DEA losing power and they're super butt hurt about it

It can be done, but it is the will of the States that outlawed it, not the Feds, you idiots, and the will of the States can un-do it. States run the show.

Self rule runs the States. We have 2 States legal already.

How much in IRELAND? Right.

Shut the fuck up.

You erroneously use the term "self". It is not a collective will expressed by 51% of those that vote in a Republic which is based on automatically encompassing people in a give area whether they like it or not. That is not self rule despite what you may have been told.

Self rule to be more accurate would be individuals ruling themselves. of course, that would mean themselves and no others.
over 90% (closer to 95%) want comprehensive background checks. about 70% want a national gun registry, about 60% want to ban high capacity mags, and about 50% want to ban assault rifles, all of which are perfectly constitutional.

We have comprehensive background checks, I just went through one last week. The rest of this post is so blatantly false it's stinking up the room. When you get those numbers on a NRA funded poll, then you might have an argument. Banning scary guns is only Constitutional through the piss-soaked interpretation of a progressive.

Please continue, it's fun watching you fail at convincing ANYONE.
We have comprehensive background checks

you are good at denying reality, but it doesn;t actually change reality as you have found out.

The rest of this post is so blatantly false it's stinking up the room.








When you get those numbers on a NRA funded poll, then you might have an argument.

we get it, you hate reality. reality hates you right the fuck back.

Banning scary guns is only Constitutional through the piss-soaked interpretation of a progressive.

that's not what the SCOTUS said in the heller decision, imbecile.

Please continue, it's fun watching you fail at convincing ANYONE.

i don't have to convince anyone, because it's reality. as much as you may fucking hate reality, it continues to be reality.
you are good at denying reality, but it doesn;t actually change reality as you have found out.








we get it, you hate reality. reality hates you right the fuck back.

that's not what the SCOTUS said in the heller decision, imbecile.

i don't have to convince anyone, because it's reality. as much as you may fucking hate reality, it continues to be reality.

I'm sorry, which of those was an ACTUAL NRA FUNDED POLL?
Oh, none.

You DO have to convince someone, because it's not reality. Which is why your side of the argument is losing its ass and your pipe dream just never seems to come to fruition.

Hmmm, why is that do you think? Oh yeah...Koch brothers, big oil, Fox News and lest we forget...BOOOOOOOOOSH.

And it was 51-44 against on the assault rifle ban by your own citation, numbnuts.
I'm sorry, which of those was an ACTUAL NRA FUNDED POLL?
Oh, none.

one would think that you would have learned after your last debacle with polling.

these are good polls. you are asking for a poll from the most biased source possible.

some people are blind to their own idiocy and refuse to learn from history.

You DO have to convince someone, because it's not reality.

nope, sorry.

over and over again, you have proven that yoiu are nowhere near reality. can't even see it with a high powered telescope from where you are.

the polls i cited are reality.

And it was 51-44 against on the assault rifle ban by your own citation, numbnuts.

good job on cherry picking, you've done that before to convince yourself that romney was leading. he never was.

your disdain for reality is epic.
Well, gInwilly, i think the Big C was meant to roll with the times. And you are the system or you feel the good times are gone. It is entirely up to you.

If the system got us here, it is still the system. if Self Rule ever worked is it still at work today.
We have comprehensive background checks, I just went through one last week. The rest of this post is so blatantly false it's stinking up the room. When you get those numbers on a NRA funded poll, then you might have an argument. Banning scary guns is only Constitutional through the piss-soaked interpretation of a progressive.

Please continue, it's fun watching you fail at convincing ANYONE.
So how did you answer question 11e on your 4473?

Guess you never smoked pot eh?
You erroneously use the term "self". It is not a collective will expressed by 51% of those that vote in a Republic which is based on automatically encompassing people in a give area whether they like it or not. That is not self rule despite what you may have been told.

Self rule to be more accurate would be individuals ruling themselves. of course, that would mean themselves and no others.

