
I feel as if clones are like steroids for growers. I see a bunch of pro's going clones vs seeds. However, I know many people prefer &/or swear by seeds. I would like to know experiences/preferences/etc. & why? I'll be beginning my 3rd grow (which I consider my 1st real grow) due to the fact that I have "legitimate" equipment this time around vs the CFL's, cheap soils, conditions, etc.

Thank ya ma buds.


Well-Known Member
Seeds for the pheno hunt...
Clone for keepers & crosses...
If just for speed sake-- clones... imo

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Well-Known Member
Seeds it a chance of hermie or boys or bad genetics or wicked gens
Clones u know what u getting but u need keep a mother plant
Taking clone from clone from clone will lesson yield and potency so ive been told


Active Member
Taking clone from clone from clone will lesson yield and potency so ive been told
Is anybody able to confirm or deny this point, if possible with references please?

I am growing from seed currently but wanting to clone for future grows. Is there a sensible limit on how many times to clone if indeed this problem exists?

The only word I have heard on this subject is anecdotal evidence from someone who said he has been growing from the same genetics for 10 years now, and he had no problem with his produce. But, of course, this is just anecdotal and some proper evidence would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
i have had the cheese cutting for nearly 5 years, it has gotten better not worse.

the person i got it from has had it for ten years it has got better not worse.

there are clones tht are over 30 years old, so saying taking clones from clones is bad to me sounds like bullshit.

now taking cuttings from a sickly plant may have an adverse effect but in all honesty clones are the only way to go if you are expecting any kind of success.

seeds are a lottery, even from a reputable breeder, i have grown hundreds but not found many keepers..


Well-Known Member
Taking clone from clone from clone will lesson yield and potency so ive been told
That's actually false. We've had threads about it before. I've personally done my own research and found the clone from clone thing to be untrue. The genetics don't really change that much after even multiple generations of clones.


Well-Known Member
That's actually false. We've had threads about it before. I've personally done my own research and found the clone from clone thing to be untrue. The genetics don't really change that much after even multiple generations of clones.
Good to know man I dont have room for a mother plant it was somthing I had been told but seems they was wrong
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Well-Known Member
I would all ways use clones indoors,
The advantage of clones is you know pretty much how they are going to grow and what they normally grow like has long has the mother is good and clean no bugs and nice and healthy,the clones will grow pretty much the same way.also i can tell what each one of my mothers clones will produce.
outdoor grow's have to be done from seed i think they are far more hardy to weather change's,all though clones taken of a mother that is used to heat i feel can become used to hot temps and become better at dealing with heat.

Where has a plant done from seed,out doors all ways seems to out grow yeild wise, a clone.I do not know if that is just my view or the view of most out door growers,but all growers i know that do out door grows all ways do them from seed.

Seeds are a far better way of saveing a gene pool of a certain strain,i use seeds only in summer for out doors and breeding


bud bootlegger
pros... you know what to expect, it should be a known keeper pheno..
some strains only come in clone version only
less veg time required
all plants will have some growth patterns
often times clones get mislabeled, and you think you're growing x, and it will be z ... happens tons
clones are more prone to bugs and pm over plants grown from seeds
often times bringing clones in from an outside source is a great way to introduce bugs, disease or any other unwanted pest into a grow room.. :(
not everyone lives in a state where walking into the corner store and picking up gsc and blue dream is possible.. and some clones, even if you live in a med state, are closely guarded, good luck getting certain cuts.
seed plants tend to be more hardy than clones, concerning things like bugs and pm
you always know you're getting exactly what you paid for if you buy in breeders packs from a reputable bank
pheno hunt.. some people love this aspect of seed plants, so not sure how much of a con it is, but depending on what breeder you buy from, you might potentially have to dig through a good amount of seeds to find that keeper, where in clones, hopefully someone did that work for you.. only problem with clones, is maybe the person who found the keeper was looking for say taste over potency, and growing from seeds you get to pick the plant you want..
slower growth.. seed plants seem to take a bit longer initially to establish themselves once germed compared to a rooted clone..
some strains are clone only.. say girl scouts cookies, or gorrila glue4, if you want the real deal, you have to get the clone.. not everyone has access to these clone only's though..


Well-Known Member
In a recent study done by GW Pharma it was determined that Clones are more potent than seeds Clone was 14% THC seed was 11% (same strain) same grow room & conditions

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
In a recent study done by GW Pharma it was determined that Clones are more potent than seeds Clone was 14% THC seed was 11% (same strain) same grow room & conditions
That's bullshit you know a seed vs a proven clone unfair ...yea the clone beat that seed thc wise but the next seed might have 25 percent thc never know... thats a very flawed test!
They both have their advantages.u should just man up pick one and start growing already..
Not about manning up. Most people say a good grow, is a well-planned grow. I want to do as much research, get as many opinions from different levels of growers & grows themselves. Rushing a grow, especially for someone with little/no experience like myself, is usually frowned upon in this community. Whats the point of rushing something & risking mistake, failure, or a smaller yield/quality of product? I'll sacrifice a weeks grow time if it means a better, more successful grow.

For now, I will not be manning up... I will be... well, smart about it instead. But thank you for the suggestion. =) lol.
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Thank you to the others who actually added insight. I was already leaning towards clone, but now, I feel confident in my choice. Thank you again, all, very much, very much appreciated.