugal fan pulling air through ducting to outside the tent and pushing that air through a carbon filter. The fan and filter would be outside of the tent this way.

You would probably need a fan with 300+ cfm for that tent
Thanks for the quick reply beast grow, that's what I was hoping to hear on the pot size. Minor issues like watching the watering and feeding I think I can deal with. As for the tent that's a great idea so I only need to buy one fan for the two lights. A pound a month would be amazing Lol don't think I can handle that yet though. I'm sure if I needed to I could also divide the tent using a tarp of some kind if I was having issues getting enough lumens in there. Makes sense sticking with this tent instead of returning it and getting one half the size for the same price. Cheers man and thanks.