Poor fellow. Self rule is aggregation. No on can survive alone. We figured that out a million years ago.
Poor fellow. Self rule is aggregation. No on can survive alone. We figured that out a million years ago.

You have combined two separate and distinct meanings to try to recreate the meaning of words.

Self rule is the absence of an imposed ruler. The aggregate is an imposition on the individual.

We = plural. Self = singular.

Squirrel = lunch.
Self rule is not up to you to define. It has been defined in history and in practice.

You can call babies bathwater and throw it all out, but don't tell me I don't know the difference.

Words have meaning but only in context and intent.

In the system of Self rule we aggregate so that each has a vote. It could be as simple as a school board and a school board is the base unit, I say. I know at least a 1/2 dozen people that have jacked school boards out of stupid by the same dirty pool that got the stupid there,

Voting blocks. Self rule is alignment of the majority.,

Don't try stupid on me. You wallow in it for some reason. There is no such thing as one person being left alone to rule anything in this world except your castle if you pay the protection er... property tax. In your home you can ignore the rest of us for a while. Rule your damn self. Fart blue streaks and swing from a ceiling lamp. Self rule.

There cannot even be only one person. That person cannot stay sane in total isolation from others. Those that seek it are not sane and are often PTSD, like me. So I know

You blatter about what others "Should do", in meglo-manic prose.
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Self rule is not up to you to define. It has been defined in history and in practice.

You can call babies bathwater and throw it all out, but don't tell me I don't the difference.

Word have meaning but only in context and intent.

The lowest common denominator is the individual. If you want to believe that a group is an individual that is your right to be delusional.

You see, 12 eggs is a dozen. When they hatch they could refer to the group as "we", but they are not "I" .

One egg is an individual egg. He can crow and strut, but he is not WE, he is a single cock.

Cock a doer doo!!!!
Off your rock, buddy. Try to crawl back up.

Self rule is you being in charge your self which you don't seem to be.
Sorry, gotta put you back in the deep freeze for no content. I'll check back in a few years, but don't hold breath.
Off your rock, buddy. Try to crawl back up.

Self rule is you being in charge your self which you don't seem to be.

Self rule is the absence of an imposed ruler over the individual.

We're not to the part where you tell me you can beat me in arm wrestling yet are we? I'd like to savor this for awhile before you get all big arms on me. Please, just a little while longer on you telling me the group is an individual.
I said self rule and in my town I go down and buy from a store.

Can you?

Eat your words. I did not say this govt represents my interests.

We vote on everything and most votes stand. Those that don't are fought in court,

You just do NOT get what the difference is. This not a Parliamentary System. You have inter-locked not independent seats of power as we do.

A parliamentary system is a system of democratic governance of a state in which the executive branch derives its democratic legitimacy from, and is held accountable to, the legislature (parliament); the executive and legislative branches are thus interconnected. In a parliamentary system, the head of state is normally a different person from the head of government. This is in contrast to a presidential system in a democracy, where the head of state often is also the head of government, and most importantly: the executive branch does not derive its democratic legitimacy from the legislature.

So, knock off the instant expert Walt Mittying about it. You cannot understand it.

WE the people, legitimze the Preisdency as States. The Presdency is Completely independent and can VETO and Pardon. YOU HAVE NO IDEA what that means. to goverance.

Ireland has forced retirement and term limits for your Supreme Court. So your Court is not independent but interlocked as well.

Are you fucking kidding me?

You have the Demofags and the Republicunts...

Which one is your party?

Which one entirely represents "self rule" to you?

You're a fucking jackass, we've more elected independents than you have political parties.

That's self rule, dickhead.
Oh you are all super-butt-hurt that you think self rule is National elections.
That is the States and what the press lies about. Stupid you.
You don't even have independent branches of govt, fool.

Both your Exec and the Judges are in the pocket of the Legislature, retard.

There are no checks and balances and no legal pot.

If you are so free, how come I can got to the store to get a variety of THC products for a good price, and you cannot?

Tell ME!